iPhone 4 makes a stormy appearance at WWDC 2010

7 June, 2010
At the WWDC 2010 Apple CEO just announced Apple's next-gen iPhone. Uninspiringly called iPhone 4, the new device comes with a bunch of new features along with the new design you've already seen...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7J
  • 08 Jun 2010

Apple says that videocall can only be possible with iphone to iphone over wi-fi...It was as good as saying that there is NO videocall in Iphone4.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PxJ
    • 08 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010The camera quality is horrible, go check on apples website ... moreUntil you take it outside, goodbye amoled with it's horrible oversaturated colours and cheapskate, cheating on pixels screen e.g. Nexus.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PxJ
      • 08 Jun 2010

      deep space bar, 08 Jun 2010199 - 299 on a 3 year contract plus the voice &data mon... moreWhat's the pay like in Canada?

      An iPhone contract here is less than 10% of a weeks pay, the phone is zero up front.

        • K
        • Khan
        • m@t
        • 08 Jun 2010

        Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010I may not use video call as much either. Though last time I... moreSure, there are situations when video call comes in hand(and I'm really glad you had it available in those situations you mentioned). But 99% of the times you can get by with regular calls. Even the situations with somebody ill as you mentioned, regular calls works as well. And if not, just fetch a laptop and use skype if it's REALLY important.
        Video call was greatly hyped here in Sweden around 2003(when 3G was new and the operators thought everybody would start using videocalls instead and use MMS instead SMS), but the truth is it's not very practical. First of all, you have to concentrate on looking at the screen when so many people are used to talk to people on the phone while doing other stuff. Then we have the fact that you have use the loudspeaker(since the phone is not close to your ear) and everybody hears your call. People got tired on video calls in about half a year here(and then it was free in the beginning) and went back to what they always had used before. I'm not even sure when the last time I saw somebody make a videocall now.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0CV
          • 08 Jun 2010

          The camera quality is horrible, go check on apples website is just too noisy like there's radio active in the picture and it's low resolution compared to 8 and 12

          The Display is IPS LCD which has better viewing angles than normal LCD but has that greyish blacks, washed colors and worse viewing angles compared to SAMOLED and screen size is still 3.5 inches.

          this phones junk!

            • M
            • Moto_fan
            • IaH
            • 08 Jun 2010

            Moto dext, moto backflip, moto quench.....motoblur!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 9x6
              • 08 Jun 2010

              Pardon me, 08 Jun 2010Doesn't matter what you say! Yes - billions of dollars.... moreIt amazes me that apple fanboys will shout a completely pointless fact as if it's actually relevant ... Of course Apple is bigger than Microsoft as a 'Technology Company' but seeing as how Microsoft is a 'Software Developer' It's a bit like saying Nestle is now a bigger Confectionary company than Ford ... duh! ...

                • o
                • olrac
                • vxt
                • 08 Jun 2010

                owryt..!! time to save for this phone..!! :)

                  • F
                  • FireDragon
                  • sUv
                  • 08 Jun 2010

                  The other day on engadget, in the poll for possible name choices of this iPhone, I picked "iPhone 4" and glad to see its come true. Just like before iPad when everyone was sure to call it iTablet, I went for iPad.

                  So much for those iPhone lovers who called me "self-claimed" kind of names every once in a while. I really wish engadget keeps a track for this sort of polls so I keep these as solid proofs but anyway, I am happy in me.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Er2
                    • 08 Jun 2010

                    Khan, 08 Jun 2010Not to really be on your ass about the history of integrate... moreI may not use video call as much either. Though last time I used it I never regretted I had a phone with video call....

                    I was in Taiwan visiting my grandma, who was in the elderly center not exactly in good shape. Mom was in HK (not in good shape either) and I called mom via video call, so they were able to see each other....for the last time.

                    Don't tell me to get my mom to use webcam or something, and when my dad was around, I always v-called him as soon as I got off work...

                    That's the real way to "connecting people".

                    On another occasion, I was on a business trip trying to get something for my wife, and I v-called her so she could really pick the thing she really wanted.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • uSN
                      • 08 Jun 2010

                      the_elsh, 08 Jun 2010When Steve jobs introduced the video - calling, it's as if ... moreSince when does megapixel affect video quality lol. My FLIP doesn't even have a megapixel, does it mean it can't capture HD? :))

                        • J
                        • JK
                        • q{T
                        • 08 Jun 2010

                        the_elsh, 08 Jun 2010When Steve jobs introduced the video - calling, it's as if ... moreThat's not necessarily true. Check out some videos on youtube for the Samsung Wave. The HD video recording is just amazing. I was shocked to see that it was that good with 5MP. Enjoy! :)

                          • j
                          • jax
                          • PU0
                          • 08 Jun 2010

                          Anonymous, 07 Jun 2010The camera samples are horrible, go to apple website and se... moreThe purpose of the phone is not for shooting, definitely they will focus more on important features. If you want a high end camera buy an SLR.

                            • i
                            • iWant
                            • PSZ
                            • 08 Jun 2010

                            just simply: iWant

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PxJ
                              • 08 Jun 2010

                              Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010I always like video call, and that's the first thing I did ... moreSo how do you do videocalls on your Milestone?


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • PxJ
                                • 08 Jun 2010

                                the_elsh, 08 Jun 2010When Steve jobs introduced the video - calling, it's as if ... moreYawn...

                                ... the video quality is dependent on the cpu, which is why Nokia's flagship N97 can't do it.

                                720p is only slightly more than VGA and is less than 1 megapixel.

                                You know nothing.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Er2
                                  • 08 Jun 2010

                                  igeek, 08 Jun 2010A very nice iPhone...very much people wait for this day! Bu... moreI always like video call, and that's the first thing I did after work to my GF (now wife).

                                  But when she switched to iphone 3G, I couldn't see her face as soon as after work anymore.

                                  If what GSM Arena said is true, why video call only works thru Wi-Fi, or another iphone? So try to boost up sales of iphone?

                                  Sorry, as though I don't have much against iphone (afterall, my wife has never been happier with any other phone so far), though personally I still prefer Motorola phones...especially with Android nowadays. (and yes, my wife loves to play games on my Milestone too!)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PxJ
                                    • 08 Jun 2010

                                    dbcar, 08 Jun 2010Apple and masterpiece cannot be used in the same sentance. ... moreCisco had the iPhone name for a VOIP landline phone, Apple bought it off them.

                                    Apple pays for things apart from rip-off merchants like Nokia who release their patents to a standards body then try to force Apple to pay unfair amounts which is against the terms Nokia agreed to.

                                    That's why Apple had to come up with their own methods based on their years of computer experience without using Nokia's IP.

                                      • t
                                      • the_elsh
                                      • ibf
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      When Steve jobs introduced the video - calling, it's as if cave men discovered fire. come on people, this phone has nothing new!!! it's useless, just a stupid phone with no memory card slot. and let me remind u guys that a 5 megapixel camera's 720p will be really bad quality. u need at least 8-12 mega pixels, to record 720p of decent quality.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PxJ
                                        • 08 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]The A4 is a custom designed chip by Apple.

                                        It shares A8 architecture, after all Apple did help start ARM for the Newton, many years ago, long before Nokia and others started using them.