Nokia N8 starts shipping Sep 30, E7 to be announced next week?

7 September, 2010
The long wait isn't over yet - new info says the Nokia N8 will start shipping in late September, at least for those who pre-ordered. In the mean time, the Nokia E7 popped up, reportedly going official as soon as next week...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 2GM
  • 08 Sep 2010

Ghost, 08 Sep 2010If it is soooo different why they don't name it something e... moreDo you even read the information before going on and on about bullsh*t you don't even know about. The OS wouldn't be called Nokia OS because firstly, thats the nickname giving to the OS on Nokia featurephones, secondly, its made by Symbian, which is made of more companies than just Nokia, which is why its called Symbian^3. Considering you're comments, I doubt you even know about Symbian^1 and Symbian^2. And to your comment about applications from older models running on this out of the box, that goes without saying, though you should now it if you had read anything posted about Nokia devices. Refer to my previous posts. This is a step towards a completely new OS so obviously it has support for older applications but Symbian^4 doesn't. It uses the Qt framework, also available in Symbian^3, allowing Nokia and other companies who use Symbian, to move away for the older OS and into a newer one but one step at a time. The point of having support for the older apps is so the Nokia N8 and other Symbian^3 devices will have a range of apps available for them already instead of waiting for developers to adopt Qt.
Study the stuff on that page before posting in the future because it may teach you something which will help you to troll less and contribute to this website in a positive manner.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ii6
    • 08 Sep 2010

    Ghost, 08 Sep 2010If it is soooo different why they don't name it something e... moreits symbian OS need to name as nokia OS 3..what abt iphone?did they use iphone OS4 instead of iOS?

      • G
      • Ghost
      • mHb
      • 08 Sep 2010

      Anonymous, 08 Sep 2010Symbian^3 OS is completely different to S60v5 OS. The UI ho... moreIf it is soooo different why they don't name it something else? For example Nokia OS^3. The truth is that it is not different at all. Same Simbian with a fancy ^3 addition - marketing strategy to fool people. They have been polishing it for 6 months now. I bet all programs for older Symbian version will run on this one out of the box, just wait and you will see.

        • M
        • MG
        • Iam
        • 08 Sep 2010

        Fantastic stuff from Nokia, definately going to bye N8 asap and then comes later N9 with MeeGo to rule them all!!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vGq
          • 08 Sep 2010

          Must have for any smart phone

          1) Dual SIM
          2) Stylus input in addition

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2GM
            • 08 Sep 2010

            Anonymous, 08 Sep 2010Symbian^3 OS is completely different to S60v5 OS. The UI ho... moreAlso, the UI used in Maemo is based on the one used in Series 90 which is different to Series 30, Series 40, Series 60 (S60), Series 80 and UIQ.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2GM
              • 08 Sep 2010

              S_p_i_l_e, 08 Sep 2010im really really sorry.... S3 is only new aged S60 bu... moreSymbian^3 OS is completely different to S60v5 OS. The UI however is almost the same. S60v5 is a non-touch OS with a touch UI put on top. That touch UI has been taken, slightly modified and placed on a proper touch OS - Symbian^3. It doesn't look to good for many because of the experience of S60v5. The idea is to make it easy to use, familiar so that it isn't too much of a leap forward and is instead in steps.
              The only Nokia OS (S30,S40) is the one used on non-smartphones such as 1100, 1616, 6300, X3 etc. If however you refer to the OSes currently used by Nokia, how are they all the same??? Nokia OS is different from Symbian OS though many versions of Symbian OS on Nokia devices use a similar UI as those on phones Nokia OS. Maemo OS (and soon MeeGo OS) is again different from the other OSes used by Nokia and even has a different UI. Nokia OSes aren't far away from Andriod and WM, they're very close and in the case of Maemo and MeeGo, much superior. Other companies will be watching their backs as Nokia starts to gain momemtum after Nokia World. Just wait and see ;)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 2GM
                • 08 Sep 2010

                the FACTS, 08 Sep 2010this phone is a failure first they said 370euro and now the... moreAnother're too brainless to realise that 370 Euro was a price without tax which is bound to increase and that 499 Euro is a pre-order price, for fanboys desperate to get the phone, but this price will decrese, maybe even by 50 or more Euro to 449 when released.

                  • P
                  • Papi
                  • pRL
                  • 08 Sep 2010

                  The fact of the matter is that Nokia has no device that can match it's competitors that have adopted Google's android operating system and Microsoft's Windows Mobile.
                  A few years back Nokia was the dominant phone maker in the world and its lineup of devices where the best, but now Nokia cant even boast of any handset that can match Samsung Omina 2 which runs Windows Mobile, HTC, LG, and many others that have have adopted Windows Mobile or Google's android OS.

