Samsung presents W960 AMOLED 3D - the first phone with 3D display

06 May, 2010
It was only a matter of time before we see the first mobile phone with 3D-capable display and it’s hardly a surprise the device comes from Samsung. The SCH-W960 AMOLED 3D doesn’t require glasses...

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  • babingepot
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  • 06 May 2010






    • J
    • Jef
    • n{%
    • 06 May 2010

    I like sammy, 06 May 2010at least they are not like nokia who update their phones an... moreThe LG prada was the most worthless phone ever maked ! I bought it from a friend for about 20 Euro (25/30 USD)) and although the cheap price I found that I bought some trash !

      • p
      • punisher
      • 38G
      • 06 May 2010

      i was one of the i8910 victims. but not anymore.

        • S
        • SE 2010
        • kJq
        • 06 May 2010

        I like sammy, 06 May 2010at least they are not like nokia who update their phones an... moreI'm not going to reply on the offensive language you described me with. However, I totally agree with your last 2 sentenses. Well said man, and I respect you because you said the truth because there are a lot of samsung blind fans that defend the company and never use their brain properly but your not one of them.

        Indeed samsung needs to give more time for the customers and start to support them and stop this nonsense with releasing a huge amount of cellphones just to gain profit.

        Good day man :)

          • c
          • carlos
          • psn
          • 06 May 2010

          seem that Samsung are always the first One Maker puting something ! i mean first then the others

            • a
            • asterisk
            • p4d
            • 06 May 2010

            First phone with 3D screen was Hitachi H001 for KDDI network in Japan, with WVGA not crapy WQVGA resolution

              • I
              • I like sammy
              • LaL
              • 06 May 2010

              at least they are not like nokia who update their phones and the symbian platform is still crap lol :P and please,people,why are you so angry at samsung for releasing things that other companies havent got? If iPhone is such an innovation,why did it come after the LG Prada which was the first handset with a capacitive touch display? U can easily say apple copyed LG. By the,does anyone noticed that ,,SE 2010'' is a little off balance? Why are you so frustrated man? ''Do you think samsung have the brains to invent something by their own of course not.'' That makes you one of the dumbest people out there. What about the Super AMOLED? WHat about this 3D phone? don't say that samsung copyed this feature cause it will make people feel sorry for u. And I heard a lot of people complaining about design...HOW THE HECK DO U WANT A TOUCHSCREEN PHONE TO LOOK LIKE? But I agree that samsung shoult take it easy whit the announcement of so many handsets.They should release fewer phones and support them more carefully :)

                • E
                • Eddie's Android
                • Rbq
                • 06 May 2010

                Samsung sucks, 06 May 2010Using Samsung phones felt like you're using a beta version ... moreCouldn't have said it better myself! Samsung and their unsupported gatdgets

                  • S
                  • Samsung sucks
                  • 2An
                  • 06 May 2010

                  Using Samsung phones felt like you're using a beta version of their phones. It is sold "as is". Once they dump a phone on the market, they move on to their next project. After-market support just doesn't exist in Samsung.

                  Everytime you saw something cool by Samsung, always remember the poor saps who jumped the gun early and bought the i8910.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 9x0
                    • 06 May 2010

                    Samsung always innovating!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PAc
                      • 06 May 2010

                      ah who need dumb phone. now SMART phone era

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 0U$
                        • 06 May 2010

                        shut up!
                        W960 name is for Korean market only
                        copy from SE? SE is a child

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0U$
                          • 06 May 2010

                          Samsung Rocks

                            • s
                            • shunky
                            • Sgv
                            • 06 May 2010

                            iDood, 06 May 2010Funny thing is... we got apple fanboys (and other fanboys t... moreexactly what my original point was trying to get across! thank you.

                            You reckon if we hooked it into a tardis we could get 4D phones? lol

                              • i
                              • iDood
                              • 95V
                              • 06 May 2010

                              Funny thing is... we got apple fanboys (and other fanboys too) in here bashing Samsung, talking about copied design and stuff...

                              err... WTF? Why is no one talking about the freakin 3D technology? This is the FIRST 3D mobile phone, NO GLASSES required. What does Apple got to do with it?

                              Stop trying to label everything after iPhone, iSheeps. Look at this phone for what it is, a 3D handset.


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Kx6
                                • 06 May 2010

                                Samsung official release mentions this phone as SAMSUNG SCH-W960 AMOLED 3D and it's working on CDMA netwotk, not GSM network (SCH is Samsung's nomenclature for CDMA phones).
                                so, if your country does not have any CDMA network operator, you should ignore this phone.

                                  • S
                                  • Shunky
                                  • Sgv
                                  • 06 May 2010

                                  [deleted post]there was no shouting, just some exasperation at comments that are being posted here that try to say that only one company is the best and that everyone else is automatically rubbish, or that everyone is constantly trying to copy the iphone. these posts bug the bejesus out of me. there is no best. no-one has got it right. i doubt anyone ever will. let's just try to be happy with what we have and be free to make our choices until the day comes that the perfect mobile is released. even then it probably will have iphone fan boys saying it was copied from the iphone! lol : )

                                    • R
                                    • Rima
                                    • prm
                                    • 06 May 2010

                                    ha ha ha

                                    SE 2010 is Jealous .

                                    go sammy . you are the best company .

                                    cheers .

                                      • s
                                      • shunky
                                      • Sgv
                                      • 06 May 2010

                                      SE 2010, 06 May 2010Samsung are copying digital cameras + Samsung are copying l... moreSo by your reckoning they are all copying alexander graham bell cos he invented the first telephone and nothing is good enough to stand up to his first accomplishment. technology gets made, others pick it up and then improve on it, that is how technology moves on.
                                      Get over it!

                                        • S
                                        • SE 2010
                                        • kJq
                                        • 06 May 2010

                                        Samsung sucks, 06 May 2010They kept releasing a new phone every two days. They relea... moreExactly man!! They went crazy recently and they are releasing phones like no other company. Even nokia don't release this amout of phones! Also at least Nokia has a very good support update system.

                                        While samsung keep releasing phones just for profit! And the last they care about is the customer. Samsung are getting greedy lately and if they continue this way I think their market share will drop the same way LG dropped.