Weekly poll results: Two days of battery life is optimal

18 July, 2016
The majority of our readers consider the two-day battery life as optimal.

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  • e
  • edgy
  • 61x
  • 18 Jul 2016

I can see 3 possible power sources for future smartphones:
- Human body battery.
- Wireless over-the-air power transfer.
- Ultra compact fusion reactor.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • FMY
    • 18 Jul 2016

    you realize it is our fault that this happens. If you think about it every year a new phone comes out which everyone expects to be even faster more powerful , able to play desktop games. we are looking for a super phone , but battery tech has not caught up, and due to physics may never catch up. and each year they get faster and even more battery hungry. so the only way manufacturers have to counter this right now is faster ways to charge. would you buy a note 8 if it had the exact same specs as the note 7, of course not if you owned a note 7 why would you? so the next iteration has to be even better even faster using more ram able to do more. do you honestly think there will be a magic battery break through between now and then? probably not. also the phone has to look good now days. so the extra battery is out of the question. now days i just use a powerbank enough for 1 charge. so to be honest its not much bigger then a spare note battery would be anyway. and it keeps me going all day. i just charge it on the powerbank when im working. and its back to full and good til i get home.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • iF$
      • 18 Jul 2016

      gone are the days when batery life was not a concern.....

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • IWQ
        • 18 Jul 2016

        Omar Mohamed, 18 Jul 2016Some phone makers may see this statistical results.Like this is new to phone makers lol. Making us buy new phones yearly is their goal, not giving us better battery life.

          Now I've monitored my wife's S7 Edge battery usage times on a daily basis, and have made statistics of actual unplugged usage time, data (wifi/LTE/GSM), and SOT.

          Unlike GSM Arena's battery endurance testing of 1 hour of each video playing, call and browsing - that results with "98H", real life usage hours does not even equate to even HALF those hours! She only use 3 hours SOT, and yet it gets to 20 to 30% left.

          No way two days can be achieved, unless it's ultra saving mode.

          If we're going sealed battery, better stick in at least 5000mAh, or a beefier magnetically attached external battery (Moto Z) that directly powers the device.

            Simon, 18 Jul 2016Also, you did not include comments. This conclusion of the ... moreTotally agree. This poll missed its mark. I'd like two days too, except I can do 6 hours SOT with my 10,000 mAh extended battery on my Note 3, and 40% left, I still charge nightly.

            Stock 3000mAh+ battery is not enough if you're doing some 5 hours + of SOT, on a 16 to 18 hours stretch for the day. I tried going back to the 3200mAh stock batteries, and at least my Note 3 can immediately gain 100% power after swapping batteries.

            Sealed battery the future? I beg to differ, manufacturers. I don't like carrying charger/powerbank/extra phone, out even an extra battery now. I just want one thing to carry without worrying about battery life, even if my phone's a little thick.

            What GSM Arena should survey is if they don't mind if there'd like these manufacturers produce optional thicker phones so they can do more than limiting their use because of battery drains.

              • E
              • Eske Rahn
              • 3ii
              • 18 Jul 2016

              Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016What do you expect with this poll. The title is missleading... moreExactly!

              The way the questions were posed contained the answer in itself...

              The IDEA of asking this question was OK, but the wording hopelessly unprofessional IMHO!!!

                Anonymous, 18 Jul 2016What is the purpose of this poll if it's not going to make ... moreSome phone makers may see this statistical results.

                  • S
                  • Simon
                  • NU0
                  • 18 Jul 2016

                  Also, you did not include comments. This conclusion of the poll is meaningless if you don't even analyze what people voice that they actually wanted. How about SOT? How about usage variations? In my book, people frequently voted for one day, adding that it means a day of heavy usage.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • n1A
                    • 18 Jul 2016

                    What do you expect with this poll. The title is missleading.
                    You put op the options less than two days, two days or feature phone.
                    When you give longer recharge options you will get a different result for "optimal"

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ibg
                      • 18 Jul 2016

                      What is the purpose of this poll if it's not going to make any difference..