Weekly poll results: Two days of battery life is optimal

18 July, 2016
The majority of our readers consider the two-day battery life as optimal.

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Perfecting fast charging is the answer. We'll have to change our batteries faster than now due to the fast charging destroying it little by little, but I'd love to see a phone go from 0 to 100 in 10-15 minutes in a few years. It could happen I hope.

    The.N.EI.G.H.B.O.R., 18 Jul 2016I practice ZERO charging time during my awake hours by usin... moreI understand your opinion but people like you are 0.1% of the market or even less. 11 hr SoT? If you're awake 16-18 hours a day that's still overkill.

      • D
      • AnonD-375713
      • Pkp
      • 18 Jul 2016

      Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016I can see 3 possible power sources for future smartphones: ... moreMy answers then:

      Human body energy:
      - watches been doing this with kinetic energy harvesting, and there's Peltier effect that you can get energy from heat itself. The efficiency improvement on all parts is the key to make it work

      Wireless power transfer:
      - Tesla did manage this, the problem with it is that you need really high voltage. Also any open coil could potentially become dangerous by simply being there rolled up.

      Fission reactor:
      -that one I kinda agree, way too far fetched and complex for a phone only. If we can't even make it into a ship, let alone a car, a phone is beyond thinking for now at least.

      Body energy harvesting seems to me like the most viable option, although there has to be some secondary power source for when you're not close to the phone.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • MnQ
        • 18 Jul 2016

        edgy, 18 Jul 2016I can see 3 possible power sources for future smartphones: ... moreYou forgot the compact nuclear battery

          • D
          • AnonD-472910
          • kaK
          • 18 Jul 2016

          AnonD-375713, 18 Jul 2016My point about the CFC and leaded gas isn't that the invent... moreok i understand

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Khs
            • 18 Jul 2016

            edgy, 18 Jul 2016I can see 3 possible power sources for future smartphones: ... moreI can see 3 possible power sources for future smartphones:
            - Human body battery.
            answer ---> how come you tap energy from human? too much watching matrix movies

            - Wireless over-the-air power transfer.
            answer ----> that's Tesla trying to figure out, so far we can only use wireless charging.. not even far from 10cm, so this tech is still far..

            - Ultra compact fusion reactor.
            answer ---> the most compact fission reactor right now is the one you can find in a sub, and there's still long long way to make it super-compact just to power your car, and fusion reactor will be faaar more complicated than fission reactor, even right now we still only reach early stage development/research in fusion reactor

              • D
              • AnonD-375713
              • Pkp
              • 18 Jul 2016

              AnonD-472910, 18 Jul 2016i agree with alot of what you say, i know inventions take t... moreMy point about the CFC and leaded gas isn't that the inventions get stalled by fear of this happening, but more like we now take way more caution before final releases, this taking some years to come by. Technology is evolving and so if battery chemistry, but the slow steps are probably part due to the caution of not creating new huge problems. I'm sure many new technologies are under approval phase now, just on these last tests to check environmental impact, prime matter availability and production techniques.

                I practice ZERO charging time during my awake hours by using extended batteries.

                Sealed batteries aren't enough to power my needs - up to 11 hours SOT, and up to 12GB data used from a single charge.

                Phones are suppose to be tools, and making the battery sealed and small just so you can show off how thin it is is plain silly. I would rather have something that 10mm that will hold 6000mAh, than a 7mm that only holds 3000mAh.

                  Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016What is the purpose of this poll if it's not going to make ... moreFor a possibility of being used as an order. And if the smartphone vendor didn't comply. The company will face charges?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-472910
                    • kaK
                    • 18 Jul 2016

                    AnonD-375713, 18 Jul 2016People overestimate inventing stuff. It's not like you just... morei agree with alot of what you say, i know inventions take time but some just do pop up on a whim, but i want to add that its not really what sells its what most profitable, when robots get up to standard i know millions of people will lose their jobs easily, yes revolution can bring forth problems but that should never stop us, remeber even though lead feul and cfc had faults they made us become aware of problems we never knew before and then they were improved upon, im all for a new problems to be solved as long as it moves us foward in the long run

                      • D
                      • AnonD-282770
                      • 9yX
                      • 18 Jul 2016

                      Even Simpler, Just make Display act as Solar panel, that will keep phone charging through out the day

                        • D
                        • AnonD-375713
                        • Pkp
                        • 18 Jul 2016

