iPhone 4G photos are real, the proof has been around for months

19 April, 2010
So, those iPhone 4G photos ARE real? It seems so and the proof has been around since the iPad launched, except no one noticed it at the time. Get ready... Update: More photos and a video!

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4TM
  • 21 Apr 2010

Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010THIS IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ... moreHow much will you bet to support your claims? The next gen iphone will have the highest display resolution. It would also have an modified A4 chip in it. Plus it will be using a patented ceramic glass-like back cover. You said dumb apps that no ones uses? Hahahaha. There are already billions of downloads from the apps store. Just shows how ignorant you are.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4TM
    • 21 Apr 2010

    Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010It's thicker than the 3GS: http://www.gsmarena.com/iphone_... more4th gen iphone is not thicker than the 3gs.

    4th gen iphone: 114.3 x 58.7 x 9.4 mm
    iphone 3gs: 115.5 x 62.1 x 12.3 mm

    Source GSM Arena specs comparison.

    Those cracks are due to misuse of some users. They sit on their iphones or they drop it. Other devices have worse quality issues than that. Plastic used on iphone 3g & 3gs are of higher quality compared to others. Unless of course you can tell me that other phones don't have any quality issues. Iphone's quality issues are nothing compared to the others.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4TM
      • 21 Apr 2010

      Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Don't know what display nokia copied, perhaps you show us t... moreUmmmm, can you show me my post that says anything about Apple suing nokia for something? And when did I say that no one is allowed to use resistive or capacitive screens? Are you on drugs?

      Again, you nokia trolls have been saying that your x6 sold 10 million units, but where's that official report? Give us a reputable link to back up your claims. You can't, because it is not true and is merely a make believe on your part.

      Iphone sold 7.4 units in the last quarter of 2009. Source: http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/10/19results.html

      What did you say? Nokia does not need to advertise their sales? Lol. All of them have financial reports here in GSM. And it is not called advertisement, it's basically a financial report that all of them post for public viewing. Show me an Apple ad that shows how many units they've sold. You nokia trolls are so good in twisting things around. How desperate.

      The iphone is doing really well thank you. Iphone sales rose to 131% in the first quarter of 2010. So how can you say that it failed? Hahahaha. You nokia trolls are delusional. Well, that's what hate, bitterness and jealousy can do to a person :)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4Ax
        • 21 Apr 2010

        if someone reports my comments, they will find themselves DEAD the next day!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4TM
          • 21 Apr 2010

          Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Your link is perfect: http://www.ppcgeeks.com/2010/02/09/b... moreOf course Apple would refer to them as iphones? What else would they refer them to?

          Where is your link to support your claim that the X6 sold 10 million units? You don't have any, so you are merely making up those numbers.

          And who are you to disqualify iphone 3g not to be a smartphone? Multitasking is not in the definition of a smartphone. And for your information, iphone 3g does multitask on selected apps. Are you that desperate that you come up with your own personal smartphone criteria and believe it to be the accepted standard? lol.

          Sorry, but as much as I like this site, its statistics are not to be trusted. I mean come on, you see phones on here that have not been released and have high performance ratings, lol.

          And also I cannot believe you're using an anti-iphone blog site as a link to support your findings that the next gen iphone is copied from a nokia device, and your other findings as well, hahahaha, that is something that a stupid person would do.

          I will get the 4g, and I think only nokia trolls like you would mistake it to be a nokia device.

          You should feel sorry for yourself for totally losing your mind, caused by your extreme jealousy of the iphone's success that your nokia devices could not match. Sleep well, hahahahaha

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Er2
            • 21 Apr 2010

            Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Don't know what display nokia copied, perhaps you show us t... morestrange for the fact where I live (NOT US!), where X6 has been available about the same time with Europe, I have NEVER seen anyone using it, while at least 4~6 touchscreen devices are being iphones.

            So I wonder where all the X6's were "shipped" to?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4Ax
              • 21 Apr 2010

              dis phone will never be capable of 720p and surround sound and crazy speed of i8910 HD (real HD) cause apple os NOT CAPABLE. Heck if they do manage to pull out this WVGA res, they will BREAK all their apps (their only advantage), and throw themselves to hel!!!
              So, y do ppl even bother reading this article?...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4Ax
                • 21 Apr 2010

                THIS IS FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                I'm not even ginna bother reading thus crap
                And for thlove of god, THERE IS NEVER AND I REPEAT NEVEEEEER GONNA BE iPhone HD cause apple is all for casual users and WAY too behind other companies tech-wise ,couph *HTC/Samsung* cough, period!!!
                All they good is for making dumb apps that noone even uses

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pqB
                  • 21 Apr 2010

                  Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010And where's your proof that this is Apple's marketing? You... moreIt's thicker than the 3GS:

                  I sure hope the materials are as premium as before:

                  Cheap plastic sure comes in many collors and textures :))))

                    • t
                    • thatoneguy
                    • P}v
                    • 21 Apr 2010

                    Looks like a smaller version of LG's GW900!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4TM
                      • 21 Apr 2010

                      Nisse, 21 Apr 2010If this is the best Viral marketing Apple can come up with ... moreAnd where's your proof that this is Apple's marketing? You're speculating. Tell Apple to go back to school once you earn as much as they do ok. The design is not bad at all. It's even thinner than the current iphone. Also, the materials used are premium. How much would you bet to support your claim that the iphone is going downhill? You're dumb.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pvZ
                        • 21 Apr 2010

                        Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010First of all your nokia device looks fat. Second, the ipho... moreDon't know what display nokia copied, perhaps you show us the exact patent apple is suing for :))

                        As far as I know everyone is allowed to use resistive/capacitative as they wish.

