Pressure-sensitive touchscreens are the next step

27 January, 2010
As the popularity of full-touch devices continues to grow rapidly, manufacturers are working as hard as they can on delivering better user experience. This latest innovation in the area concerns the...

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Yeah sure, it didint work out, 2015 probably will bring iPhone 6s with they force touch thing but again took 5 years for this to appear

    • v
    • v57
    • 3aB
    • 31 Jan 2010

    Snowboardfreak, 28 Jan 2010internet full of wise guys? yeah, u got that right! Tell m... moreyes man its true .means 3d tv is availeble but its also true if yuo watching tv need goggles.

      • v
      • v57
      • 3aB
      • 31 Jan 2010

      Punisher, 28 Jan 2010Ej man i don't want to argue with you. I have been fan of g... moreyes u r right. lg making that type of tv and might b avelable from after 2 mounth.

        • p
        • paul
        • q{g
        • 29 Jan 2010

        nawwwwww really!? i never would have guessed

          • p
          • point5
          • vj1
          • 29 Jan 2010

          This is a new technology.. looking forward for a good implementation of this in future touchscreen devices.

          I'm a Nokia fan, since day 1 i had a cellphone. Wish that Nokia would deliver this technology in their handsets.


            • p
            • punisher
            • miL
            • 28 Jan 2010

            heheh my grammar and spelling is not so great but i can do better from time to time just if i want to. and yesterday i was typing from iphone and its ridicules. english is not my native language but i dont put enough efford in to it. some words are difficult to remember how its spell. but i will try my best. sorry about that

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Acp
              • 28 Jan 2010

              y dont producers just get an optical touchscreen. its the best kind since it has all the advantages of resistive and capacitive. and its cheap. look at this list:
              - its as cheap as resistive (capacitive costs about 2x-4x as much!)
              - it can be more responsive than capacitive! (resistive is far less responsive)
              - supports multitouch (resistive doesnt, capacitive does)
              - can also be used as an ambient light sensor for display brightness (neither resistive nor capacitive can and require an additional sensor for this)
              - can easily expand to any screen size, idk y neonode kept their phones so small (resistive works better on larger screens, capacitive become too expensive on large screens)
              - can be used with anything (stylus, fingers, gloves...) (resistive can also but its not as responsive and capacitive only allows current conducting materials: fingers)
              - doesnt reduce the quality of the display (resistive for example uses several cheap plastic layers which scratch easily and make colors appear more faded especially under sunlight. capacitive also uses layers with electricity passing thru, but the quality of the display is not noticeably worsened by this)
              - detects motion/movements along the screen far better/faster than capacitive and resistive
              - all parts of the screen r equally responsive, (resistive for instance has the most responsive part in the middle since that is where the plastic bends the easiest. this makes touching corners and edges more difficult, especially if recessed. that is unfortunate since the options/menu/exit... r usually located at the edges/corners. also the smaller the resistive touchscreen, the harder for the plastic to bend as much so less responsive, or cheaper and more easily scratched. capacitive r also equally responsive around the screen)
              - can detect the center of the touch using algorithms resulting in far more accuracy. (resistive responds to the area with the most pressure and capacitive responds to where u 1st touched it and since it doesnt respond to nails, finding the center of the touch is pointless)
              - low power consumption (much less than capacitive, and resistive is also fairly close)
              - can be made v durable (especially if u consider resistive, capacitive is also fairly durable but when the screen cracks it wont work as well, this will)
              - calibration is not needed (resistive might require this from time to time on a large screen, idk about capacitive, probably eventually)
              - optical allows a thinner profile than resistive and optical
              - optical allows far more light transmittance than capacitive and resistive (so u can hv brighter screens)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • k6x
                • 28 Jan 2010

                and let me guess, Apple is the first company to do this too right? Even though there's a phone with it already just not out yet.

                  • p
                  • punisher
                  • miL
                  • 28 Jan 2010

                  now i didn't find article that i read but anyway here are some articles from year 2007, 2008 etc and links are in swedish and there is already axisting product WITHOUT goggles but i will try my best to find article that i've remembered.
                  here is final product
                  here is explanation about 3d without goggles how it works.




                  i will post the original final recent product article as soon i find it. just to prove my point.

                    • a
                    • ahhh???
                    • uCn
                    • 28 Jan 2010

                    led or should i say amoled is at least 5 times better than lcd.....lcd can't last longer because it use liquid type the lcd could be broken or splash easily

                      • h
                      • harinder
                      • PGj
                      • 28 Jan 2010

                      thats not so latest

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mhB
                        • 28 Jan 2010

                        punisher, 27 Jan 2010i don't think that is the next step. that is the present s... moreI doubt 3D will come any time soon to mobiles.
                        Because with your mobile you sometimes use landscape mode, sometimes portait, and that would require some really advanced screens.

