Samsung briefly explains reason behind Galaxy Note7 explosions
- D
- AnonD-237590
- Hxi
- 09 Sep 2016
thats why i pre ordered iphone 7
- L
- Linas
- 09 Sep 2016
AnonD-429807, 09 Sep 2016For some reason, Samsung has made people forgot about the S... moreThis is completely different issue. Snapdragon 810 overheating was performance issue, first of all phone could become unpleasantly hot, but the fact why Samsung didn't used them was thermal throttling, so either they limit the cheapest to keep it cool and loose performance or the processor will eventually throttle back when hot and won't perform as well. So that was completely performance and convenience issue which they have spotted and hence rejected the option of SD810. Otherwise .. it is faulty by design and known.
Battery issue is rare issue which won't affect 99.9999995% of devices, so it is almost impossible to check in QC and generally needs to be covered by manufacturing practices and you just hope it is adhered to. The only we you can test it is by testing batches and I am sure that Samsung did it, but imagine how big batch should be to actually discover this fault. Case like this where 35 devices had issues from 2,5 mln sold, could even be attributed to single employee careless action.
Finally, as pointed by other .. the fact that Samsung is actually recalling all the devices is huge credit for them, because they could just say that with such possibility, they would only replace devices which develops this fault. Secondly, I am 100% sure that 35 cases could not reach such high publicity if not somebody like apple or other competitor would have paid millions to make sure they are published.
- D
- AnonD-385420
- 0pY
- 09 Sep 2016
The Critics now are really going to check out every battery used by Samsung in there phones,if the Note 7 gets Blocked from flying with you on flights whats the use of paying so much for a untrustworthy phone,Will Samsung now switch away from using Lithium batteries in there Future phones,the Note 7 as cost Samsung loads of money and also lost them loads as well,Rushing out any product can back-fire any company,when it causes you loads of trouble and the Note 7 was rushed out to early to by Samsung
- D
- AnonD-302705
- ubI
- 09 Sep 2016
Brother , dnt tell others calculate the percentage of explosions .. Rather think, people might get hurt or injured due to its explosion.. Might got worst... Might be u.. Might be me.. The victim.. Its severe severe fault done by Shame-sung in phone history... They made a 800$ pocket granade ! Oaoo!! Innovation at its best ... Well done Shame-sung !! please stop barking shameful fans
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- AnonD-547239
- ajg
- 09 Sep 2016
Samsung piece of shit ...
You're risking your life with such a mess.
At least they are honest ...
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- AnonD-549785
- r$5
- 09 Sep 2016
Shaun (-_-), 09 Sep 2016Does people charge phone on airplane? Some people just sit ... moreFinally
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- AnonD-542666
- XNt
- 09 Sep 2016
Shaun (-_-), 09 Sep 2016Does people charge phone on airplane? Some people just sit ... moreTotally Agreed,
Out of million phone 35 exploded (iFans calculate the percentage)
Out of Million iPhone almost all bend (Calculate the ratio)
Firstly all blind iFans stated it's a feature just like Kaboom Feature then apple is not even covering the phone in warranty.
Apple iDon't Think.
- D
- AnonD-355558
- Nhq
- 09 Sep 2016
Atleast they gave me a reasonable explanation instead of not saying anything.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kAT
- 09 Sep 2016
no matter what the out come i will buy the samsung s7 note when available , alway had samsung and not about to change .
- ?
- Anonymous
- bCk
- 09 Sep 2016
Shaun (-_-), 09 Sep 2016Does people charge phone on airplane? Some people just sit ... moreSony uses a different type of battery, which is Li-Poly instead of Li-Ion...
I've stick to Sony, in fact since Sony Ericsson era, as they been manufacturing/using Li-Poly batteries for their devices...
Sony had exploding battery cases too, but mainly their laptop, which not surprisingly uses Li-Ion battery cells... Some people managed to rupture their Li-Poly battery(ies) on their Xperia due to overheating (heavy usage while prolong plugged in to charger)...
Li-Poly had a disadvantage though, they suffer from memory effect, but draining and full charge several cycle would help in retaining back 75% of battery life...
- D
- AnonD-425519
- 4BY
- 09 Sep 2016
Liv, 09 Sep 2016I think they too rush to launch Note 7 without proper QC ch... moreHow do you QA millions of devices by charging them for days? You can't. They did QA, they charge it to make sure it works. A few devices were used as test devices and given to users and were kept charging for weeks and nothing happened. If you notice, it wasn't millions of devices that had/have bad batteries, so it was impossible for them to find out which devices were infected.
They're doing a recall which is excellent service.
I have a car that has so many issues and all other owners have the same issues that it is unfathomable why the company didn't do a mass recall.
Samsung should be commended for this.
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- AnonD-514012
- U$%
- 09 Sep 2016
"Unfortunately we will not be able to confirm this as we work with several suppliers." So they still don't know which lot has the problem. How can we know the exchanged one is safe?
- L
- Liv
- tZk
- 09 Sep 2016
I think they too rush to launch Note 7 without proper QC check n test. They always needed to get ahead of new iPhone launch. This setback will certainly be iPhone 7 gain n the momentum certainly have shifted.
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- AnonD-441601
- sri
- 09 Sep 2016
Anonymous, 09 Sep 2016LOL, you must be one of it them.... Definitely not. I never had a phone from Samsung or Apple in my hands for more than a few hours.
Thats not a phone but expensive piece of garbage
- S
- SamsungLife
- bxe
- 09 Sep 2016
Am converting my house to Samsung. when the update comes am going to buy the Note 7
- W
- Winnsuang
- H04
- 09 Sep 2016
Initially most of the Samsung galaxy product are over heating during answering call or using any others function.I preferred to use galaxy note series since 4 years ago.I loved the note series and still want to use whatever issue currently facing Samsung.I notice that iphone haven't this issue like Samsung. If I want to talk more than 10 minutes I can not hold and talk, my ears get heated up.I have to free hand function(on speaker).
Hope Samsung will solve this issue sooner.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rAZ
- 09 Sep 2016
It's Samsung's own batteries (subsidiary company) are defective. That's why they are not revealing of the supplier. Poor they. Now they can't even blame it on others. Arguably One of the most antipand and most admired phone of all time meets such a disaster.
- B
- Banana
- 3i1
- 09 Sep 2016
AnonD-507427, 09 Sep 2016RIP NOTE 7, HELLO iPhone 7, I am ready to go with Apple No Apple are crap
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4rP
- 09 Sep 2016
Going for a refund. Going to use that money towards the iPhone 7plus 32gb.
- Z
- Zenodroid
- nQD
- 09 Sep 2016
nothing to explain, but bad battery and bad phone. if sammy had stuck with the best rumors, this wouldnt have happened. but even god got mad bc sammy screwed up on it, and punished sammy this way.
still looking for new phones with powerful hw and just not sammy anymore. bc sammy is going the apple way. only design, nothing worthy inside.