Sony’s newest Xperia XZ pre-orders sell out in 45 minutes in Taiwan
- c
- comeback
- K3e
- 22 Sep 2016
AnonD-404798, 22 Sep 2016IPhone was always dead phone :PDead but worth billions :*
- p
- pressefr
- 22 Sep 2016
username8, 22 Sep 2016Why do Us versions not have FP sensor? I think the article is refering to the X series like. XA, X Ultra obvious bc of the circle button. Yet the X Performance does not have a DP sensor even though the button looks like it could. So does that mean the XZ does in the US, but not in Taiwan?
- D
- AnonD-404798
- d%{
- 22 Sep 2016
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2016Iphone 7 Killer !!!!!!IPhone was always dead phone :P
- ?
- Anonymous
- p2V
- 22 Sep 2016
Iphone 7 Killer !!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4P2
- 22 Sep 2016
Sold out in 45 minutes, but how many unit???
- D
- AnonD-510098
- m5I
- 22 Sep 2016
They just had a few phones to sell in the first place. All marketing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- X}Q
- 22 Sep 2016
Prolly because Jay chou is their ambassador
- D
- AnonD-442781
- H5N
- 22 Sep 2016
username8, 22 Sep 2016Why do Us versions not have FP sensor?
Mesa told TechRadar that the specific reason you won't find any biometrics in a Sony phone this year is that "it was essentially a business decision we needed to make as we transitioned from the carrier market to the unlocked market.
"In the quick transition, there were a lot of factors that surprised us in terms of areas we needed to check off to enter the unlocked market."
"For us, we needed to leave it out."
Maybe it's just us, but that doesn't really answer the question.
- A
- A Note 4 user
- gQ@
- 22 Sep 2016
did they allocate just 100 handsets for the whole Taiwan, so it would sell out in 45 minutes?
or maybe just 10??
i see no other reason.
- s
- speedemon92
- teX
- 22 Sep 2016
Would love one in Blue, but my Z5 is still going strong!