                        As for X6 outselling both iPhones it's obvious N and E series sold 10 mil and the X6 another 10 mil, it was christmas ;)

                        So be so kind and inform us at the end of the year how iPhone sold since the entire last year I heard how good it sales only to see pathetic results compared to nokia or balckberry.

                        Nokia doesn't need to advertise sales during the years, smart users choose nokia because of excellent user experience and features not because it sells good (but unfortunately for you it sells better than anything else aswell :)))

                        I can barely wait to see how, a device inspired by a failed brick that has been a saleing failure (nweton) and looking like 3 year old nokia, will do :)))))

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pqB
                          • 21 Apr 2010

                          Anonymous, 21 Apr 2010Nokia trolls are a bunch of liars. Iphone 3gs sold 8.7 m... moreYour link is perfect:

                          I know you searched a lot for it but it clearly shows the editor's confusion with 3G/3GS... and if you were to look at apple's site they simply refer to them as iPhones.

                          Facts: X6 released DECEMBER! in Q4 sold 10.1 million units (wow, outsold two iPhone devices in one month :))
                          Facts: Both 3G and 3GS sold 8.7 mil together (and were for sale the whole q4)
                          Facts: Nokia sold 70 million smartphones + 350 million phones
                          Facts: Apple sold 24.9 iPhones out of which a lot represented 3G that will not receive multitasking and can't qualify as a smartphone

                          Here on GSMArena statistics Neither 3G or 3GS nor Apple have made it into the statistics, thing that shows clearly that people are not interested in iPhone and you're the only poor soul who does: http://www.gsmarena.com/stats.php3

                          Last but not lest, in a desperate effort to revitalize sales, apple made 4G look like one of Nokia's classics: http://tiny.cc/TheiPhoneFever

                          You can also read how desperate apple is as it managed to convince the chinese government to accept wifi in their iPhones: http://goo.gl/HRQS :(no communist countries do not allow that just like this, but perhaps they liked the communist appstore)

                          The only argument for such bad sales is the ce@ppy user experience and very limited features it provides: http://goo.gl/OkAB

                          Now go get the 4G but don't be surprised if people ask you:
                          "is that an original NOKLA you have there?" or
                          "hey, that looks a lot like the N810, my grandpa used to have one of those years ago!"

                          I'm sorry for your disappointment in the APPLE NOKLA 4G design,
                          Have a nice evening :)

                            • N
                            • Nisse
                            • S3b
                            • 21 Apr 2010

                            If this is the best Viral marketing Apple can come up with id brainwash the PR department and send them back to school. This max 2 cents better than unveiling the 4G version in granpa's underwear. As far as design goes its the most dull Apple product since Mac II. If this is true (which i doubt) Apple is going downhill.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4TM
                              • 21 Apr 2010

                              george yum, 21 Apr 2010I do not believe iPhone was lost or stolen. With Apple it i... moreIt didn't power up because Apple disabled it through Mobile Me. Apple might have awesome marketing strategies, but they don't have to go this kind of antic just so the iphone can be talked about. It's not like the iphone has lost its popularity. Obviously it has not.

                                • g
                                • george yum
                                • whw
                                • 21 Apr 2010

                                I do not believe iPhone was lost or stolen. With Apple it is all part of marketing plan, like teaser announcement. That is also why it does not power up. All fake story, and Apple know how to get free promotion around their products. Bravo!

                                  • c
                                  • craigy29
                                  • PUa
                                  • 21 Apr 2010

                                  I like the look of this iPhone 4G/HD if it's going to be the real deal.

                                  The only thing I'm worried about is the microsim card slot. To my understanding the microsim card is a lot smaller then the current simcards, therefore people like me who are on a mobile plan but wish to buy the new iphone 4g outright, we may not be able to buy it cause our current simcard won't be accepted in the new iphone and I don't know if your carrier would allow you to swap simcards if you are not buying the new iphone through them. So Im al little worried there.

                                  I'm with Vodafone Australia currently with iPhone 3G S and I haven't heard anything from them about introducing a microsim.

                                  Does anyone know anymore information regarding this issue.



                                    • y
                                    • yoe
                                    • RIJ
                                    • 21 Apr 2010

                                    looks like another replica phone to me..
                                    i would expect the new iphone to be thinner and lighter..
                                    looking at the video, they did not turn it on..it is always off.
                                    iphone fans out there... we expect better and better..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • FJT
                                      • 21 Apr 2010

                                      By Gregg Keizer
                                      April 20, 2010 07:42 PM ET
                                      Computerworld -Apple reported record iPhone sales today, marking the third consecutive quarter the company has reset the bar for its smartphone. The company also sold a record number of Macs for the first calendar quarter of any year.
                                      "They sold an enormous number of iPhones," said Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with Technology Business Research.
                                      In the quarter than ended March 31, Apple sold 8.75 million iPhones, a 131% increase over the same quarter the year before; and 2.94 million Macs, up 33% compared with last year's first quarter.

                                      Source: http://mobile.computerworld.com/device/article.php?CALL_URL=http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9175861/Apple_s_iPhone_sets_sales_record_up_131_

                                      Now show us sales report of Nokia n900 and X6 in the 1st qtr of 2010, hahahaha.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • ijZ
                                        • 21 Apr 2010

                                        If a fat chick drops a iphone in the forest, does anyone laugh?