                  Nokia crop and executives should dump the symbian OS and adopt Google's android or Microsoft Windows mobile OS if it wants to remain competitive in the high end smart phone market, Nokia builds the best hardware of any company but its symbian smart phone OS is far from from being on top level with its competitors.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • kUW
                    • 08 Sep 2010

                    what is nokia problem !!!! why nokia make us fool !!!! why nokia is playing with us ? why pre order ???? look at iphone samsung galaxy s : the not sale pre order ?

                      • t
                      • the FACTS
                      • j4P
                      • 08 Sep 2010

                      this phone is a failure first they said 370euro and now they said 499euro .. failed... and plus iphon 4 will and forever be the best smartphone in the world as of today.. even when this phone come out it will not beat the iphoen 4 in recorded profit wise, apps wise, smoothness wise, fastness wise, and sales wise. Like i said i will offened many people for those peoples only accept their opinion and not on the facts that iphone 4 is the best in the world ... if u dont believe me then believe the awards, profit, mobile news, and FACTS .. yess apple is taking over baby.. hate it or love it.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wY5
                        • 08 Sep 2010

                        S_p_i_l_e, 08 Sep 2010im really really sorry.... S3 is only new aged S60 bu... morewow, listen to this pro, he knows everything about technology, you should listen to him, his the best...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • wY5
                          • 08 Sep 2010

                          Ghost, 08 Sep 2010They will release it on Sep. 30th 23:59:59 GMT - will be st... moreyah right...

                            • G
                            • Ghost
                            • n5C
                            • 08 Sep 2010

                            They will release it on Sep. 30th 23:59:59 GMT - will be still Q3 isn't it?
                            Symbian is a dead horse! Why they just don't accept it and move on? Everybody makes mistakes - it is good when you realise and learn from your mistakes.

                              • S
                              • S_p_i_l_e
                              • pFT
                              • 08 Sep 2010

                              Calling Earth, anybo, 07 Sep 2010"N8 with S60 will be only one bad useless phone more..... moreoh only by the way...

                              i was using Nokia when they made good phones...

                              now i use HTC HD2 which is really a mashine... so nice touch screen day to you too

                                • S
                                • S_p_i_l_e
                                • pFT
                                • 08 Sep 2010

                                Calling Earth, anybo, 07 Sep 2010"N8 with S60 will be only one bad useless phone more..... moreim really really sorry....

                                S3 is only new aged S60

                                but all nokia OS's are almost the same and are FAR FAR FAR AWAY from Android and WM

                                  • C
                                  • Cheesey1
                                  • 6DS
                                  • 08 Sep 2010

                                  Can't wait for Nokia World. Wouldn't mind being in London right now.

                                    • A
                                    • Ant
                                    • vbR
                                    • 07 Sep 2010

                                    Frankly... I think nokia needs to rethink it symbian strategy...
                                    The H/W is only as good as the S/W that comes along... The S60v5^1 has been a real let down and for more than 2 years nokia have failed to come up with a proper touch UI. I dont think S60v5^3 is armed well enough to take on iOS, Android, Win 7 and even the WebOS 2... The custom UI's by SBM Shell and Handy Shell are better application which were layers on S60v5 maybe nokia could have given one of these apps as a build it app... The only hope is Meego... and delay in only going to cost Nokia thousand's of customer's going in for any of the other OS. There is also pressure on nokia in the cheaper volume's market where it had a dominant command, in market's like China/India where local player's offering similar functionality and better design's are making life equally hard for all these big players... I really dont think nokia's road map leads to the top. They really need to do something quick... and they need to get their developer's back...The OVI store also is a real mess it doesn't even recongnize the handset sometimes, compared to the iOS or android market. The Win7 promises to be equally good to the task.

                                    Wake up Nokia before its too late... N8, E7 all are good on spec's but the s/w is not good enf... and with nokia's long term goals with Meego i'm not sure how much support are they going to be able to provide for the Symbian^3 platform. That's what killed the N900 it was just a one off device, what was the purpose of N900. The N8 and E7 with Maemo would make more sense to me than with S60v5^3.
                                    I have no doubt abt S60v5 being functionaly complete, but there is more to it than just being functionaly complete.

                                    I wish I could see a Nokia with a android...

                                      • s
                                      • symbian^3???
                                      • TLG
                                      • 07 Sep 2010

                                      This is the beginning of the end! Another misadventure about to materialise... Was playing with a prototype and it sure is very far away from the droids and jobs' fruit...

                                        • C
                                        • Calling Earth, anybo
                                        • nix
                                        • 07 Sep 2010

                                        S_p_i_l_e, 07 Sep 2010N8 with S60 will be only one bad useless phone more... A... more"N8 with S60 will be only one bad useless phone more..."

                                        Except it won't. It is running the new Symbian 3, not S60, you ignorant moron.

                                        "All nokia phones really suck since they introduced touch screen..."

                                        The only one that sucks around here is you. Have a nice touch screen day.