UPDATE: Samsung phones are harder to repair than ever before, iFixIt tears down the Galaxy S7 (S7 edge too!)

08 March, 2016
UPDATE: Galaxy S7 edge now on the site as well!

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • spf
  • 19 Mar 2016

I bought the original Galaxy Note (and repaired it myself a couple of times already) but if they keep making garbage with glue in it that can't be opened, I think I will either stick with the last model that can still be repaired or just dump Samsung phones entirely. They are not getting my money anymore with these stupid tactics.

    • D
    • AnonD-259899
    • M7r
    • 17 Mar 2016

    Anonymous, 12 Mar 2016and i wonder why some people still defend the unibody / non... moreSome of them are probably marketing employees for those companies who want to push for the unibody battery change rip off market scheme. While the rest of them are just low critically thinking tribal minded people who swallow all that marketing hogwash wholesale.

      • D
      • AnonD-507785
      • nF{
      • 16 Mar 2016

      Anonymous, 15 Mar 2016Your high and mighty attitude says otherwise.Yeah...truth always hurts.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • v0X
        • 15 Mar 2016

        AnonD-507785, 14 Mar 2016Don't try to measure me by your own standard. I am buying n... moreYour high and mighty attitude says otherwise.

          • D
          • AnonD-507785
          • nF{
          • 14 Mar 2016

          Anonymous, 14 Mar 2016Not every one is like you who replaces phones every 2 years... moreDon't try to measure me by your own standard. I am buying new phones every 2 years because I can, not because I have to, or because someone tells me to. I don't spend money on other stuff (like alcohol or cigarettes eic.), so I can have a new phone every now and then. And what I do with my cash is non of your business. Grow up.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • v0X
            • 14 Mar 2016

            AnonD-507785, 13 Mar 2016Firstly...I sell phones after 2 years. I don't throw them a... moreNot every one is like you who replaces phones every 2 years. Just another way to shove planned obsolence on the masses.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7Xt
              • 13 Mar 2016

              Anonymous, 09 Mar 2016Yeah. I completely missed the point of this iFixIt. Sane... moreYou really not understand the topic post here. I had galaxy s4 working well except accelerometer sensor is broken many cell shop can't fix it I brought to Samsung service center and they told me to replace the board and cost around $200 what an insane charges I bought refurbish galaxy s4 worth $185 and now over a year I used with no issue. That what ifix mean if hard to repair.

                • D
                • AnonD-507785
                • nF{
                • 13 Mar 2016

                Anonymous, 13 Mar 2016and you don't read our remarks very well either. Eventua... moreFirstly...I sell phones after 2 years. I don't throw them away, and within this time the battery is still fine, so I don't bother replacing it.

                Secondly...I buy all the phones on Amazon, not getting them on contract with the networks. So if there's any problem with it, I either file for repair, or return it (if the repair takes too long). They've been alright with it so far.

                Thirdly...don't you worry about my family. They are doing pretty good. And if I give the phone to my family member, it's a new one. I sell used ones to other people.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mTn
                  • 13 Mar 2016

                  AnonD-507785, 12 Mar 2016You don't read very well, man. What I'm saying is, I don't ... moreand you don't read our remarks very well either.

                  Eventually your battery needs to be replaced since it looses its capacity over time. Then what?

                  secondly, what if you buy a brand new phone and your battery seems to be bad (DOA)? Do you think that the shop will simply swap it for a new one? I doubt it, they'll sent it in for repair. And then the sloppy technicians batter up your brand new phone that hasn't even been used. Then you get a bad phone with crooked glued screen that'll probably loosen its glue after a few months because we ALL know that these devices when tampered with are never the same as new.

                  Third, don't you hand down your old expensive phones to family members? Perhaps you're rich enough to throw these +800USD phones away after 2 years. But I do hand my high-end phones down to less fortunate family members. But that gets useless if the battery lost most if its capacity after 2 years and can't be replaced (easily). Which is probably the main reason why "they" seal of these new phones.

                    • o
                    • onionwolf
                    • 4Hu
                    • 12 Mar 2016

                    AnonD-501554, 12 Mar 2016Ahahaha! Nope! Here In our country we have cellphone techni... morejudging from your screen name you must be from the Philippines (me too, but i migrated). but in my experience this wasn't the case. i had my Galaxy S3 broken before visiting home, which cost me $150, at that time in 2014, to repair, and to be fair i was the one who replaced it. replacing it here in the US would have been more expensive. when i visited back home, i broke it again. went to a technician and told me it took $250 to repair it, including the replacement part. and less than 24 hours it broke again. so what i'm trying to say is that, in my experience, ordering replacement parts in the Philippines are too expensive, and these "technicians" will do anything to extort cash from you. and with every release of a new popular smartphone, the replacement parts would be more expensive at the start. it's best to buy a protection plan with your devices, but that's not the hippest thing for Filipinos back home.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-6289
                      • 7Xc
                      • 12 Mar 2016

                      True but some also are sloppy with their work. I experienced having fingerprints inside the screen of my N8 when I had the it replaced. Be careful.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IbE
                        • 12 Mar 2016

                        Shame is Cheap mfg and Quality, No good.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-501554
                          • A2r
                          • 12 Mar 2016

                          AnonD-395361, 12 Mar 2016who cares if these new smartphones are hard to repair. are ... moreAhahaha! Nope! Here In our country we have cellphone technicians and the cost is much cheaper and you don't need to go to a service centers.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-501554
                            • A2r
                            • 12 Mar 2016

                            So the only way to repair your s7 is thru the manufacturer? But I'm sure Filipino Repair Technicians can do this. Nothing is Impossible with Filipino's when it comes to repairing or fixing things. LOL!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-480179
                              • k1N
                              • 12 Mar 2016

                              AnonD-395361, 12 Mar 2016who cares if these new smartphones are hard to repair. are ... moreOMG you can't be serious????

                                • D
                                • AnonD-507785
                                • nF{
                                • 12 Mar 2016

                                Another fool, 12 Mar 2016A powerbank is no substitute for an internal phone battery.You don't read very well, man. What I'm saying is, I don't care about removable battery, because I never take it out of the phone anyway.

                                  • D
                                  • Dr Danger
                                  • utn
                                  • 12 Mar 2016

                                  Anonymous, 12 Mar 2016Have you seen some old(er) designer concepts?Yeah much better than you

                                    • D
                                    • Dr. Danger
                                    • utn
                                    • 12 Mar 2016

                                    Throwaway kid, 12 Mar 2016Foxcon assembles phones with parts from various sources, ex... moreThe repair ability and cost of repair depends upon car to car but in reality both business are different.

                                      • s
                                      • samsung galaxy s 583
                                      • 98N
                                      • 12 Mar 2016

                                      dowload android

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 98N
                                        • 12 Mar 2016
