Sony Ericsson W850 and 4 more
- K
- Kal
- Ybt
- 23 May 2006
Just a quick question to all SE users:
Is that BLACK interface is somthing NEW?.. or is it something that SE is using in their other models for sometime?
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 23 May 2006
W850 phone isnt ugly for me, as i say previously, is only a matter of taste. For you this phone is ugly, but it isnt for me.
I dont have data about N70 and N90 sales, only the 5 millions sold between them, but if you take into account that W800/K750 are the same phone (shares the same plattform, only differs in a case and sales package) and K750 have the higher sales in gadget segment, the history change, because essentially W800/K750 are the same phone, you will make a calculation and set the real winner.
If you look the potential user, the mayority dont need a smartphone... i am wrong?
is for that samsung, motorola, SE, LG and others uses propietary UI and dont have a lot of smartphones like nokia... I am wrong?
And total market of these phone makers is more than 65%, and the 34% market share of nokia its by mayority in budget segment, totally, market share of smartphones is small.
Global phone market dictamine this, people that really wants a smartphone is a minus in the market.
Is for this fact that all manufacturers except nokia make only phones, and smartphones is only a business device for all phone makers, except for nokia.
The explanation for this is that OS elevates the final price of the product, and really that S60 is a childist OS, is dedicated to nacents.
Serious OS have more friendly UI, TOUCHSCREEN, and other business features.
Nokias E series approach to this concept, but touchscreen? its not only the fact to put all in one device, is a matter of functionality, to make easy control of all features using small time, simply, a friendly OS and S60 isnt it.
Why not UiQ in N93?? ¿¿you play with the latest handycams?? you could see the difference between key operation and touchscreen operation. I am wrong?
And why have a lot of models? for example, N80 and N73 have almost the same features (N80 has WLAN and more resolution screen, N73 has bigger screen, no WLAN but have auto focus) with the same camera resolution. Both phones share the same potential buyer, and some buyers go with N80, others with N73, and the same case was with N70 and N90.
This market strategy consist in saturate the market with a lot of models that share the same market niche.
SE dont use this market strategy, they have only one or two models per segment (except in walkman line or music segment) and make a different market segmentation in contrast to nokia.
You are erroneous when say that SE cant be a competitor to a nokias highend, you remember again the K750/W800 vs N70/N90 case.
And I wait the eng version of the W850 review
- ?
- Anonymous
- m%R
- 23 May 2006
smiley17, well, this site proved that N90 is better than w800 in every aspect...
Every other site except gsmarena proved n90 is better. So isn't it strange? I mean gsmarena got not very good sample somehow.
You're saying that people are easily blinded with the features. That's weird. SE fans are strange. Sometimes they are saying other phones are worse then SE's bcoz they are more simple, but now they are saying SE phones are better bcoz others (N70) are too featured. Is it SE fan's way of thinking?
- s
- smiley17
- PB8
- 23 May 2006
well again u sed n70 has more sales than w800i, well then this is becoz the people are easily blinded with the features. then the result will be seen in the forum at n70. many complains about getting many buggs,, look at the n70 sales now at the statistics, why it doesnt get higher and higher? still beaten by k750/W800 and D500/D600? it only beats K700, people are easily blinded by the features, and N70 is a great mistake for the users of it. this N70 is not the best 3G phone it is only in second coz of it's excellent features, but,,, a big question mark if we talk about stablity issues, Tarantula is not an avid fan of SEs he only speaks the truth that UIQ is far better than S60, well if s60 is good, then why PDAs have touchscreen?, have UIQ similar interface? coz it only proves that this kinda interface and OS is more powerful than other platform. well dreadnought,, are you using your n80 in posting opinions? dont u use PC which have similar interface with UIQ and PDAs?
- s
- smiley17
- PB8
- 23 May 2006
are you really an observer? you just maybe know that had just said that n90 has better macro than k750 coz of it's lens,,, then why mobilmania,gsmarena and etc proved that k750 excels macro,autofocus, and quality of pictures? they have the phone earlier, but this doesnt mean that the phone released on that firmware will hit the market with that firmware also,,, the guy below is right, the mobile-review just make rumors and unfinalized conclusions,
- ?
- Anonymous
- m%R
- 22 May 2006
tarantula, I do not speak rusian too, altavista rules!
But still... I somehow like w850 but I understand the phone is ugly... Look at the japan SE w42s, it is really beautiful, and europe got this awful design :(
As for the w850 review, I believe they'll improve slider mechanism, Author said "there is big space between parts, but it shouldn't be a problem for many" Like there is no problem with 6280 slider for many too...
So not so bad, let's see and wait til eng version...
- ?
