Windows Mobile is dead, long live Windows Phone 6 Starter Edition

17 February, 2010
If you thought Windows Mobile 6 was finally put to rest, guess again. It turns out there's a little something called Windows Phone 6 Starter Edition, which is headed to new and emerging markets and can be...

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  • a
  • tZt
  • 20 Feb 2010

Really.. Nokia symbian is all that we need..
I just wanna say a single line about Nokia sumbians that: "EVERY THING YOU NEED TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITHOUT KEEPING ALOT" !!
Yeah..!! Nokia symbs r0cks..!!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • jnM
    • 19 Feb 2010

    those who diss nokia and symbian really dont know anything about cellphones . thatgs it yack all you want. if it s so bad buy a nokia and learn

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PFx
      • 19 Feb 2010

      [deleted post]LoL Symbian^3 Smartphone still not release so how you try it??? LoL

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PFx
        • 19 Feb 2010

        finally the cr*ap OS dead LoL

          • S
          • Snowboardfreak
          • 4Ax
          • 19 Feb 2010

          Agreed, here is MORE pharaoh review:

          Seriously what happened to the old term of "Pocket PC" - i'm going Android!!
          btw, new Symbian^3, and BADA OS (with it's uglier iPhone icons - just like it's name) is not ANY better!!


            • m
            • mark
            • 3Wj
            • 18 Feb 2010

            well this looks chunky like a satellite 7 is the new thing so really windows 6 is dead.

            symbian is still cool. and android as well. shame they dont do a standard OS for all phones.

              • J
              • J.
              • ncY
              • 18 Feb 2010

              With all the comments, the one 3rd World Phone might be the best. Not because of what is suggested. But just think instead of sending a computer you can send them a Windows Phone, finaly a computer whit what they like to do most, calling with a mobile.

              If you are tired of your windows mobile i know a lot of people that would not mind having it.

              Maybe also the operators in those countries might think again, internet on a phone instead of all the costy lines that have to be put in place.

              Myself i like Android and Symbian, but let us be fair think like this and make people happy.

                • d
                • dakkk
                • MA5
                • 18 Feb 2010

                On the other hand, WinMob 6.5 is very stable and compatible with an extreme number of software applications. For a professional device, to be used in business this is perfect.

                I have symbian phone (e51) and I like it a lot but I do miss my old winmo - never ever had a problem, only hardware was failing. BTW. Hate micro usb.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • vp9
                  • 18 Feb 2010

                  ryu, 17 Feb 2010windows mobile is dead. long live symbian!!!!!!!!!!!!windows mobile is dead, windows phone rocks and symbian still stupid

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 2@y
                    • 18 Feb 2010

                    ryu, 17 Feb 2010windows mobile is dead. long live symbian!!!!!!!!!!!!Symbian sucks!

                      • t
                      • the killer
                      • u1t
                      • 18 Feb 2010

                      nice phone but a very dull phone

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Er2
                        • 18 Feb 2010

                        Anonymous, 17 Feb 2010WinMo is dead, long live WinPhoWinPhone might also be dead before it even gets released....

                        Who told the stupid company to "downgrade" basic features on WM6.0 to WM 6.1, by REMOVING the ability to choose the OS language, and the ability to use English OS to browse Chinese (and other language) characters.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • iAd
                          • 17 Feb 2010

                          WinMo is dead, long live WinPho

                            • r
                            • ryu
                            • 0Uk
                            • 17 Feb 2010

                            windows mobile is dead.
                            long live symbian!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PId
                              • 17 Feb 2010

                              Why does any body want a rebranded OS. whats wrong with Mobile 6.5.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Yc3
                                • 17 Feb 2010

                                Third world phone...who cares.

                                  • H
                                  • Herry
                                  • PAq
                                  • 17 Feb 2010

                                  its not surprised...!

                                    • V
                                    • VladKeeper
                                    • j7h
                                    • 17 Feb 2010

                                    Oh, is it gonna be the same as win 7 starter? no wallpaper, movie playback and other things that computer has to be able to do?
                                    I'm so not gonna be surprised. lol

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Mfx
                                      • 17 Feb 2010

                                      Well why not simply call it wPhone? Ha ok it's too "look like" to iPhone.

                                        • b
                                        • bosun99uk
                                        • fuN
                                        • 17 Feb 2010

                                        I believe Windows Phone 6 Starter Edition will come out extremely soon. Cos we know Windows Phone 7 series is coming out on phones in Dec 2010.

                                        Looks like something to while away time while we wait.