Sony unveils Xperia XZ flagship and Xperia X Compact

01 September, 2016
Two new Xperia smartphones are joining the X series - the top of the line Xperia XZ and the returning X Compact.

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as a sony lover i m dissapointed with x sd820, no shoud not be called compact as its a mini and its a midrange phone......the legacy of z1 z3 and z5 compact is gone

    • J
    • Jay
    • M%j
    • 01 Sep 2016

    AnonD-579255, 01 Sep 2016Why are the reviewers all allergic to plastic? Glass breaks... moreMy car is mainly metal, the XZ is metal. compact should be metal. If a true "Sony Compact" but its not.

      AnonD-579239, 01 Sep 2016OK guys, so let's get a couple of things right: -New Des... moreAgreed in all.
      Sony dont care to compete with numbers, they compete with quality
      Sony is THE ONLY manufacturer that stands out at this time, doing the android thing quite differently than others: from Camera, UI build, Sound system, design, screen etc.
      Everything is in almost perfect balance hardware/software provide unique user experience.

      Cant wait to see this camera with triple focus and 5 axis stabilisation in action. No doubt will top proffessional camera reviews :-)

      Those saying "nothing new" are hillarious :-)

        • D
        • AnonD-429807
        • UDN
        • 01 Sep 2016

        Anonymous, 01 Sep 2016I highly doubt that if they developed their own chipset it ... moreYou must be inhuman if you can make your hands melt XD

        Also there are more chinese and taiwanese branded phones that heat even more than an Xperia Z3+ (I own it)

          • J
          • Jay
          • M%j
          • 01 Sep 2016

          AnonD-579239, 01 Sep 2016OK guys, so let's get a couple of things right: -New Des... moreCannot disagree with your comments, but lets get a couple of other things right.
          Compact = premium in a smaller package every year but this year.
          Compact No waterproofing.
          X compact is not better then last years z5 compact in may ways.
          Compact. Performance we will have to wait and see but the base spec does not bode well compare to last year.
          The issue I have is Sony, year on year seem to just miss the target and annoy loyal fans. Last year SD 810 (after all the bad press)
          This year rebrand, takes how many iterations of the new brand to compete, Compact is clearly worse in several ways (better in some but why always a bitter sweet thing with Sony). I do love Sony products and have many in my home but the phones are just so off the mark all the time especially this year with the Chinese top class releases.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • pWQ
            • 01 Sep 2016

            AnonD-429807, 01 Sep 2016Heating problems are courtesy of Qualcomm with their power-... moreI highly doubt that if they developed their own chipset it would help at all. Pretty sure that it would make their phones and users hands literally melt down during heavy usage. :-)

              • D
              • AnonD-579255
              • 7vk
              • 01 Sep 2016

              Why are the reviewers all allergic to plastic? Glass breaks. Plastic doesn't. Is your car made out of glass? Is your laptop made out of glass? May I ask "wtf?" Is there a reason to make the BACK of the phone out of glass that you can't even see through?
              I just dropped my Z3C and the back shattered. Just a little drop from the table to a hard floor. I have to send it to the repair center in another city and wait 2 weeks. Not covered by warranty, about $50.
              Plastic is fantastic. Polycarbonate rocks. Get real. It's a phone, not Cinderella's slipper.

                • n
                • nganghanimtonla
                • t7X
                • 01 Sep 2016

                ahem ahem the price the price! oh its overpriced again! bye!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 9Kf
                  • 01 Sep 2016

                  Anonymous, 01 Sep 2016No waterproofing, sadly..Try reading the article again ... "The new USB Type-C is welcome as its adoption rate is growing stronger, while water-proofing is an established tradition and expected feature for each top of the line Xperia."