- Anonymous
- m%R
- 22 May 2006
1. Camera samples are really bad, check it by yourself. And yes, it can be worse than some other 2mp cameras with no AF due different lences, it is obvious!
2. reviewer had these phones for a long time to be able to test them.
Pqgv, every company's share (exept samsung!) is based on low end stuff. Do u know what is best selling SE phone? No? It was t290 in 2005. And nokia best seller phone was 1100. And moto best seller phone was c115. But still nokia high-end phones are selling better than SE ones. N70 have outsold w800 for example, N90 did the same with w900, and n73 will outsell k800, you'll see, and 6280 will do the same with w850.
NOW what does sonyericsson have to compete with nokia in the highend? the only smartphone P990i? the only 3MP phone k800/790i? the cameraless M series? I will be pissing in my pants if i were SE, nokia is catching up really fast. SE should start sacking people unless they want to be the next siemens
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 22 May 2006
Mobile-review´s review of W850 is in russian, i dont speak and read russian, i wait for the english version.
6280 is the best?? only in EDGE and PTT presence, and it depends of the country... screen??? W850 and 6280 have the same QVGA resolution but 6280 have 2,2 inch while W850 have 2,0 inch.
6280 has better video recording, VGA at 13,78fps.
W850 has better mp3 player, better earphones sound output, better earphones, 1Gb MS Pro and support memory cards up to 4Gb, reproduction of real video, netfront browser, Gracenote mobile music ID, etc.
W850 is a MUSIC PHONE, and have main features in this area.
And the firmware is unfinalized, the photos could be better with the final firmware
mobile-review is a serious reviewer site, the phone makers send your phones in beta firmware to M-R, they play with it and make early conclussions, but not definitive conclussions.
I wait for the english version of the review
- ?
- Anonymous
- iA@
- 22 May 2006
So now nokia has high market share only on the cheap phones? What's the most sold 3g phone in the world? Yes, it's Nokia n70 :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- iCu
- 22 May 2006
even if w850 has no af it cant be worse than n70/6270-80/6233-4 camera lol!stop being NOKIA LOVERS AND BEHAVE LIKE MOBILE FANS!
- ?
- Anonymous
- iCu
- 22 May 2006
a question please:how can you preview a phone before 3months released?also how can you call mobile-review trustworthy when all the things mentioned are only rumors??
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pqg
- 22 May 2006
I really dont get this stupid war between Nokia and Sony Ericsson... they are both good companies. So what if Nokia has a great market share based on low end products... thats their strategy and it works out... So what if Sony Ericsson focuses on cameras and music players, it works for them.
I like phones from Nokia (im particularily obsessed with N80 and N93), Sony Ericsson (i dont know a single person who doesnt like k750, w800 and w810), Moto (L7 is really nice), Samsung (D500, D600, D800)...
If what you're tryin to do is defend what you got... then thats a childish attitude as long as you like your phone and happy with it, everythings ok.
Currently using a Razr and i dont like it much, but ill buy some other phone i really like next, whether its a Nokia, SE, Moto, Samsung, LG, etc.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iCu
- 22 May 2006
firstly p990 has 2.8inches screen whereas n80 2.1inches.also this is not a se vs nokia thread its about w850+4phones comments so keep this sybject and stop declaring that nokia is the best manufacturer,they just buy technology and put in bulky brick phones
- ?
- Anonymous
- m%R
- 22 May 2006 has tested w850. Picture quality is really poor, slider part is very unstable (yes, maybe way worse than 6280), video is stone age, screen is not perfect, design is just ugly. Only music playback is good. C'mon, you guys saying this phone is good? SE blindness, no more... @Tarantula, are you really think 6280 is bulkier and heavier than w850? Make some research before post please. I respect your opinion as a intelligent SE customer, but still it it the fact that 6280 (which is on the market since 2005) better than w850 in every area exept music part. has tested w710. Not interesting at all, SO thick, outdated screen, camera is even worse than w850 has.
Well, SE is falling after k750 big hit. No one SE phone will repeat its success. When Benq-Siemens will publish their reports SE is going to leave 5th place and go to 6th...
Certainly SE has great stuff like p990, which is going to be released in Autumn, but nothing more interesting. Nokia is selling now three Eseries, new n80 which has no competitors at all...
@iCuD, do not u think all manufacturers are recycling the design like k750 to k800 (as well as 6230 to 6233)?
@nik, an opinion of a person which newer ever seen a phones, how old are you?
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 22 May 2006
Be objetive Dreadnought, your famous N80 has a great display but tiny, P990 has bigger screen that make easy the navigation, P990 is focalized for european market and here EDGE tech is useless because more faster UMTS network is growing.
