Behind the scenes: Damian Dinning talks Nokia N8 camera

08 July, 2010
Mobile camera guru Damian Dinning from Nokia shares some behind the scenes information on the fine tuning of Nokia N8 camera. He also slips a new stunning camera sample along with a few crops that...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Sjw
  • 08 Jul 2010

that is a hell of detail on a 12 mp phone... amazed

    • J
    • Jay
    • 4Gx
    • 08 Jul 2010

    Jon SWE, 08 Jul 2010so what you are saying is that having the best camera on th... moreI totally agree with you on all points, that point I am trying to make is that the rest of the companies have progressed to the point they are now, and Nokia has taken baby steps and will take a "leap" with the N8...will it be the device that everyone is hyping it up to be? We really will not know until it comes out, but will the be enough Nokia fans left to make the difference. Nokia sputtered for what will be nearly two years when the N8 finally drops and aside from the camera, will there be enough innovation to draw customers back? I am patiently waiting myself and if this phone continues the sputter, I will join the many others on the Android boat. Yes Android has it's issues, but look at the evolution of Android since it was released October 2008. It went from a fledgling "maybe" to a full fledged contender and still growing. In the same time Nokia has released very little in terms of improvements when it come to their touch phones. and maybe Symbian aint Nokia's fault, but the hardware is. SE and HTC showed that Symbian could run, and run well on different hardware, but they consistently chose to release the same hardware. Now the N8 is coming out with a processor and RAM that is seemingly far behind it's intended competition. yes the camera is going to be great, but what about the rest of the phone, the parts that most people are more apt to use most often. I was a salesman for a long time and numbers sale, and the N8 is loosing in the numbers game outside of the camera. And can Nokia not multitask? Why can't Nokia drop more then one phone at a time? They are the worlds largest Smartphone manufacturer, can't they build a more than one model at a time, why couldn't they drop a whole line of ^3 devices this year, and wasn't the first one supposed to drop Q2 of 2010? Plain and simple Nokia's strategy has then behind the eightball right now.

    I apologize and stand corrected, on the EVO was not the first "4G" phone from HTC...I saw the 4G before but never read up on it till you pointed that out to me. Thanks for the info bro.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • t7J
      • 08 Jul 2010

      Hey Nokia...nowadays, it's not about how good the camera is. People are looking for the whole user experience. If the Symbian^3 (UI) doesn't perform as it should be then it would just fail.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • q}k
        • 08 Jul 2010

        Jon SWE, 08 Jul 2010they doubbled the amount of ram, and did not add a bunch of... morewell...the satio sucked...omnia hd was great after that custom FW was released, and prior to that FW i heard plenty of complaints. also, "should" be alright and "will" be alright are two different things. nokia just seems to be on a giant ego trip atm always trying to prove that the dont need the extra ram, when in fact they do. i've seen the shot of the n8 with the low memory issue, and granted its still a prototype, but it really doesnt look promising.

        and remember, the n97 looked great during demos, everything opened up, no hang or anything, but then when it was released guess what? it sucked....hard...that is why im worried about the n8.

        yes its a new OS, and yes its supposed to be more efficient, but the lower ram does not help. Nokia is branded as a true smartphone, and that it can do rael multitasking and that its open ect. but what good is all that if the phone isnt powerful enough to make use of its real multitasking, what good is it, if all the app developers are quickly jumping ship and staying away from symbian?

        atm i have an n86, and aside phone calls and the camera, it sucks...its like playing with a dead cat. imo my concerns are fair, and no im not fan boy of any product. at the current time, im debating between an iphone 4, nexus one, or the n8. the first 2 totally beat nokia for apps, services, ease of use in the UI, and overall enjoyment of using different apps, gps, web browsing ect. Nokia needs to start changing its attitude and focuse more on the user experience than its ego. IMO anyway...

          • x
          • xxx
          • G1j
          • 08 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010N97 rushed to release??? You're kidding aren't you? I... morehow about your iphone 4?

            • J
            • Junior in Jamaica
            • Re2
            • 08 Jul 2010

            This phone is making the decision to go Android later this year a HARD ONE!!!

            I like the MotoRoid though 8MP Xenon...;)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • kbe
              • 08 Jul 2010

              Awesome Device, i think my little brother is getting for free my Iphone4!

                • J
                • JAB2980
                • yeV
                • 08 Jul 2010

                Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Nokia had zoom in 2006 means what exactly? Nokia 6600 (2003... moreIt is not accurate to state that the 6600 had zoom. It only had digital zoom which is no different than cropping and enlarging an image.

                  • G
                  • Gunmetalskyline
                  • NB7
                  • 08 Jul 2010

                  Some thoughts on the Nokia N8 before it hits state side.


                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mhB
                    • 08 Jul 2010

                    Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Nokia had zoom in 2006 means what exactly? Nokia 6600 (2003... moreyou clearly cant read, I clearly state which model had it!
                    N93 had optical zoom
                    I replied to a comment by a user that was wondering why this did not have optical zoom. And he mentioned Sharp and samsung as manufactors with optical zoom in their devices, but Nokia had it too.

