Samsung Galaxy Note 6 rumored to come with whopping 6GB RAM, 5.8-inch display

16 February, 2016
Its predecessor, the Note5, has 4GB RAM and 5.7-inch display.

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  • c
  • chaser
  • SvB
  • 16 Feb 2016

AnonD-387078, 16 Feb 2016Should make a windows 10 version with 3gb ram will work bet... moreyou're goddamn right!

    Ok... So... Why do a phone need 6GB of RAM? Won't 4GB usually enough? My phone only has 2GB and running quite smooth on M. I can imagine 4GB will be butter-smooth. Yet OEM still push higher and higher. For tablets, I can understand. But phone?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pWQ
      • 16 Feb 2016

      AnonD-387078, 16 Feb 2016Should make a windows 10 version with 3gb ram will work bet... moreYou should've written "than" instead of "then". :) And this should at least be 6-inches to be interesting for me personally... Getting close, though. Haven't seen any lag or hang on my Nexus, so absolutely no idea using those names for Android. It's not 2011 anymore.

        • G
        • George
        • g5b
        • 16 Feb 2016

        AnonD-387078, 16 Feb 2016Should make a windows 10 version with 3gb ram will work bet... morelagroid lol dont know which android phone you been using pal, but either way id rather have a bit of lag and a much more powerful device than any windows phone is capable of, thanks and bye!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 2CF
          • 16 Feb 2016

          My 6S plus only had 2gb ram and it literally can't be made to lag. Even my old iPhone 6, was awesome and I think that had 1gb.. 6gb ram for mobile that funny

            • M
            • Micro SD Slot?
            • Sf{
            • 16 Feb 2016

            If no SD card slot, even it can fly and hit enemies with laser rays, we don't care!

              • D
              • AnonD-387078
              • KIw
              • 16 Feb 2016

              Should make a windows 10 version with 3gb ram will work better then lagdroid

                • D
                • AnonD-462236
                • P%v
                • 16 Feb 2016

                with a whopping price tag and TouchWiz too

                  if that one only came with 4000+ battery and max 1080p resolution. it would be a great upgrade from note5. but if they use 2k or 4k resolution and max 4000 battery, it isnt really an upgrade :/

                    If this could Mirror Wireless Chrom OS(or any Lightwighted Desktop OS) as an additional option since it has enough RAM....(and good amount of Graphic Processor), it could very well be an option for semi-professionals to use this as a single device!!!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • X{6
                      • 16 Feb 2016

                      AnonD-388073, 16 Feb 2016There should be an optinal Google play edition with note fe... moreI think so u have not tried the new touchwiz of samsung it runs smooth even on 1gb ram without any lag after 1yr

                        • D
                        • AnonD-388073
                        • r7x
                        • 16 Feb 2016

                        There should be an optinal Google play edition with note features or the 6 gb of ram won't make sense because galaxy touchwiz won't give you the performance you would expect. Multitasking? HTC is better with only 3 gb of ram and even 2gb. And ios is another story.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0xQ
                          • 16 Feb 2016

                          You do know 6 gigabits and 6 gigabytes ar 2 different sizes that are 8 times different to each other?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vGS
                            • 16 Feb 2016

                            Only Samsung mobile required 6 gb ram. Hehehehehe

                              • Z
                              • Zeelo
                              • GA9
                              • 16 Feb 2016

                              Why did they do away with the IR-port? I used the remote functionality a lot. Worse still, the note 5 was launched with only the 32GB in some markets (South Africa), how useless.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nbr
                                • 16 Feb 2016

                                And still 80% of it will be used by default by the system ;) You'll be lucky to have gig and a half free most of the time :)

                                  well, seems like Samsung thinks that human hands are getting bigger just like smartphones size does. After 10 years we will see phone with 32gb ram, 10 inch, 5GHZ CPU, adreno 5000 GPU, people starting comparing phone speed with slow motion cameras. That's a future people. Also we will see some people saying "damn idk, 10inch a bit small to me, probably I will look something with 11 inch which will he perfect. Srrsly why Samsung does not get optimize their already created technology? Why can't they put 6gb ram in like 5-4 inch phone? cuz all stuff will not fit in 5-4 inch phone? make it a bit fat... what's wrong Samsung? we dont give a shit if phone is 5 inch and is like 10-15mm thick. As far as it has good battery and not shitty QHD displays but max 1080p displays WE ARE ALL FINE. STOP MAKING BIGGER REAOLUTION DISPLAYS. QHD SHOULD BE FINAL. while rumors says that Samsung is working on 11k display... wow Samsung, your hardware technology will not be able to push all these pixels.

                                    Go back to 3 GB RAM Samsung, and ditch TouchWiz completely and move to stock Android, obviously keep the superior apps like S Note, Messaging, Dialler etc., but just ditch the framework.

                                      • m
                                      • mortuus
                                      • Tu2
                                      • 16 Feb 2016

                                      lol whats the point having that much ram in a damn phone ? not like u can run and multi task stuff like u can on pc ? i really dont see the point where phones have more then 4gb ram thats just crazy and overkill..

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-489064
                                        • Kht
                                        • 16 Feb 2016

                                        Anonymous, 16 Feb 20166 GB - and it will still start lagging after a few months o... moreAnd note apple cannot be beat Android customize,fash different Rom, various design