I say it because im S60 ex-user, and i play for a year with P900, i can say that. I had a 3650 (1st symbian S60 version) and i really dissapointed with phone overall performance, bugs and other problems, apart of the phones size.
I have to name SE because the brand use UiQ OS for smartphones, if you want i use motorola brand, to avoid problems with you, because motorola have smartphones with UiQ.
If you dont play with UiQ systems i recommend to you download an emulator, and you will find for sure UiQ 3.o emulator, ah, nokia has an UiQ phone (6708).
Symbian is a joint between various manufacturers (nokia, SE, panasonic, etc)to make an universal phone OS, and is for that nokia has an UiQ smartphone, why not in N93 for exmaple, with these great functions?
And touchscreen is a real advantage for a smartphone, specially in a device with a lot of functions to make hard to control with numerical keypad only, but only is my humble opinion.
And finally, in this page refers only to a new SE phones, not to nokias, motorolas, or SE smartphones. Each company have your own market strategy and politics.
The people here have an erratic behavior when they try to compare phones with smartphones and makes this forum a revolution of stup*d posts, simply W850 is a great music phone... ¿¿¿Is hard to understand???
- L
- LXi
- 4V$
- 22 May 2006
The J series right has a total of 6 phones (and two or three of them are just refreshed updated versions of an older one), if you include some of the lower end K's and Z's, that still doesn't bring their low-end total above 10 phones. This is a drastic difference of segmentation strategy that SE is taking compared with other high market share brands. If they are trying to get into the low with these J's, they're not being serious enough about it. And just based on observation, SE's medium/high end phones are more ubiquitous than their low end stuff! I shouldn't have been so absolute in saying SE won't ever touch the low end, but in order to maintain their brand image, they're focusing their attention on the medium/high end phones, and as it turns out, these are also their most popular sellers (not the low end phones as in the case with Nokia and Motorola), and a majority of these debut at high prices which many people would consider "too expensive". Some of these factors obviously contribute to their low market shares, using the old example again, BMW never had a very high market share yet they're very highly regarded, and they've also purposely staying away from the low end to maintain a certian level of brand image (and granted they do have a 1-series which you may call low end), see the similarities?
- D
- Dreadnought
- niA
- 22 May 2006
Oh for crying out loud... Tarantula, I have so far considered you as one of the more civilized SE fanatics, but I am afraid that this image is getting torpedoed... I am not having any Nokia blindness and neither am I basing my opinions on brand name!!! I seem to be the only one here who is willing to have a prper discussion. Please, let´s try to be mature, it´s only plain PHONES we are talking about.
You said that the P990 holds everything, is that right? Well, the first thing that I miss is EDGE, and a real high-end display, which is good for browsing the internet, as the N80 review stated. I´m afraid that the main opinion also is that it looks worse and is heavier than the E70.
So you think that UiQ is the key, right? I am not so much familiar with the UiQ advantages except touchscreen, s it would be nice if you could clearen the facts for me.
- f
- flavor
- PF8
- 22 May 2006
nokia = kinda common things (do you like to use common things among every people near you?)
se = so far I see they lacks with their build quality & I heard that they got problems with their signal stability
siemens = lacks with their battery-life & FW stability
motorola = to me it's kinda hard for its navigation, not a friendly one
samsung = don't know much but seems quite boring with their design [not much different bettween their "sibling" :)]
LG = don't know much about them.......
Alcatel = where are they?
Panasonic = quite average among other competitor
So, which one will you choose? You decide..........
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 22 May 2006
This is the problem with nokia, never have a device with the functionality of the SE P series and this a fact, isnt a opinion.
Nokia has attempts with S60 touchscreen OS (7710) but this phone is a real failure.
For these P910 is already survive, this phone has poor camera, no EDGE, no UMTS but is a real ENTERPRISE DEVICE, and its bassically by OS.
- T
- Tarantula
- P9n
- 22 May 2006
"go to P series"
Yes, simply because UiQ is better OS than mediocre S60, ¿You have any doubt?
This is your problem (nokia blinds) you think that S60 is the best OS but in reality is a mediocre OS.
The upcoming P990 have all enterprise features, good quality camera (this smartphone isnt intended for imaging, is an enterprise device), QWERTY, touchscreen (and all advantages inherent to a touchscreen) RIM Blackberry, atlexia, etc.
And the situation repeat again since P800/900/910 vs S60 phones. P series is only for a market niche, and UiQ OS is a lot better than S60.
E series are great devices for sure, but are incomparable to UiQ devices.
If you are happy with S60 i dont say any more, but is a pity. Maybe you will play with UiQ device and you must change your opinion.