iPhone 4G photos are real, the proof has been around for months

19 April, 2010
So, those iPhone 4G photos ARE real? It seems so and the proof has been around since the iPad launched, except no one noticed it at the time. Get ready... Update: More photos and a video!

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  • g
  • george
  • Sa%
  • 20 Apr 2010

if is was real, the person holding it should switch it on. as loang as we havent seen it working most possibilities are to be fake.

    • j
    • jasdeep
    • KFM
    • 20 Apr 2010

    Anonymous, 20 Apr 2010I still stand w/ what I've said in the past that I don't ne... morehey man who said u that american products r greatest.the best technology cums frm japan and after that it is germany and america is no where near to them.the main reason for apple's success is their apps. Without them apple wud hav been kicked out of this world long time ago.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • TIG
      • 20 Apr 2010

      The design is a radical change but towards to wrong direction. It now looks so Nokia N series-ish especially the bronze coloured sides and black front and back remind me of N81, N78 etc

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pkI
        • 20 Apr 2010

        its fake so ....

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • S35
          • 20 Apr 2010

          What wud b d cost of 4g I ph... Dey r 2 xpensiv.... Can any1 gift me 1.... ;)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • FJT
            • 20 Apr 2010

            Anonymous, 20 Apr 2010I think some die hard Apple fans (certainly I'm not one, an... moreI still stand w/ what I've said in the past that I don't need high mp on my phone, UNLESS, it can actually match my Canon camera. Let's be realistic, no one will give away their 5mp standalone camera for a phone w/ a 5mp camera. Phones do not have the powerful lenses of standalone cameras. But hey, if Apple is able to improve its camera features, it is a welcomed addition. Same logic w/ video calling. I don't need it on my phone. I don't even use it on my laptop, but then again, if Apple is able to add it in and make it work like it does on a laptop, why not? But even w/out it, I would still update to the 4th gen iphone. It is what matters most to you as a user that really counts.

            I wouldn't say that everything in the US is the greatest. But I will say that whatever works best for me in my country is the greatest for me. It may not work for you, so you go ahead choose a device that works for you. It's silly for anyone to argue w/ somebody who is in different situation than they are and force their needs into the other person who does not need it.

            Apple has envisioned what the iphone should be like and how it should work. That is their right as a company. If you don't like it, don't buy it. But no one should say that they're dumb for not including this and that.

            America is not responsible for the needs of the resf of the world. Other countries can do whatever they want their products. Now if I like it, I will buy it.

              • D
              • Deep space bar
              • kDi
              • 20 Apr 2010

              Anonymous, 20 Apr 2010Ummm how can you even try html5 for youtube? Is there even... moreGo get the n900 and then try it the html5 beta is sad flash 9.4 and soon 10.1 still loads quicker and looks better and doesn't use a ton of battery like html5 does

                • R
                • Rae
                • 4A{
                • 20 Apr 2010

                this phone is real. if anyone believes its not your just an idiot. really. this device is a prototype designed to look like a 3gs>>> the final product will look slightly different... possibly with a much larger screen.

                  • o
                  • oceanil
                  • ii1
                  • 20 Apr 2010

                  Im with the other guy who said he doesn't care about it and im with him neither do i. so what.. they've got 4g, i wouldn't care if there 5g with i phone. They're stuck with the same old design, now for 4( all of their models). They just keep updating the features, the onces which are released and set by other phones years ago and some stupid standalone solitary system. I wonder why people keep falling for that...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Er2
                    • 20 Apr 2010

                    Anonymous, 20 Apr 2010Apple will not change their ways just because there people ... moreI think some die hard Apple fans (certainly I'm not one, and I DO NOT foresee myself using any iphone anytime soon) said something about "iphone users don't need better cams" when iphone 3G was out with 2 megapixel cam.

                    Then what happened? One of the "selling point" was the "improved" cam.

                    I missed video call with my wife when Apple, who I believe certainly had the tech, (purposely) DID NOT put the front cam for video call on iphone 3G. Now what do we have? I thought some people said iphone users never needed one. And now what do we have on iphone 4G/HD?

