Another report suggests the new iPhones will have a touch-based home button
- D
- AnonD-433348
- svH
- 11 Aug 2016
I wish this feature comes true. It could be a benefitial move from Apple because there physical button used to face damage and issues all of the years.
Most of Apple users use the assistive touch instead of the home button itself.
I won't get the Note 7 yet till I see what the iPhone 7 will look like...
P.S crossing fingers to see a touch home button!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- uRD
- 10 Aug 2016
This antique finally has a touch base home, no wonder it's so expensive.
- D
- AnonD-570584
- nC6
- 10 Aug 2016
For all who is arguing for apple and android, below is perfect judgement
APPLE: for simple users (NOOB)
Android: for experts (Pro)
LOL ... I know so many apple lover going to hate me.
- y
- yondiame
- Nue
- 10 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 09 Aug 2016Galaxy Note without a home button exist since 2012. Who cop... moreits not a matter of who copied who.....most smart phones have a touch sensitive home button not only samsung so my brother instead of saying apple are copying samsung just say they are joining the fray
- D
- AnonD-570584
- nC6
- 10 Aug 2016
Manish, 09 Aug 2016Note down sansung gonna this concept of replacing physical ... moreIf you say so than, Apple copied from HTC 10? LOL.
It is Samsung not sansung.... or its a new brand???
- C
- Copyking
- uJD
- 10 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 09 Aug 2016Galaxy Note without a home button exist since 2012. Who cop... moreYeah right.. Apple copy Note after 4 years...
This is nothing but Apple's own directions.
Moto Atrix was first to release fingerprint, but no one gives a damn. But once Apple release touch ID, you see fingerprint scanner pop out in all places.. saying its "Fingerprint killer".
Everyone is trying to jump into Apple's success train.. its disgusting.
- D
- Dot-WiFi
- 10 Aug 2016
Anonymous, 09 Aug 2016Galaxy Note without a home button exist since 2012. Who cop... moretheres a lots phone in this world without home button ... not only samsung have it ...
- P
- PhoneVlog12
- t7A
- 10 Aug 2016
Apple must use Amoled screen too and higher pixel for greater view. Apple didnt listen
- ?
- Anonymous
- 61x
- 10 Aug 2016
iphone button is iconic, it will stay for years to come,
either physical or just logo, one way or another
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Aug 2016
Rafe Firmani, 09 Aug 2016HTC has done it quite sometimes -> Sammy don't care App... moreGalaxy Note without a home button exist since 2012. Who copy who now?
- M
- Manish
- 09 Aug 2016
Note down sansung gonna this concept of replacing physical home button on next galaxy flagship
- W
- IcE
- 09 Aug 2016
Imitation is flattering.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xgY
- 09 Aug 2016
Poor apple copying Lumia
- ?
- Anonymous
- tu6
- 09 Aug 2016
So, Apple get rid of earphone jack and tactile button for the sake of waterproofing? Lame excuse ever. I don't see Samsung doing such things for waterproofing. Even Spen is waterproof. Apple engineer mist be so simple minded that they decided to get rid of every single holes for the sake of waterproofing.
- B
- BossMS
- tug
- 09 Aug 2016
Frankly say.....
It's Apple's way that add something and be sold again!~
But touch type home key actually replace the traditional not durable home button.
- D
- AnonD-120539
- th1
- 09 Aug 2016
Vhh, 08 Aug 2016This,, was in Microsoft surface since surface first gener... moreApple has been experimenting it since 2006.
- D
- Dot-WiFi
- 09 Aug 2016
Rafe Firmani, 09 Aug 2016HTC has done it quite sometimes -> Sammy don't care App... moreif apple fan said samsung copy apple , they can said android already did it 4 5 years ago
- J
- kex
- 09 Aug 2016
Rafe Firmani, 09 Aug 2016HTC has done it quite sometimes -> Sammy don't care
App... morecause Samsung can see apple is moving 50M+ iPhones every time,
any smart manufacturers will do the same.
whether android fanboys hate it or not, people will buy it cause it works for them
not because they are sheep or whatever you want to call it.
just like Samsung will sell the most S series / Note series among android phones no matter what.
- M
- Mikie
- mb3
- 09 Aug 2016
At last - every mechanical part is prone to malfunctio. Look for example at the HTC 10 or OnePlus 3 - they have touch surfaces that work 100% acurate and provide haptic feedback via vibration.
- L
- Liv
- tZk
- 09 Aug 2016
I'm fine with retaining home button. Maybe reduce to small size button n trim the side bezel would help the phone look nicer.