HTC exec on One A9's iPhone-like design: It's actually Apple who copied us

23 October, 2015
"It’s Apple that copies us in terms of the antenna design on the back," said HTC's North Asia President Jack Tong.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • X}Q
  • 23 Oct 2015

AnonD-252937, 23 Oct 2015Please, iPhone uses iPod touch 5gen design, HTC copied ipod... moreHTC copied what from iPod? The aluminum build? LOL. I can see why people think HTC copied Apple - simply for a fact that they didn't know M7 was launched before iPhone 6 and.... Fanboyism. Just get over it already, we already know who's the copycat.

    • D
    • AnonD-331351
    • PEq
    • 23 Oct 2015

    Ale, 23 Oct 2015Ok, you are wrong. Samsung may have helped take Android ... moreNobody buys an htc phone. It's rare. Look at the market share.
    But? Everybody buys a samsung phone. it's common. Again look at the market share.
    Without samsung android would be a loss project. And we might see some symbian phones in 2015.

      • A
      • Ale
      • gL@
      • 23 Oct 2015

      dlads, 23 Oct 2015At the end of the day, apple is the one who copies the most... moreYawn......every word of the drivel you have just spouted is your own small opinion only.

      As for this evidence you find so compelling, please state it????

      I just bought an iPhone 6S (sold my G4 to help fund it) and don't like being called a sheep, and as some one who has used the most recent (almost) version of Android available as well as the latest version of IOS 9 I can say they both offer compelling features (many based on idea's that originated in the other).

      At the end of the day they both copy each other. again you are all so obsessed with who started what that you are forgetting that as a consumer you are benefitting from it.

      If this competitive copying is upsetting you so much, might I suggest you get a job in your country's patent office, or join the army of blood sucking lawyers willing to fight years on end (for considerable sums of money) in the courts over those petty patent issues you have mentioned!!!!

        • d
        • dlads
        • GJe
        • 23 Oct 2015

        Ale, 23 Oct 2015The Galaxy S was launched after the HTC Legend and Desire, ... moreHow mis-informed are you?

        When the HTC Hero was released I had it and it was still better then that the iPhone (I think iPhone 2) was then, look at the OS then and now.

        Look at the list of changes between the operating systems and the amount of money you've paid in the meantime.

        Feeling robbed much?

          • d
          • dlads
          • GJe
          • 23 Oct 2015

          At the end of the day, apple is the one who copies the most.

          There is no disputing that as the evidence is simply so compelling.

          Not to mention their patent claims are so ridiculous and unlawful, not to mention untrue that they actually haven't got a clue what they're doing any more.

          And one other thing, lets have it right. Besides the "Innovations" taken completely from android which they've made in recent years as updates, how has their OS changed over the years? Short answer, it hasn't.

          Apple users get the minimum, they get whats on offer at the time, not what they will need, just what apple is willing to give away, they stopped innovating when Steve Jobs died.

          That is the truth behind apple, only sheep should apply.

            • A
            • Ale
            • gL@
            • 23 Oct 2015

            AnonD-411799, 23 Oct 2015android versions distribution facts. gingerbread was in and... moreI'm sorry, I'm not really sure of the point you are trying to make here???

            The link you have provided is to an article featuring chart of Android distribution......from June 2013???? (well into the Android 4.xx era)

            You are aware that Android was well and firmly established and a major player in the market as far back as 2010 right?????

            Simply put, this chart is in no way relevant to the point I can only assume you are trying to make.

              • D
              • AnonD-411799
              • utF
              • 23 Oct 2015

              AnonD-252937, 23 Oct 2015Please, iPhone uses iPod touch 5gen design, HTC copied ipod... moreIf they try mid-rangers with proper pricing they can gain back. didn't they made m7 flagship?
              introducing dual-camera on htc one m8 was a bad idea. keep it simple.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 7Xt
                • 23 Oct 2015

                AnonD-200996, 23 Oct 2015That might be true and Apple copied M8 design but i do not ... moreExactly... That could be one of the reason... They will ride on Apples fame to be exact... Gain attention... Marketing strat. Haha

                  • D
                  • AnonD-411799
                  • utF
                  • 23 Oct 2015

                  Ale, 23 Oct 2015The Galaxy S was launched after the HTC Legend and Desire, ... moreandroid versions distribution facts. gingerbread was in android mainstream!.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-252937
                    • Iaa
                    • 23 Oct 2015

                    Please, iPhone uses iPod touch 5gen design, HTC copied ipod touch design. and who cares? HTC is going to bankrupt in few years. poor camera has many issues with overpriced products.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • FdV
                      • 23 Oct 2015

                      The antenna, yes, everything else - HTC made the A9 look exactly like the Iphone 6, the colors, shape of almost all elements, and thought that they'd be fine if they moved the camera part (which along with flash looks like the Iphone 6) to the center instead of corner.
                      If you moved it back, and removed the HTC logo, it would look EXACTLY like the Iphone 6. That isn't even funny.