                        and what would you use 3d in a mobile for?
                        if you try to touch the 3d picture from a screen, the illusion is broken. So it wouldnt add to the user experience.
                        Sure, for 3d movies a 3d-screen is a requirement, but with a screen that small you wouldnt really experience 3D.

                        you could use 3d to see whats underneath the edges of the display, but that 3d effect can be simulated on a normal display, with some aid of sensors. this way would be cheaper, and more practical.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mhB
                          • 28 Jan 2010

                          Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010I don't see how this is the next step? What's the differenc... morecan you prove that manufactors wont continue to produce products with resistiv screens? No you cant, cause most of them produce both alternatives.

                          Well, if I understood the article correctly, this is an extra function that can be added to a touchscreen, an pressure sensitive layer under the screen. This could be used about in the same way as blackberry done with their storm models... a way to confirm touches. Or a way to add another axis on the navigation.
                          An reistiv screen uses a layer to recognize a press. This technology recognize if you press hard or light, and this pressure isnt necerssarly used to recognize where on the display you pressed...
                          If ive understodd correctly, this technology could be combined with resistiv (newer versions that require less pressure) or capacitiv screens to recognize pressure att different levels. The resistiv/capacitiv technology would be used o identify where you want to press, and this technology to confirm that it was a press and not just an accedental touch.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mhB
                            • 28 Jan 2010

                            Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010I prefer capacitive over resistive any day. No need to cal... moreNo need for calibration, is because of the lack of accuracy! Several of resistiv divices out there has no need for calibration either (some dont even has it as an option).
                            Go feel the samsung jet and samsung omnia 2, they feel great on touch, and they are resistiv... they might not be the devices of your choice, but the technology used in their screens is great.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mhB
                              • 28 Jan 2010

                              SR, 27 Jan 2010It will probably be a tech that is not as responsive as eit... morewhat are you talking about? go check the samsung jet or omnia 2, they have what you want in terms of responsivnes combined with accuracy. resistivdisplays ofcourse.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mhB
                                • 28 Jan 2010

                                Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010you are being silly its obvious the screens are not capacit... morebut didnt the article state that this layer would be put underneath the display?
                                Then the touch-technology could very well be capacative, since this would just be another way to achieve what blackberrya done woth their storm devices... plus this one would have sensitvity levels and not require the display to move as much.

                                  • P
                                  • Punisher
                                  • miL
                                  • 28 Jan 2010

                                  Snowboardfreak, 28 Jan 2010internet full of wise guys? yeah, u got that right! Tell m... moreEj man i don't want to argue with you. I have been fan of gsmarena since beginning and don't want to trashtalk specially om this site. If you want to talk talk normal no cinicysm etc. We in Sweden are well informed and on our site it is Said that there is already 3D tv without goggles and its based on tecniuqe like 2 pictures at the same time and what makes it 3D is tjat human eye is manipulated by pulse or friquency so that brain see 2 different images at the same time one eye see one second eye see second image its all about manipulation. I'm not sure which company but its huge company like lg maybe its lg not sure. There for you don't need goggles and this is already old news its 4 or 5 months old news. I Will get you Link tommorow if you want. But yet again no bulling. This is no shity site.

                                    • S
                                    • Snowboardfreak
                                    • 4Ax
                                    • 28 Jan 2010

                                    Punisher, 27 Jan 2010O man, internet is full of wise guys. Where did i state tha... moreinternet full of wise guys? yeah, u got that right!
                                    Tell me now what 3D-TV out there uses NO googles! If there any then they r either just concepts, or cost well over $10000 and very experimental!
                                    All i see here is u looking at that article:,review-1490.html
                                    And u already expect that in the phone? Technology is just isn't there yet! sorry

                                      • P
                                      • Punisher
                                      • miL
                                      • 27 Jan 2010

                                      Snowboardfreak, 27 Jan 2010AMOLED and pressure sensitive screens r completely differen... moreO man, internet is full of wise guys. Where did i state that amoled and pressure is the same technology, where. I Said as My opinion that amoled is old, thats it. And believe me i know the difference. Second you are not informed and that pussis me of. There is 3D tv without googles. Read man just read the internet. No googles don't correct me .

                                        • S
                                        • Snowboardfreak
                                        • 4Ax
                                        • 27 Jan 2010

                                        punisher, 27 Jan 2010i don't think that is the next step. that is the present s... moreAMOLED and pressure sensitive screens r completely different technologies as one sides with imaging and the other with interaction.
                                        TMOS displays r the next step after AMOLED, not 3D thou. Don't confuse with 3D-TV cause those require goggles to 3D images to display, therefore who wants a phone that requires goggles to use?? not me