Apple orders 100 million Samsung OLED panels for the 2017 iPhone
- D
- AnonD-19153
- nXG
- 16 Apr 2016
I think apple will change the theme of the IOS to be more darker because of this for power consumption wise
- D
- AnonD-208886
- Ivr
- 16 Apr 2016
Apple called LCD display that purchased from LG retena display and pretends to invent it .the CPUs from Samsung A8,A9 (A stands for Apple)
now they will call oled display from Samsung iOLED and same thing it will pretend to invent it.isheeps should appreciate Samsung and other companies for every new tech come to their phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JE0
- 16 Apr 2016
Sectorian, 15 Apr 2016The procesor are made by Samsung. The display are made by ... moreYou do realize that Samsung only manufactures (some of) the chips for Apple I hope. It is Apple that designs the AX SoC...
- ?
- Anonymous
- m86
- 15 Apr 2016
AnonD-208886, 15 Apr 2016Samsung is fool to sell their technology. If Apple were had... moreTotally agree. Business is business but giving Apple its main card is totally stupid.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7uE
- 15 Apr 2016
Just want to know if oled will get burn-in ? Does anyone know the correct answer?
- D
- AnonD-518152
- HsJ
- 15 Apr 2016
I Like Amoled Display! Apples Best choice. Samsung display is warlds best display.
- D
- AnonD-3744
- tDR
- 15 Apr 2016
Super retina display. Or maybe cornea display.
- ?
- Anonymous
- krW
- 15 Apr 2016
G6 user, 15 Apr 2016well i dont think so .. in fact ips panels are the best the... moreSorry but you are lying or hand no clue what you are talking about.
The samsung amoled displays have been factually tested to be the most color accurate.
They are brighter, less reflective in the sun, better viewing angles, you get the choice of more saturated or more accurate colors, more accurate whites, true blacks, infinite contrast, the technology is bendable, requires less space, and is overall much more power efficient.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3I{
- 15 Apr 2016
I hope Samsung charges Apple both an arm and a leg for the panels.
- J
- Jin1234
- tuf
- 15 Apr 2016
Apple Betch! Bow down to Samsung! You no good company! Why don't you just admit it that you are an assembling company that innovate nothing but software!
- S
- Sectorian
- S9S
- 15 Apr 2016
The procesor are made by Samsung.
The display are made by Samsung.
Apple by Samsung.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0F{
- 15 Apr 2016
Good choice, Apple! The most accurate and most beautiful screen on the market.
- D
- AnonD-208886
- kxW
- 15 Apr 2016
Samsung is fool to sell their technology. If Apple were had this technology , would they sell it and benefit other companies?!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3MN
- 15 Apr 2016
So 7 display will be IPS and 7s will be OLED Whatt???
- r
- rageface
- P@c
- 15 Apr 2016
Apple and Samsung Rivalry is just a huge marketing strategy. in truth, they both benefit from each other
- ?
- Anonymous
- nHb
- 15 Apr 2016
AnonD-119094, 15 Apr 2016have you seen an amoled? lg's displays are not bad....but ... moreI actually own a g flex 2 and I have to admit that samsung's SAMOLED displays are unbeatable. LG doesn't have bad OLED displays, hut th3y're better at IPS. And Samsung can also produce them cheaper.
- G
- G6 user
- 9LA
- 15 Apr 2016
kakouille, 15 Apr 2016stop lying everybody knows that Samsung amoled displays are... morewell i dont think so .. in fact ips panels are the best these one has excellent viewing angles and more natural colors unless u want to see cartoons on your device ... i have a good panel on my old g2 this is ips and when u look at it ... you notice that colors are accurate and not oversaturated .. the experinece is like watching a tiny ips panel 1080p tv not like a cell phone with a 5 inches display with oversaturated colors .. dont trust me .. well check reviewers .. most of then agree that ips has pleasent colors .... well would be interesting to see apple calibrating oled display colors better than the manufacture.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 15 Apr 2016
AnonD-1825, 15 Apr 2016"think you are 3 years behind. Now, Samsung Amoled displays... moreyeh ywh yeh. why don't they get maker of 9.7 screen to manufacture 100m
screens, yeh..o wait. Berk.
- A
- Akinaro
- pGV
- 15 Apr 2016
We all know that its all about money, but when you see Samsung-Apple history I really cant get clear story from it, even in terms of long term business strategy.
Apple have money mostly from iphones and then from Mac's.
Samsung also have money, and it have whole industry behind it where is produce everything from chips, AGD, TV, PC to even cars(yes, samsung have it own cars)
Now samsung produce screens, and actually not only for bigger players like Apple, but Apple always set high requests, so those are big, easy money.
Apple for all those years really make bad publicity for Samsung, starting from court wars to paying for advertising and behind the scene wars of marketing. Samsung lost lots of money because Apple, and post important, iPhone is main competitor for galaxy series.
And samsung make lots of parts for iPhones, supporting it to fight with his own devices, and loosing for most of time in terms of sales(thats what matter, not love for brands from fanboys)
Now if Samsung gonna make those screens, it gonna give Apple another fighting card for bigger sales(read: "amazing new and innovative screen for iPhone better than competition")
100mln its DAMN big number and its damn big money, but taking in to the account how much Samsung would lost in the long term, and not only because worst sales of galaxy.
Now if you think about it in wider perspective Samsung could focus on producing screens for smaller competition, that could not interfere with its own phones sales, AND in the same time give Apple some problems with production(because its not like everyone can make screens in such numbers) AND lower quality of its product. Samsung would lost big contract, but as I said it could focus on smaller production for smaller companies.
But of course those are huge numbers in terms of money, and probably they gonna make it. No one know what really is between Samsung and Apple, and when you look closely to their war, it turn out that all that fanboy war is really convenient for both of them. And after some years in smaller business where you do such bad marketing that give benefits for both sides, I dont think that those Big corporations are different. Its just matter of way bigger money amount.
- D
- Dr. Danger
- g3C
- 15 Apr 2016
AnonD-1825, 15 Apr 2016"think you are 3 years behind. Now, Samsung Amoled displays... moreOh dear.. please research little more and you will find high end gaming laptops.