                        • A
                        • Ale
                        • gL@
                        • 23 Oct 2015

                        Adiyel, 23 Oct 2015I personally don't care. I love the idea that f having an a... moreYou make a fine point.

                        And yeah the A9 with the Snapdragon 620 would have been awesome, we will have to 'settle' for the 617, I am sure it's quite up to the job, at 1080p resolution the Adreno 405 is pretty potent.

                          • A
                          • Ale
                          • gL@
                          • 23 Oct 2015

                          AnonD-411799, 23 Oct 2015android was famous & substantially rocked from gingerbr... moreThe Galaxy S was launched after the HTC Legend and Desire, both of which land running Eclair.

                          And it was the Desire that became the first Android phone to be considered a viable alternative to the iPhone.

                          The Galaxy S was Samsung's first serious attempt at an Android flagship, but they would only have major success the following year with the S2.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-200996
                            • 8AD
                            • 23 Oct 2015

                            That might be true and Apple copied M8 design but i do not recall hearing HCT complaining about that. Except the camera lens location, the HTC is a plain from Apple. I bet they wanted this to happen so people could talk about the A9.

                              I personally don't care. I love the idea that f having an android in a iPhone she'll. Not because I want an iPhone, but because I like the size/look/feel of the 6/6s but want nothing to do with Apple or iOS. Most modern cars can only be distinguished by the lay person via the company logos; the designs themselves Ave blended so much that you can forget about telling all but the most iconic vehicles from one another.

                              I just wish they'd have waited for 618/620 so that the GPU could be more powerful...not that it's completely necessary. I'm not really concerned about the CPU, as it's good enough I think. As long as this thing stays optimized, I'll get it.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-324394
                                • LxI
                                • 23 Oct 2015

                                How can htc be the first to make a unibody design Sony made the unibody back in 2012 the Xperia P and the m7 looks similar to the P so idk what they talking about

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-411799
                                  • utF
                                  • 23 Oct 2015

                                  chris, 23 Oct 2015just to let you know it was htc that brough android into m... moreandroid was famous & substantially rocked from gingerbread android 2.3! htc's were using android 1.6 donut !. the orginal samsung galaxy s ran eclair & ginngerbread!.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-411799
                                    • utF
                                    • 23 Oct 2015

                                    Anonymous, 23 Oct 2015HTC was the first android phone maker, please google it !!do you know the meaning of "mainstream", i suggest you to google it.

                                      • A
                                      • Ale
                                      • gL@
                                      • 23 Oct 2015

                                      AnonD-411799, 23 Oct 2015htc brought android into mainstream...joke of year! It was ... moreOk, you are wrong.

                                      Samsung may have helped take Android to the 'next level' so to speak, but it was HTC that brought it to mainstream with devices such as the Dream (the first Android device), Hero, Legend and the original Desire.

                                      Samsung first gained major traction in the Android space with the Galaxy S2 (an all time classic if you ask me) but by then Android was already a major platform thanks to HTC.

                                        • A
                                        • Ale
                                        • gL@
                                        • 23 Oct 2015

                                        Anthony WW, 23 Oct 2015Well said and an intelligent read. Thanks. Fully agree and... moreThank you.

                                        I quite like what I am seeing in the A9, it's looks like a solid device, a tiny bit over-priced maybe at launch it would seem (but that could just be me expecting it to launch at less than £400 in the uk). But were I in the market for an upper mid-range device, this would currently be my number one choice over the Xperia Z5C, both have their advantages and disadvantages over the other, but ultimately I would go with the A9.

                                        Before Sony started offering good spec upper mid range devices in the Xperia Compact line, it was HTC that owned this bracket with phones such as the Legend and excellent One S, hopefully the A9 serves as a signal that HTC are ready to get back into this game.