Samsung presents W960 AMOLED 3D - the first phone with 3D display

06 May, 2010
It was only a matter of time before we see the first mobile phone with 3D-capable display and it’s hardly a surprise the device comes from Samsung. The SCH-W960 AMOLED 3D doesn’t require glasses...

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  • S
  • SE 2010
  • kJq
  • 06 May 2010

Samsung are copying digital cameras + Samsung are copying laptops + Samsung are copying mobiles. Samsung lives by copying others, They have nothing to do with innovation.

They copy/paste and add and then present it for the people as if it was something new. Well guess what not good enough :)

    • S
    • Samsung sucks
    • 2An
    • 06 May 2010

    They kept releasing a new phone every two days. They release them and then abandon them. They should focus more on releasing firmware for their buggy phones.

      • S
      • SE 2010
      • kJq
      • 06 May 2010

      Samsung copy apple's UI and design + Samsung copy SE names.

      Don't you guys get it already??
      Samsung exist my copying others and adding their own technology
      hehe. Do you think samsung have the brains to invent something by their own of course not. And by the way the first OLED TV was presented by sony in 2008. So don't you samsung guys come to me and talk about innovation.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • IB8
        • 06 May 2010

        hey samsung, do us all a favour and stop stealing sony ericsson's model names. It may be discontinued but it still exists.

          • d
          • dee
          • MA8
          • 06 May 2010

          arent motorola coming out with their 3d flip design, and didnt they patent it???

            • M
            • Mj
            • iyB
            • 06 May 2010

            Why does Samsung steal product names from Sony Ericsson??
            The W960 was one of the best walkman phones ever made and still is!
            Oh well I would accuse them of stealing if I were Sony Ericsson. Maybe they can make a bit more profit this year hehe ^^

              • N
              • Niraj
              • KFM
              • 06 May 2010

              Hope Nokia should also implement this type of screen on their upcoming flagship device..

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • RbX
                • 06 May 2010

                now this is a nice new feature unlike anything iphone could ever do. Apple makes old technology look new. Apple SUX!!! Apple would probably make a screen where you needed special Apple proprietary glasses just to watch. LOL!!! Apple is Rotten. LOL!!! Go 3D screens without glasses!!!

                  • J
                  • J Cameron
                  • phk
                  • 06 May 2010

                  My initial vision for Avatar was for it to be viewed on a device like this! I do not support Apple I-"Phone", they are keeping users in a 4 year old technology purgatory, from which I beleive they will never escape :(

                    • s
                    • shunky
                    • Sgv
                    • 06 May 2010

                    Anonymous, 06 May 2010Have you seen the Galaxy S???!! For gods sake! It's a fkn i... morecome on, how many different designs are thee for touchscreen phones with a screen this size. This, and other samsungs, are an evolution from all their previous handsets going back to the likes of the F700 in the UK (released just before the iphone!) - it had a slide out qwerty keyboard, but otherwise the form factor is pretty much the same. Where else are you going to position the camera? most manufacturers have their camera in a similar position, again since before iphone was released, so where is the copying of the iphone.
                    don't get me wrong - the iphone has been good for the smartphone market making everyone try and improve their support systems - but it is not the be all and end all of the market, and apple will need to come up with some of their own innovations to keep up or they soon will be someone who used to be popular. it's happened to them before!

                      • A
                      • Arv
                      • utV
                      • 06 May 2010

                      thanks for the article i requested

                        • l
                        • leonmark
                        • vaP
                        • 06 May 2010

                        hope i can watched avatar in 3d again with this phone :D

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uSN
                          • 06 May 2010

                          shunky, 06 May 2010just wondering how this is copying the iphone?!?!?!?! where... moreHave you seen the Galaxy S???!! For gods sake! It's a fkn iPhone-wanna-be! Don't get me wrong here. I do think Samsung have good specs and all but dam just look at the whole design of Galaxy S and the UI. The way the menu has 4 icons on the bottom and scrollable on the top, the camera placement, the way the back is curved... I mean come on! Even their Wave's UI is resembling the iPhone. Heck the it's like every phone they have are starting to. =.=

                            • S
                            • Steve S
                            • phk
                            • 06 May 2010

                            will it play Jaws: 3D ????

                              • l
                              • leonmark
                              • vaP
                              • 06 May 2010

                              maybe the screen will be used also by nintedo in their upcoming handled console called nintendo 3DS..

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • UGj
                                • 06 May 2010

                                [deleted post]yes, wait till apple has 3D, and it will be called innovation right? what ever innovation before apple implementation is just redundant, thats what i feel from apple fans comments. No one realise that for apple products to work, it requires the Innovation of samsung researcher to come up with even better technology before apple could adopt it. so who is the innovator here? without these, i guess iphone would only have 1 mb internal memory

                                  • S
                                  • Star
                                  • PBR
                                  • 06 May 2010

                                  Number 1 mobile innovator..
                                  Indonesia must learn from Samsung

                                    • s
                                    • shunky
                                    • Sgv
                                    • 06 May 2010

                                    [deleted post]just wondering how this is copying the iphone?!?!?!?! where is apple's 3d screen technology? wake up and smell the world not really caring about the iphone! 1 phone in 3 years with technology that is always behind the rest of the world. so you have an apps store. woohoo! others are catching up now, just look at android. and as for the apps store, apple may now be in trouble with antitrust laws.
                                    rant over!

                                      • N
                                      • Nuruddin
                                      • 04W
                                      • 06 May 2010

                                      AMOLED srceen it's just awesome and let you hate LCD TFT

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • wce
                                        • 06 May 2010

                                        Where are you Apple??? Revolutionized the mobile world??? Beside multi touch, nothing is No.1 for iPhone.