                    Even iphone may have a built-in radio "someday", chances are I'll still stick with my Motorola phones.

                    But just bcoz you're an American and you think everything about America is the greatest, guess you never thought about a world without the rest of the countries and their people....and you might get an answer from Apple how it would do without sales from overseas.

                    Just bcoz all American radio stations are on the net, that doesn't mean everybody else does in this world. You've unlimited data plan, so do where I live! And hey, I pay US$50 with over 1600 mins of talk time per month.

                    But not all iphone users would want / need unlimited data plan, and for ladies (in any case, ask your better half), if you ever ask them if they would spend the $ for unlimited data or...a good purse or accessory or shoes, chances are they won't like the unlimited data plan.

                    My English is probably poor enough that doesn't show I used to live in US, or the fact I adore American phones from Moto to Apple. Still, I don't like how many Americans perceive themselves being the best at EVERYTHING so the needs of others in the world should be IGNORED.

                      • s
                      • sekundes @_@
                      • 9Lb
                      • 20 Apr 2010

                      craig, 20 Apr 2010still not convinced, looks like two china iphone fakes appl... morethat's what they do in marketting to keep it hyped andh ave people discuss it.. this kinda marketting ploy has been going on for ages, not just with apple.

                      snyways, dontcha thunk it effective?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • t7X
                        • 20 Apr 2010

                        sekundes @_@, 20 Apr 2010with freedom comes responsibility... anyways, you dont H... moreI thought u wud say Power comes great Responsibility.like peter parker..

                        Hey Man,dnt get to serious.i guez its nt d first time u had encounter Trolls.

                        Sometimes trolls know more than any of u ho plays Know-it-aLL Person.All-knowing person sometimes shows insecurities..

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t7X
                          • 20 Apr 2010

                          anish, 20 Apr 2010I think apple is coming in the way of nokia.(multitasking,f... moreYah.i believe so,apple now starts copying nokia's way of making a phone..anyway what are in Iphone were stolen thngs for nokia.i guess Apple will starting paying whats due for nokia

                            • B
                            • Bobber
                            • kS9
                            • 20 Apr 2010

                            Looks like the ID has caught up with Nokia. Check out the n96 and the new iPhone. http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n96-pictures-2253.php. One is a dual slide and one is a monoblock. Now if Nokia would copy the iPhone flow...

                              • @
                              • @@
                              • wc7
                              • 20 Apr 2010

                              I like the new iPhone 4G/HD... the looks good... these is actually plan by Apple to Leak the prototype of upcoming iPhone 4g/HD to get the hype for there new creation... i can't wait to see the actual iPhone if there is...

                                • a
                                • anish
                                • 95H
                                • 20 Apr 2010

                                I think apple is coming in the way of nokia.(multitasking,front cam.....) all the new features are already in nokia phones

                                  • j
                                  • jjsoviet
                                  • qJm
                                  • 20 Apr 2010

                                  craig, 20 Apr 2010still not convinced, looks like two china iphone fakes appl... moreLooking at the sides of this supposed prototype, I can't help but remind something of this design... the Fiio E7 DAC/Amplifier.


                                  See for yourself, the tacky side buttons are undeniably similar.

                                    • c
                                    • craig
                                    • TSG
                                    • 20 Apr 2010

                                    still not convinced, looks like two china iphone fakes apple would never be so stupid to let a prototype out someone would loose thier job over it

                                      • B
                                      • BAKAKO BOY!
                                      • 9xH
                                      • 20 Apr 2010

                                      [deleted post]you should buy an iphone first b4 u make coment..ok..?especialy those who are ignorant peoplle.but my iphone 4g??40k.?

                                        • s
                                        • sekundes @_@
                                        • PMT
                                        • 20 Apr 2010

                                        with freedom comes responsibility...

                                        anyways, you dont HAVE an iphone nor do I and that does not give us the right to speak on the OWNERS' behalf of how crappy their phone is.. let them decide for their own.. if you want freedom then let them have a share of their own.