iPhone OS 4.0 is now official with over 100 new features

8 April, 2010
The sneak peak event on iPhone OS 4.0 is now over. Steve Jobs was on stage and he promised tons of new stuff for the next-gen iPhone OS. There's multi-tasking, app folders, social gaming plus...

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  • i
  • iphone owner
  • mXQ
  • 08 Apr 2010

Anonymous, 08 Apr 2010Half of the people in the USA and beyond buy well publicize... moreNo. You're wrong. True geeks buy an expensive phone, then realise it has flaws, and then they go and slag off any other manufacturers phones in hope that they can convince themselves they made a good choice.

Non-Geeks and iphone users are cool about it ;)

    • i
    • iphone owner
    • mXQ
    • 08 Apr 2010

    Anonymous, 08 Apr 2010if the iphone is so great why in the world steve didnt ... moreWell, Flash isnt everything, and there's always the mighty HTML 5 to consider. =D

    And not all of those features added are great.

    I'm not arguing with Steve Jobs. And I'm certainly not arguing with the millions that have bought and enjoyed a device that does what it can, very well. The figures say it all.

    Tell me, why does Nokia/Samsung/SE keep releasing buggy phone after phone? And all this 5 years crap is nonsense. The N95 couldn't multitask, and it had software updates to make it possible. But then the N95 8gb came out. The N95, like the N97 were beta releases, but Nokia wouldnt say that would they?

      • i
      • iRokr
      • Pxx
      • 08 Apr 2010

      iPhone really rockzz.but need more rocking configuration in upcoming iPhone 4G.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • FJR
        • 08 Apr 2010

        Gosh, all these haters and antagonists.

        As for me, I am excited about these newly added features for the iphone which my iphone 3gs can avail as well. I like Apple's implementation of multitasking. It's energy efficient and makes practical sense. Although I really don't see myself needing to open multiple apps at the same time. I could barely keep up with other stuff going on in my life. It's always better to do things one at a time. You make less errors that way and make better results.

        To those saying that Apple is late in implementing these features. Apple is not about how soon they can implement a feature, they're about how well they can implement it with the adequate hardware and software specs to go along with it so it can run smoothly. Apple does not like to rush things just so it would look good on the spec sheet. That is what everybody's been doing. Just dumping whatever features into their devices even when it can cause their devices to crash and lag and give their users a frustrating experience. With the iphone, they make certain that the features run buttery smooth with little to none hang ups. And sometimes, that takes a longer time to achieve, which explains why it's only now that Apple is implementing these already known features.

        So to those who are hating. No one is forcing you to get the iphone. Stick with your symbian, winmo and android devices, and leave iphone users alone.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • ftI
          • 08 Apr 2010

          T.K, 08 Apr 2010yep ,all i phone haters or other persons must be filthy ri... moreHalf of the people in the USA and beyond buy well publicized-made-in-the USA devices before really thinking what to do with it. I personally consider those who believe strongly in the iphone the same million people who bought the DVD rewinder before realizing that they don't really rewind DVDs. Unfortunately the world is full of guys who are mislead by adverts and strongly believe they were never deceived. True geeks don't fall for such scams

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • M8T
            • 08 Apr 2010

            Instead of releasing a very mediocre stoneage update 4.0, Apple should work on improving iPhones horrible battery life, people actually talk on a phone Steve!

            And Apple needs to work on making the phone faster, it's slow as crap when you start filling memory, it goes whitescreen for a few seconds betewwn menus and apps, it's unacceptable that Nokia N95 has faster interface access to apps and menus than iPhone 3GS.

            Stop selling the same phone over and over again, fix it first! Or i'll be really mad!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pqx
              • 08 Apr 2010

              iphone owner, 08 Apr 2010Haters really don't get it. The iphone is the most used dev... moreif the iphone is so great

              why in the world steve didnt put all the great features that other phones has?

              if the iphone is so powerfull..

              why? because he wants to sell the same crap over and over and over...
              an to bring lame improvements ever year...

              NO FLASH for that "perfect" stupid safari browser
              and neither iphone 4g will have FLASH
              please buy the phone ... apple wants more money

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3iR
                • 08 Apr 2010

                steve jobs, 08 Apr 2010 And to wrap all up ... :)) You dont know dear iphone ... moreNo single word is wrong .. I greet you man!!

                  • i
                  • iphone owner
                  • mXQ
                  • 08 Apr 2010

                  Haters really don't get it. The iphone is the most used device for mobile data. The iphone has been given top marks by most reviewers. The iphone actually was a benchmark for other phone manufacturers, and It has taken 3 years for THEM to catch up. (in fact, there's still more to do)

                  It doesn't really matter though, because the haters will always put their hands over their ears and shout "lalalala" if you respond.

                  For me, I don't see any phones out there on the market that make me want to upgrade. Maybe next year with an Android phone.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3iR
                    • 08 Apr 2010

                    Really I'd like to know why Apple treats people as beggars. Improvements come out as fluid comes out of a drip. Does Apple make us a favor by producing something called iPhone?!!!

