Samsung Galaxy S arrives at AT&T as the Samsung Captivate

18 June, 2010
It's been a little while since rumors on an upcoming T-Mobile USA branded Samsung Galaxy S started circulating and now it turned out that AT&T will be the first US carrier to get its own Galaxy S, the Captivate, which...

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  • t
  • torrentblock
  • ixY
  • 23 Jun 2010

Will, 21 Jun 2010Sure, you’re excited about the Samsung Galaxy S. Now. ... morealso, by your logic, Samsung would never make a profit.
seriously... read through your 6 steps. you're a genius.

    • t
    • torrentblock
    • ixY
    • 23 Jun 2010

    Will, 21 Jun 2010Sure, you’re excited about the Samsung Galaxy S. Now. ... moreis that why you buy a phone? for the sweet joy of updates?
    has it never occured to you that people buy a product because of how it comes out of the box?

      • W
      • Will
      • jQK
      • 21 Jun 2010

      Sure, you’re excited about the Samsung Galaxy S.



      And imagine 6 months after you bought the Galaxy. You’re angry. You been lied to. The promised updates never come. There are real problems just using the phone. Forums like this fill with users like you, angry, dumping the phone, and comparing how little they can get for it on craigslist. $150? If you’re lucky.

      You’ll never buy a Samsung product again. Samsung has hired a PR firm to try to hide the real problems you and thousands of others are having with the phone.

      This is real.

      Do some research on the Samsung Behold II. This is Samsung’s business model.
      1) Shiny new phone with promised updates
      2) Wait… there’s no money in supporting a phone, only in selling new ones.
      3) Refuse promised updates on under plainly false pretenses.
      4) Go to step 1.
      5) Profit.

      Please, do not buy this or any other Samsung phone. HTC and Apple make nice phones that they support. Tell your friends.

      I’m just a regular guy who fell for their lies. Don’t be me, 6 months from now, in a forum, writing this same message.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • t7m
        • 21 Jun 2010

        Will this phone come to Verizon? I mean this design, not the original Galaxy S design.
        I'm so excited with this phone. If the Galaxy S with keyboard won't appear soon, I will absolutely get it.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • ijB
          • 21 Jun 2010

          I'm currently using sony's home appliance and honestly saying Sony Sucks

            • w
            • wow....
            • 4vY
            • 21 Jun 2010

            for the last decade, samsung has been well respected world-wide. they are the trend setter in electronic devices. they made LED TVs, 3D TVs, best screen phones, and also large capacity D-RAMs. dude i don't know what kind of survey you read, but Samsung is the best home appliance maker. Sony cannot even compete against Samsung...
            samsung even developed the processor in iphone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0BA
              • 21 Jun 2010

              Anonymous, 21 Jun 2010"stop being imitators and earn some respect, it's true... moreYes that's the reason why they are not in the trusted and respected list while sony is the first hehe.

              people buy from samsung not because they respect them but because they are cheap! yes cheap samsung in everyway. I feel sorry for them but fact is fact.

              Tell me when you buy anything whether its a mobile, laptop, car would you like people to observe you as something that deserves respect or observe you as a cheap copy cat? It's your choice pal, believe me most of the world doesn't respect samsung it's not only me.

              This survey included 24 countries around the golbe : Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

              Doesn't this tell you something? Who is living in his own dreaming world now?
              I was never wrong when I disrespected samsung from the beginning and now the world proved my point.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ijB
                • 21 Jun 2010

                Anonymous, 21 Jun 2010We have the right to laugh and make jokes of you because yo... more"stop being imitators and earn some respect, it's true your gaining money but your losing peoples respect day after day", say what? absurd statement from absurd people.

                How can samsung gain or increase sales and profit if many people does not respect or trust the brand? Am I following this? duh!

                The answer would be that samsung brand is the ultimate and irresistable because of innovation, design and being a trendsetter!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 0BA
                  • 21 Jun 2010

                  We have the right to laugh and make jokes of you because you are simply copying and pasting our designs. No one made fun of the wave or beam because they are great devices.

                  But this device is just a joke! No flash, even worse they copy the iphone and then they copy the x10, get a life samsung and start making your own designs for god sakes.

                  stop being imitators and earn some respect, it's true your gaining money but your losing peoples respect day after day.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • ijB
                    • 21 Jun 2010

                    X10 owner, 21 Jun 2010The fact is me and you know for sure that both samsung and ... moreHere we go again, just keep your opinion. As i have said, "No more make believe- just IMAGINE" and FYI Sony's wealth is only 10% of SAMSUNG'S.

