iPhone 4 launch day stories - yellow spots, spotty reception

24 June, 2010
The iPhone 4 launched officially today. Right from day one, it had to endure quite a storm - people are scrutinizing the Retina Display due to strange yellow spots, signal reception is reportedly flawed...

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  • H
  • Heartbreak Kid
  • Mfx
  • 25 Jun 2010

Philby83, 25 Jun 2010Thanks heartbreak kid good to know and ur right there just ... moreNo worries pal :) To be honest, the iPhone 4 is going to be a hit regardless of the few complaints so I think the price will remain high for many months. Even the 3GS is still over £400 in the UK without contract, thats only about a few pounds cheaper.

That means the iPhone is still a leading phone, even the beautiful 3GS (what I have). :)

    • H
    • Heartbreak Kid
    • Mfx
    • 25 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010No, I'm not rastafari, in which crack were illegal. But... moreErrrrr.....Nokia phones start from cheap, up to premium prices, of course they will sell well!!!! And what do you mean outside the USA? The iPhone is in demand all throughout Europe as we speak! In the UK it is selling like hot cakes.

    Maybe you should read up a bit more before making crazy statements! ha ha

      • J
      • John
      • PxG
      • 25 Jun 2010

      Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010No, I'm not rastafari, in which crack were illegal. But... moreIndonesia is also one of the biggest markets for blackberry where the brand has gone ballistic.

        • P
        • Philby83
        • 9KH
        • 25 Jun 2010

        Thanks heartbreak kid good to know and ur right there just iPhone haters we all know iPhones rule,I can't wait for iPhone4 to drop in Australia we don't get it for a month yet

          • H
          • Heartbreak Kid
          • Mfx
          • 25 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010I like the iPhone. It is a nicely designed device with a sl... moreI appreciate some of your points. Before the iPhone came out, touchscreen phones had specs but they were dull, unresponsive and had the tendancy to frustrate the user. They were mainly for busines users. Then the iPhone came with a superb responsive screen, an iPod touch integegrated, and Apps galore! This meant the competition had to step up a number gears to compete. Even now a lot of touchscreen phones are like the pre-iPhone days, ie not designed for all aspects of use, just one dimensional business users in mind. However with the Android market providing ample competition, it shows the iPhone was, and still is, infact revolutionary

            • R
            • Rebs 1%
            • 9KH
            • 25 Jun 2010

            Yes I need a hug lol I'm just sick of all these android lovers putting crap on ipho es when android is working with every phone company and all these android based phones are coming out with an iPhone set up so that just proves ragrdless of if u le them or not it's an awsome set up for a phone it's not perfect but it's close I've been through alot of phones from nokia n97,6300 and I still currenly have the nokia 8800 gold arte and the 8800 atre carbon fibre and a Sony satio there all great phones but nothing comes close to my iPhone can't wait for iphone4

              • H
              • Heartbreak Kid
              • Mfx
              • 25 Jun 2010

              Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010go into a shop and use a sony eric xperia and xperia mini. ... moreHa ha Yes the SE range are pretty disappointing. In fact not a single phone in the market compares to the iPhone UI :)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • MFG
                • 25 Jun 2010

                I like the iPhone. It is a nicely designed device with a slick, user friendly UI and many practical and/or enjoyable programmes that are designed specifically to be used on the iPhone, so you don't have the problem like on other, more fragmented platforms that some programmes don't work on your phone because it has the wrong driver, screen resolution or whatever.

                HOWEVER, iPhone fans (and even many professional reviewers) need to come off the idea that the iPhone is revolutionary or the most sophisticated phone under the sun. In terms of hardware specs and some basic functions it is only just beginning to catch up with the competition. The concept of having a phone and mini computer rolled into one has been around for years before the iPhone. So has video calling and multi-tasking. And Apple's closed system approach is making the iPhone unneccessaily impratical. Most PDAs can be used as USB sticks and pretty much any phone can freely transfer files via USB or bluetooth. The iPhone can only do it when it is jailbroken. iTunes only syncs one-way (from PC to phone, not back) and since the iPhone, unlike most other phones, doesn't have a card slot you can't transfer files via SD card either. And you can't carry spare batteries with you (e.g. on a long flight) because, unlike any other phone, the iPhone battery is not removable.

                Basically, the iPhone has brought the already existing world of PDAs to casual users and, due to the resulting popularity, has kicked new life into it. For that we all - fans or haters - should be grateful. But that's the only thing it really deserves credit for. In all other aspects the competition's offers is equally good or better.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uEB
                  • 25 Jun 2010

                  [deleted post]No,
                  I'm not rastafari, in which crack were illegal.

                  as I like to point things out in satirical way.
                  Only American (7% market) thinks apple the best.
                  Outside american, in the 93% market, apple is a joke.
                  Apple failed to sell even 30,000 unit in Indonesia
                  whereas nokia sold millions of handphone here.

                  And if you're gonna said that indonesian is poor
                  I like to point out that 60% of E90 user is in Indonesia
                  E90 were sold with US$1200 price tag at launch time in Indonesia
                  and the line up is very long.