                    Actually what make iPhone something nice to have isn't the device itself, but its the wide range of apps available.

                    I'm a doctor and need iPhone bcz it has the best medical apps. Without these apps I see iPhone as a bad phone.

                    I hope Android developers will produce a good number of medical apps. and then no one can persuade me that there's a phone better than Nexus One

                      • s
                      • steve jobs
                      • pqx
                      • 08 Apr 2010

                      And to wrap all up ... :))

                      You dont know dear iphone users, no one hates you, no one wants your iphone...

                      Iphone is a phone made for fun, simple and easy, made for the great masses of the planet that dont think and whatch stupid shows on tv and pay for all the stupid things in the world.

                      I cant believe how steve managed to sell a crappy phone to an entire planet.... steve, i love you, please accept me as ur apprentice, i want to sell crap to...

                      Iphone is too expensive for what he does... without a contract its more expensive than a good laptop... wtf!!! a phone??!!! and with contract its outrageous ... to pay a minimum of 50 euros/month!!!!??? in case that iphone users dont know, from that 50 euros/month, apple takes a share... unacceptable, but than again .. steve rullez...

                      like so many people said iphone, even with os 4.0 still doesnt have the features of a 2005-2006 smartphone .... again... wtf??!!?!?
                      Yes the iphone looks great, awesome screen... but that's all ...!

                      How can this be ok?, normak? to pay for a contract free iphone 3gs over 700 euros???

                      and 1 more thing... u payed for the phone, its yours... why cant u access the files on the phone? to share photos, to used the internal memory as mass storage??? STEVE SAYS NO AND U ALL THINK THATS OK

                      THE IPHONE IS YOURS, YOU BOUGHT IT,

                      STEVE OWN YOU ALL

                      i cant hate you steve, your perfect, you can sell crap for money (alot of monet)...

                        • s
                        • simon
                        • Iax
                        • 08 Apr 2010

                        I'm an iPhone 3g user and I'm disappointed that some if the features won't work when I upgrade my software but I stil enjoy my phone. Yes there are phones out there that have better capabilities or features that the iPhone will get eventually, but that's not why I own it. It's got a fantastic interface and is only going to get better with the new models.

                          • B
                          • Barcode
                          • j8L
                          • 08 Apr 2010

                          Maemo still handles multi-tasking the best followed by WebOS, Android and symbian. Apple didnt introduce anything groundbreaking at all and then they copied Xbox Live.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TSD
                            • 08 Apr 2010

                            yawn Iphone 4? no more like Iphone Bore!.................sorry has Apple caught up to speed yet? No. I just love not having an Iphone not missing out whatsoever!! Im on route to getting an X10 so il be satisfied with that!! Android kicks Apples arse!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Lx8
                              • 08 Apr 2010

                              lol lol lol is this 4 real lol.iphone call that new features,that is so 5 years ago lol.not even real multitasking,same shape phone,no file manager.and just imagine g4tv fools are going to prase this crap.real hard core users use n900,thats the real deal. with real multitasking.iphone should ask nokia or htc 4 some advise lol.dont worry iphone,1 day u will get it lol lol.

                                • T
                                • T.KI
                                • 2Ir
                                • 08 Apr 2010

                                Anonymous, 08 Apr 2010I agree... WM has been doing this for years... Iphone just ... morerealli name me one phone model that is better in sale revenue or close to i phone any model x) ....

                                  • T
                                  • T.K
                                  • 2Ir
                                  • 08 Apr 2010

                                  Anonymous, 08 Apr 2010you know whawtever people might say about its features like... moreyep ,all i phone haters or other persons must be filthy rich to change phone again for juz design and different UI ,iphone prove that those things are not important at all, be wise.. , and talk abut hardware design look at N 91 for god sake when it announced i thought it was realli hot but when i see it outside it physically sux,apple is the opposite..it gets better on outside...ppl .it released a single phone in one year and all the other companies are trying to compete with it.. look at 3GS it was launched lik 1 year alrdy and people are trying to say it sux competiting with nexus one and mile stone and HD2 ..guess who use the most data service ,guess who got the sale revenue on top of the world x) if u have any other phone to compete juz check the sales revenue of ur phone model ....and think boom!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4Bb
                                    • 08 Apr 2010

                                    iphone rocks

                                      • s
                                      • simon
                                      • iL}
                                      • 08 Apr 2010

                                      will this o/s mess up my jailbroken 3gs?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • kNk
                                        • 08 Apr 2010

                                        ihate, 08 Apr 2010just few more years and maybe iphone will be some smartphone..I agree... WM has been doing this for years... Iphone just got this??? U still don't have muti tasking... All U have is services running in the background (sound and mail, etc.) No true apps running at the same time...
                                        WM is still the KING with Andriod second..................