                      • X
                      • X10 owner
                      • 0BA
                      • 21 Jun 2010

                      [deleted post]The fact is me and you know for sure that both samsung and sony are both wealthy, strong and populer. So let's be reasonable and fair on this one.

                      However, the huge difference is that Sony is the most respected tech brand in the world now while samsung is down the hills! Even apple and nokia are way more respected than samsung. By the way I read all about this survey, and the major thing was that people voted for the brand which they found more creative and that provided them with true innovations.

                      So the question is my friend? Why didn't samsung make it? Samsung was not even in the top 10 neither in the top 20! So this proves for sure that samsung is the number one copy cat, yes they have the technology and everything, yes they have more sales, but the word invent does not exist in their world and therefore they lost their respect!!

                      So since Sony now have the wealth and the respect I find no reason at all to even purchase anything from samsung.

                        • P
                        • Pax
                        • YiF
                        • 21 Jun 2010

                        Sony and Nokia!, 19 Jun 2010This looks like the x10 but an ugly version. crappy samsungWith all due respect, can you tell us what is so ugly about it?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0BA
                          • 21 Jun 2010

                          Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010You guys are giving incorrect information. 2010 Sony -... moreThis just proves that Sony beats samsung all the way !! Thanks for the clarification. Now I know for sure that Sony is much better.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • UGj
                            • 20 Jun 2010

                            You guys are giving incorrect information.

                            Sony - Number 1
                            Samsung - number 22


                            Samsung - 74
                            Sony - 126

                            First point i would like to point out, sony fans are trying to censor the fact that samsung is in fact in the list, they shows news link that doesnt have samsung in the list. Secondly, With sony jumping 125 rank within a year, how reliable can this ranking be?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • tV0
                              • 20 Jun 2010

                              SE 2010, 20 Jun 2010Again let's read together what Dr.Charles Fombrun mentioned... moreComprehension fail much? he said "Companies like..." which means he doesn't limit the corporations he deemed as respectable to only the ones he listed in his statement.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t7m
                                • 20 Jun 2010

                                SE 2010, 20 Jun 2010Again let's read together what Dr.Charles Fombrun mentioned... moreYeah, this is now only your own playground: you and your prejudice. Only the wrong needs so much words to prove it's right. The right itself doesn't need to speak.

                                  • S
                                  • SE 2010
                                  • 0mj
                                  • 20 Jun 2010

                                  Again let's read together what Dr.Charles Fombrun mentioned:

                                  "Technology has a powerful grip on the global rankings," says Dr. Charles Fombrun, Chairman of Reputation Institute. "Companies like Google, Sony, Apple, Nokia, Intel, and Microsoft have earned our trust and respect because they are all-pervasive solution-providers that affect our daily lives. Disney's global mind-share as an entertainment provider is remarkable, as is the admiration with which consumers hold auto-makers BMW and Daimler/Mercedes-Benz. They are power-houses of reputation-building around the world."

                                  Didn't you notice that there was not even a single world about samsung, this means that no matter how much samsung earns money it's still not respected. Well how can the world respect a copy cat right? It makes total sense.

                                  Thanks again Dr. Charles Fombrun for proving again that I was right :)


                                    • S
                                    • SE 2010
                                    • 0mj
                                    • 20 Jun 2010

                                    Let's face it both sony and samsung are good. But the different is that sony is the most respected brand in the world and samsung is not even close, that's the different.

                                    People truly respect sony and this is not the case with samsung, let's just face it, this is reality and this is the truth.

                                    Even apple is in 6th place followed by nokia in 7th place which is also great, but what about samsung hmmm I don't think so :)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t7m
                                      • 20 Jun 2010

                                      Niraj, 20 Jun 2010And nothing. Both are good. I only want to correct you that... moreThen thanks. At least you are not as frenetic as those Sony fanboys. I just can't understand why they step into this topic and spread their voice since it is about Samsung and nothing relates to Sony.

                                        • N
                                        • Niraj
                                        • YTL
                                        • 20 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]And nothing. Both are good. I only want to correct you that Nokia dont uses Samsung's component. :)