                    • H
                    • Heartbreak Kid
                    • Mfx
                    • 25 Jun 2010

                    Philby83, 25 Jun 2010Hi I have a iPhone 3gs I don't think I'll get iPhone 4 unti... moreMate they are the phone's sensors. You normally cant see them unless in bright light scenarios. Nothing to worry about, your iPhone is perfectly normal :)

                    ps Ignore the rude response you got earlier, these iPhone haters are a but messed up in the head and their only way of debating is by abuse.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pT%
                      • 25 Jun 2010

                      i like maccy d's but its still commercial right?

                        • m
                        • mew mew
                        • wbg
                        • 25 Jun 2010

                        Rebs 1%, 25 Jun 2010To all ur android lovers putting crap on the iPhone I have ... moreso angry.. do you need a hug???

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pT%
                          • 25 Jun 2010

                          i despise people who think i am a fan boy because i've been using mac since 97 for my graphic design. i just wish apple didnt get commercial so all these losers with more money than sense wouldn't buy into apple and turn the brand into mcdonalds!!

                            • R
                            • Rebs 1%
                            • 9KH
                            • 25 Jun 2010

                            To all ur android lovers putting crap on the iPhone I have a few things to say to u when have u ever seen lines out the doors of every phone store around the world for an android phone?oh that's right u haven't that was the reaction for both iPhone and phones 3gs and not just in one country all around the world,take a look at the new samsung galexy3 that is an android phone and oh what's this the have cometly riped of the iPhone set up what a shock,u androids fags can keep ur dud htc phones they would be better used as a paper wait

                              • A
                              • Apple CS
                              • uEB
                              • 25 Jun 2010

                              Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010go into a shop and use a sony eric xperia and xperia mini. ... moreDear sir/madam,

                              You were right pointing the best things on iphone4. It is the speed we were selling. With iPhone4, speeding won't get any ticket. On a side note, after you were racing with iPhone4 for a month, you will reach a high score, and as the result of that your iPhone display will be rainbow instead of yellow dot.

                              This is a sign that you're graduating as the best ibeliever, and iSteve will call you with FaceTime personally.

                              After all, iPhone is about connecting people*

                              *we will sue nokia for using the word of connecting people. we were the one that registered this trademark in 1980's, but never publish it.

                                • N
                                • Nicholas
                                • ibn
                                • 25 Jun 2010

                                Corning CS, 25 Jun 2010Dear all iphone users and GSMarena-er, I'm from corning,... moreAre u serious? Never heard of anything like king kong glass or godzilla glass, go fool someone else.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • pT%
                                  • 25 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 25 Jun 2010terrible comment with no substance,most new phones come wit... morego into a shop and use a sony eric xperia and xperia mini. MAJOR LAG and we're in 2010!!!!! i could do a list of phones longer than my arm but theres no point cuz 80% of tech users will agree with me. seriously u have no substance. think about this: 2 different cars with 200bhp. doesnt mean they're going to be the same speed does it? total fooljon

                                    • A
                                    • Apple CS
                                    • uEB
                                    • 25 Jun 2010

                                    Philby83, 25 Jun 2010Hi I have a iPhone 3gs I don't think I'll get iPhone 4 unti... moreDear philby83,

                                    The black stripe you were mentioning, is a code named beta phony rainbow that now in mature state and were deployed on iphone 4.

                                    The iphone 4 is started with yellow dot, and after 1 month of prolong use, the user will be rewarded with a rainbow in the retina display. It is called retina rainbow.

                                      • P
                                      • Philby83
                                      • 9KH
                                      • 25 Jun 2010

                                      Hi I have a iPhone 3gs I don't think I'll get iPhone 4 untill they have been out for awhile,so I can see what issues they have when they launch here in Australia,but I'd like to ask everyone with an iPhone regardless of what model if u have ever had 3 dark blue to black dots up near the ear speaker,as I've had 3 iPhone an 8gig first then upgraded to the 16 gig 3gs which I lost and got replaced via insurance and all 3 of them had these spots as did my girlfriends one,I work in the industry and have asked alot of people if they have had that happen,so I'm
                                      jus curious to see how many of u have had this problem,also does anyone know why it happens?and is it something that's a fault,the phones works fine but the dots bother me

                                        • A
                                        • Apple CS
                                        • uEB
                                        • 25 Jun 2010

                                        Dear all,

                                        I have a little secret from the great inner circle of our company.

                                        1. The side of the iphone 4 is really meant to increase reception. In case you were a couple of mile away from the last AT&T bad signal, You should holding your iphone with your left hand, and a frying pan with your right hand. Parabolic antenna is preferred, but frying pan will do just fine. With this setup, you can reach AT&T signal up to 80 miles. Meaning, that if you were on yatch 40-50 miles away from shores, you still can make a phone call.

                                        2. If you were affraid that the radiation will make you sterile, apple store will sell a tripod to be use with the new iphone 4 in a couple of days. We have contact the cheap tripod manufacture in china, and will sell it for a price that will cost your arm and legs because it will have a glowing apple logo.