Motorola PEBL in 4 new colors
- p
- patche
- PP@
- 16 Mar 2006
they will sell like crazy
if every phone was made in pink they would sell out
- D
- Dan
- iLM
- 16 Mar 2006
Crap when it was black, crap in pastel colors
- A
- Arash
- 5FC
- 16 Mar 2006
Not bad 4 girls!
- ?
- Anonymous
- n1Y
- 16 Mar 2006
wouldn't know what colour to get though!
i like them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- h
- homobile
- 4hw
- 16 Mar 2006
Not interesting at all. The orange one's not bad, but never had a Motorola I liked.
- T
- Tarif
- 16 Mar 2006
a stupid idea to produce fonz lyk deze..purely gulz' fon...looks lyk toys.. :p :p
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJq
- 16 Mar 2006
that's good for motorolla company
it's good adv.
- s
- savva
- mt7
- 16 Mar 2006
super super super i like pebl in orange
- s
- sarah
- miB
- 16 Mar 2006
Hi, I'm maya's friend. I didn't like Motorola before. But now I LOVE it !!! I like the L6 and the L7 very much, and the PEBL U6 with its new colours is SO GREAT !!!
- s
- sebastian
- mjQ
- 16 Mar 2006
Nice...for girls. In my opinian its to "extra" for this lines of phones. It shoud remain an elegant phone. (sorry for my english)
- m
- maya
- miB
- 16 Mar 2006
I like the PEBL very much, the colors are GREEEEAAAAAT !!!! Thank you for this jewel !!!!!