                    • D
                    • AnonD-510275
                    • PA7
                    • 01 Sep 2016

                    If you say this design is old. Than what Samsung did? Very old? Please... But Samsung still great though.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-388420
                      • XQj
                      • 01 Sep 2016

                      Amal, 01 Sep 2016Can anyone tell me.. did xperia z5 premium the capture imag... more0.03s is focus speed and 0.6s is quick launch speed.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mrx
                        • 01 Sep 2016

                        23mp on the X compact..... fascinating when the 650's ISP only supports up to 21.


                          • D
                          • AnonD-579239
                          • 8x2
                          • 01 Sep 2016

                          OK guys, so let's get a couple of things right:

                          -New Design- for all of you complaining about the same old design all over again, they've changed it now with a much better looking one.

                          -RAM Memory management- I'm seeing everyone being unhappy with Sony's choice of putting 3 GB instead of 4 onto the XZ, comparing it to other flagships (1+). The thing is, have you seen how other phones really use that memory? It's not like double of the size will result in a performance that's twice the faster, it is not that straight forward. With the new clean memory app, Sony is killing processes in order to preserve a snappy performance, and until we can see an actual review, we can't just guess over its speed or lack of it.

                          - Camera- Looking bloody awesome. All the past complaints that were present in every post about Sony seem to be taken into consideration now. A lot of manual possibilities, better colour perception, white balance, SPEED, 4K is back, sweet 5 axis stabilization, you just name it. I can't wait to see some results.

                          - Battery- same as with the RAM, you can't judge everything on hardware, so stop comparing 1to1 without keeping in mind what a good software can do. We already the stamina-doze combination that was working really nice, and now we're getting new features to endure the battery's lifespan, so to me it looks like one of the XZ's strength, and yes, even when compared to its market's competitors.

                          - Screen- Oh god Sony how could you not put again a qHD screen, why are you so behind the other brands? Well, to me it keeps to seem a logical option, not only because it optimizes battery and resources consumption but also because you can't really see the differences in only 5.2".

                          All in all, I think this is a truly promising device that will revert the bitter taste we had with the X line so far, and guys, don't go and compare specs just like that, read a little bit before go out there and spread complaints about everything.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 0G0
                            • 01 Sep 2016

                            Amal, 01 Sep 2016Can anyone tell me.. did xperia z5 premium the capture imag... moreFocusing and capturing are different things z5 range can focus as fast as 0.03 seconds and the new X series can also do that but also do the capture in 0.06 seconds. This also excludes the image processing time after capture afaik.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-557576
                              • nx}
                              • 01 Sep 2016

                              Holy bezel! Trying to beat Apple?

                              Design is ugly IMO.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-579239
                                • 8x2
                                • 01 Sep 2016

                                OK guys, so let's get a couple of things right:

                                -New Design- for all of you complaining about the same old design all over again, they've changed it now with a much better looking one.

                                -RAM Memory management- I'm seeing everyone being unhappy with Sony's choice of putting 3 GB instead of 4 onto the XZ, comparing it to other flagships (1+). The thing is, have you seen how other phones really use that memory? It's not like double of the size will result in a performance that's twice the faster, that's not

                                  • m
                                  • mir
                                  • t7X
                                  • 01 Sep 2016

                                  But look on the bright side guys. At least the Z5 compact is a lot cheaper now.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-579225
                                    • sbx
                                    • 01 Sep 2016

                                    I was a Sony fan since the days of Sony Ericsson phones but can't take it anymore. This not a flagship phone, at least not when you compare it to other flagship phones on the market. The XZ is just a repackaged X performance with a USB C port and slightly better battery. Same 820 chip, same 23MP camera with no sensor optimization, same 3GB RAM, same 1080p display. I don't get it. Last years Z5 had a 4K display and now we can't even get the market standard 4GB RAM like other flagship brands and no water/dust proofing. Most of all this phone will probably be even more overpriced than the rest of the X series.

                                      Sony should call it Xperia YZ, then it will be Sony XYZ :P

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-506381
                                        • amW
                                        • 01 Sep 2016

                                        Xperia XZ is amazing phone ! i can't wait to buy it !

                                        xperia phones : best in world