Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace
- s
- ssj
- PEq
- 13 Jul 2010
I really don't understand why people compare every new OS and high end cellphone with the iphone. Apple aren't god. And they don't even produce god like cellphones. Moreover they limit their phone's functionality intentionally. Don't forget apple has only 4 phones. But do you know the exact number of models of samsung? So don't compare wave with the iphone.
Anyways 1M unit sold in 4 weeks isn't bad for starting the new OS.
- W
- Wave
- nEN
- 13 Jul 2010
Sentient, 13 Jul 2010Bought this phone because it has killer hardware for an aff... moreI don't want
thousands of apps just want good ones like a engadget app, Liverpool fc app, a proper premier league football app with scores, news and fixtures. and also I want all the apps in my app store on my wave to be in English and work well in England.
- o
- otakusoldaten
- vx4
- 13 Jul 2010
congrats to samsung for its wonderful gadget!!!!!
- b
- budzer
- sF%
- 13 Jul 2010
Andrew Lim, 13 Jul 2010Tried the phone at a Samsung store today. Pretty impressed.... moreIt really is. Screen is good, interface is nice, scrolling is smooth and it's a solid hardware.
- s
- sujoy
- 2T9
- 13 Jul 2010
Wave and Galaxy S r amazing twin brothers...they will beat iphone out...Waves price is soo mouthwatering that people would take it eyes closed
- N
- Niraj
- YT8
- 13 Jul 2010
nag, 13 Jul 2010It will cross iphone sales by this year end as its priced v... moreI agree Nokia is doing nothing when it comes to touchscreen market.. They should better cut the price of X6, N97 and N97mini, until they release N8. Till then Wave will rule high end market from the price of 17k to 30k.
And this opinion is coming from a Nokia fan..
- S
- Sentient
- 3CL
- 13 Jul 2010
Bought this phone because it has killer hardware for an affordable price. True it's appstore isn't as big as the android one but how many apps does one need? Let's say that I didn't want to dish out another 100 euro just for being able to run apps I don't need.
- n
- nag
- Mf7
- 13 Jul 2010
It will cross iphone sales by this year end as its priced very good in India and going to take that market segment by storm.
Nokia are you listening ?
- A
- Andrew Lim
- Uqm
- 13 Jul 2010
Tried the phone at a Samsung store today. Pretty impressed. Screen looks great and the phone is responsive.
- W
- Wave
- nEN
- 13 Jul 2010
That's good it will attract more developers and hopefully Samsung will sort the app store out and maybe an update to bada 2.
- w
- wizteddy13
- K2G
- 13 Jul 2010
Not bad.
- o
- otakusoldaten
- vx4
- 13 Jul 2010
congrats to samsung for its wonderful gadget!!!!!
- N
- Niraj
- 13 Jul 2010
No wonder, it may outsold Iphone 4 by the end of year, but depends on Samsung ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- upe
- 13 Jul 2010
i was expecting a little bit better performance than this.. but ok ok still.. well done samsung!