                        AnonD-472910, 18 Jul 2016physics has never stopped any advancement, but marketing an... morePeople overestimate inventing stuff. It's not like you just spit something on a whim, chemically wise it is indeed hard to get anything that doesn't involve gold + lithium to get more power per volume than we have now, and then comes power per weigh issues. People talk about cost but then they also don't want to pay $200 for a phone's battery alone, and just as said they'll do the same **** they've been doing since the start of the millennium: dispose of it in 2~3 years anyway cause it's too old, broken and you don't want to repair, outdated, or just out of fashion. The market just does what sells cause that's what gives them food, you can't just make stuff that won't sell or you close the factories and send 1K+ people home with no job.
                        Not to mention that nowadays we got a lot of environmental and safety issues to deal with. Just imagine what would happen if we got another leaded fuel revolutionary invention. Or CFC fridge gas. They were revolutionary and solved many problems at that time but people had no idea it would cause the impact it did, we can't afford to do it again, or just make a battery chemistry that may or may not blow up into toxic fumes/flames on a bad batch (that's even a stretch since Lithium ones CAN). That's why these inventions take years to develop and may never come to mobile, but stay in specific jobs. Cause they are too expensive for people to waste them after 2~3 years, so they wouldn't even buy it in 1st place.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-472910
                          • kaK
                          • 18 Jul 2016

                          nybreath, 18 Jul 2016I don't know what assefa is talking about, battery is progr... more
                          your are complacent with hours of screen on time so i dont expect you to view beyond the horizon, anyways your SOT test doesnt account for software optimization that helps our little batteries, Lastly you only mention duration... what about weight and thickness chipsets are hitting nanometers i hope more scientitst become greedy and unsatisfied and create 20g batteries that are microscopic with 10s of thousands of mah with days of SOT, sounds stupid right? good because its the stupid people like nikola tesla that will do these things people say are "impossible"

                          a little math if a number is small to begin with example the number 1 then a small unit of increase may result in a large percentage example .3 is a 30% increase battery improvement might seem big but its because its so small to begin with

                            • D
                            • AnonD-510098
                            • m5I
                            • 18 Jul 2016

                            They need to improve battery technology. That's it.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-241270
                              • S4s
                              • 18 Jul 2016

                              i think company's dont want to invest money in battery research to make better battery's!

                              i see some news here on GSMA talking about a battery with a thickness of a paper, battery made by new quimicals and so on...but never see the brands invest in that! why??

                              - i tell you why: company's want to sell phone spares, 30% of their income came from there and if they make a good battery with a new technology who last longer, dont get damaged easy they dont earn money from spare battery's as they do now!!

                              so...forget about exelent battery's with long durations...company's dont want that! even making sealed phones they know some day you have to change it and pay for it...

                              today the things are made not to last but to sell, if you want something to last buy a Nokia 3310 or something from early 2000's...today we dont have that nowhere!

                                • C
                                • Command
                                • NwE
                                • 18 Jul 2016

                                So 12% of all readers are either phone slimness or big battery extremists. Good to know

                                  • B
                                  • Brownie
                                  • YT1
                                  • 18 Jul 2016

                                  My redmi note 3 smirks

                                    • n
                                    • nybreath
                                    • 3B%
                                    • 18 Jul 2016

                                    AnonD-472910, 18 Jul 2016physics has never stopped any advancement, but marketing an... moreI don't know what assefa is talking about, battery is progressing very well.
                                    Some ppl don't understand that even for having the same battery life, compared to past phones, but much more powerful hardware, it means the battery tech advanced a lot.
                                    Anyway I was used to charge the phone multiple times during a day, with my new phone with 4k mah I get 6-7 sot and charge it every two days, battery tech is improving, just don't pretend the best battery and the best performance, it is like pretending a the fuel of a f1 car to last a week.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-472910
                                      • kaK
                                      • 18 Jul 2016

                                      Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016you realize it is our fault that this happens. If you think... morephysics has never stopped any advancement, but marketing and making profits can, if batteries will get better it will be physics and chemistry that do it, it seems either no one is interested to innovate or no one wants adoption since it might be profitable

                                        Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016you realize it is our fault that this happens. If you think... moreBattery breaktrough, no. Faster charging breaktrough, yes. A few years from now we will see a phone can charge from 0% to 100% in 5 minutes. That is enough to keep people from complaining for a couple of years.