                      • J
                      • Jon SWE
                      • mhB
                      • 08 Jul 2010

                      Jay, 08 Jul 2010When I talk innovation, I am speaking on innovation in term... moreso what you are saying is that having the best camera on the market, means nothing?
                      Real multitasking means nothing.
                      USB on the go means nothing.
                      Cause iPhone doubbled the resolution of their phone. And HTC released a wimax phone, and not even their first one, and called it 4G, in spite of it using wimax and not the real 4G standard, that is LTE.

                      For people looking for a cameraphone. This is the one to go for.
                      For people looking for a computer phone, wait til the end of the year for Nokias first MeeGo phone. Its really a computer, running a full blown computer OS, in the shape of a mobile.

                      For people looking for highest resolution. Take the iPhone4, it does not have real multitasking, and some reception problems, and not the best build quality. But it has a good screen for showing pictures, browsing (but withouth flash, and withouth the performance of Android 2.2 browser), and the aspect ratio is not good for watching movies. But its a pretty good display.
                      And the looks of the device is better than the N8, at least if youre not forced to add the bumper.
                      And it has so many apps.
                      So sure, for some its the device to get.
                      But there is really not one device that is the ultimate for everyone, but Apple sure has made media describe iPhone as the ultimate for everyone. If there is a comparisson of any device in a review its the iPhone. They never compare build quality in reviews. They never compare picture quality. They never compare battery performance with the ones best at that game.

                      If someone gave me the choice of a free device, that i could not sell on. And I got to choose from iPhone4 and N8, I would pic the N8, despite its lower prize. I simply would have more use of it.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uth
                        • 08 Jul 2010

                        Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010why it does not have optical zoom? 1 Well a optical zoom t... moreNokia had zoom in 2006 means what exactly? Nokia 6600 (2003) even had zoom and decent camera. Sorry if you meant something else.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uth
                          • 08 Jul 2010

                          Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Reception on a Nokia phone:- morelook at this, if you want one same with N97, I can upload. My N97 is just perfect in reception, in fact every Nokia phone I have purchased till date, all were good. Had used two Sony Ericssons as well and they were fine as well. Its just iphone I am hearing about.


                            • G
                            • Gerard Philips
                            • njh
                            • 08 Jul 2010

                            No Nokia anymore :-( NO ! Eventually SonyEricsson if new High-End in the near future. After N93, N95(great) and N96, Nokia that's the end for me.
                            IPhone 4 and maybe later iP5 or new SE.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • mhB
                              • 08 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010N97 rushed to release??? You're kidding aren't you? I... morewhy it does not have optical zoom?
                              1 Well a optical zoom takes up more space.
                              2 And its not all that easy to get a good result with a optical zoom, its not as simple as just adding a optical zoom.
                              3 if they manage to capture almost all 12 mps of detail, not many compact digital cameras manage to really capture the resolution. Then you have some material to work with if you want to crop (zoom). But sure, they could as well disable the digitl zoom, and thrown in a free image software, cause there is no use in doing the cropping in the camera.

                              Nokia had zoom back in 2006 with their N93.
                              I know sharp had it earlier.
                              Nec also.
                              And samsung later.
                              But did it ever catch on?
                              No, because the image quality wasnt that good, and the size of the devices was just too big.

                              I think the Nokia N91 holds the record for time from announce to release of the big manufactors.
                              Of the small, if must be Neonode, cause they actually made the thing, all other products delayed that much was just waporware. On the other hand, the first Neonode had lesser specs than the unit they promised back at its release party.

                                • R
                                • Reyals
                                • naL
                                • 08 Jul 2010

                                what i would like to know is when we are able to get one!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uth
                                  • 08 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010Reception on a Nokia phone:- moreha ha, could be single faulty piece or touched hardware, mine one never loose signal like this.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • M8T
                                    • 08 Jul 2010

                                    Tone, 08 Jul 2010 I am not very impressed with the images shown.Whereas the... moreThey are just showing how the blur capture and how much detail the N8 camera can capture compared to others, it's supposed to look like. When added macro focus and after processing in the camera software it will look fantastic.

                                    I am very impressed!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 08 Jul 2010

                                      Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010sorry how are HTC, Samsung, Sony, LG and even Apple innovat... moreReception on a Nokia phone:-


                                        • J
                                        • Jon SWE
                                        • mhB
                                        • 08 Jul 2010

                                        Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010you much as i love camera phones, i'd love to hea... morethey doubbled the amount of ram, and did not add a bunch of fancy effects. So it should be alright. after all, we didnt hear that many complaints about the Ram in Satio/Omnia HD, and they were 256MB as the N8. The OS is new, but its based on the old symbian OS, and its ideology. Keeping it clean, to preserve memory and CPU, to be able to do real multitasking or to preserve batteries.
                                        Android and iOS have a bunch of fancy effects, and needs more ram, thats just the way it is.