Over one million safe Galaxy Note7 units are already in the wild

29 September 2016
This revelation comes almost one full month after the company decided on a global recall for the faulty devices.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • thi
  • 01 Oct 2016

Anonymous, 01 Oct 2016What i write is pure reality arguing or not what ever u thi... moreYou think I wasn't aware of that already? I am not blind to such occurrences that many top brands or giant corporations do actually pay fines when found guilty as per charged or about consumer protection or fair trade laws being applied to whichever market (or that consumer organizations may differ in enforcement from one marketplace to another).

What suddenly came to my interest is how you came to realize that I must specifically be a Samsung employee or a company bot as you like to term it. That particular comment of yours may not seem to stoop on the personal level but, to me, it seems like an insinuation of real life info you have no detailed or tangible access of (Where'd you get that from?). Let's get one thing clear first, I am neither an employee or an employer working under any development software, electronics, mobile phonemaker, or tech site you can think of right now. If so that I was or am in the past, present, or future, I would not have been or would not be expressing my views or opinions as freely as I have been doing to date. That's not to say that expressing views or opinions freely has never applied to or has not been done by actual employees of [insert brand(s) that come(s) to mind here]. I won't disagree with you if you say they actually happen to do so, too. I shall applaud and give praise to you if manage to distinguish actual employees/employers of, say, Samsung (if you desire to particularize it that way) expressing their thoughts freely versus regular site visitors expressing their thoughts freely without both of them giving hint of their biographical details or work-related info. So old these insinuations with no proof or evidence. So who's the employee? Who's the employer? Who's the site visitor? Any of them getting paid? "If you don't have proof, the jury can never hear it," Harvey Specter (2016, August 31) on Suits (2011), Borrowed Time

And off topic from your argument: if you haven't been following my writing style, I could easily assume you might have never known my encoded locations before "thiS" and "thi}"

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • M1v
    • 01 Oct 2016

    One more thing. Where i live manufacturer garanty which is usually one year doesnt mean anything because that same consumer rigths assosiation has their own rule and that is if electronic products stop to work by factory flaws that same garanty is valid for 3 years so what ever one company thinks or not, wants or dont want they still have to obey that country laws. So when that same assosiation calls that manufacturer or representative to make exchange or give directives there is no such thing as no i dont want to i am a god (apple,samsung) either they obey or they go to court simple as that. And this is pure facts.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • M1v
      • 01 Oct 2016

      Anonymous, 01 Oct 2016You realized wrong, m%cU. You can always argue many things ... moreWhat i write is pure reality arguing or not what ever u think or not, my statement is valid just stop make consumer have lesser rights then some company. To add more things on top. Do u know why WW came publicly with statement that they admit they tempered with ecu software and they admit they f up. Do u know? And plus they agree on paying billions and billions of dollars in fine. Because they would lose USA market forever. Once again FOREVER. Thats why they are willing to pay fines and admit what they did was wrong. In long run that they lost they will gain back. This is how things works in business.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • thi
        • 01 Oct 2016

        Anonymous, 01 Oct 2016U dont make any sense what so ever. Trying to explain fine ... moreYou realized wrong, m%cU. You can always argue many things about what I say or comment but I am neither a fanboy nor an employee. Git yo info ryt, please

          • D
          • AnonD-367917
          • vut
          • 01 Oct 2016

          Got mine.

          Samsung restore didn't.
          Most photos magically were not on the sd card (from the previous unit) either. Given they were standard photos and default location was set to sd card.. pretty sad. (Lost daughters choir performances etc)
          Didn't reload most of my settings, including lost adapt sound profiling, background and icon sets.
          In fact the restore took it to a month ago (after I had setup/used for a few days..), certainly not the full backup I did three days ago.

          When instore giving the phone back to my carrier, the factory wipe process required I be on the internet and for me to log into my Samsung account. (Rebooted and wiped via a hardware menu).

          Didn't help that the telco insisted that I tell them the IMEI of a phone I would use whilst I waited for a replacement (which I denied giving on the principle of the matter), and insisted it was a Samsung requirement. To be fair the idiot at the store also insisted that the telco not keeping replacement units at retail for swapover was a Samsung requirement (which all other retailers are not stuck doing)...

          Has been a horrible process - lost my screen protector and had downtime.
          The poor restore process really was the 'nail in the coffin'.
          Putting up with the hassles is worth it, ultimately, for the beaut phone, but when I first got the Note 7, all methods to migrate my Note 4 to it failed (using samsung and google options), and then with the extra care I took for backup and restore process Note 7 to Note 7; this is completely unreliable.

          Was the first nice 'everyday shooter' camera I had used in a few years, and hence first time in years I had been taking photos nonstop.
          Lots of photos of daughter receiving awards lost forever-


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • M1v
            • 01 Oct 2016

            To add more on top of things. Why there is consumer rights assosiation is so consumer are protected at the same time that market and economy has a steady flow. They go hand in hand with each other.
            This is a pefect example of how things works.
            I dont care about fans of either side.
            To understand things
            Uber is forbidden in many countries and people have one understanding which in most cases are wrong.
            The reason for not allowing Uber to operate in some markets are because its based on pure profit without any taxes or obligations or rules which are set by that specific country. That means u must have taximeter if country has written those rules no matter what u think i think or the origin of that company thinks. In this case consumer are already protected but not the market which that company is trashing plus competetive assosiation play big role here as well.
            Second example is Apple paying a fine of 12 billion dollars which was determined by EU court for not paying any taxes in Ireland. Once again to protect market in that same specific country. U may think what ever u want or not this is a reality. So fineprint and other bs crap. Keep that for your self. Apple still has to pay 12 billion dollars and yes i own both iphone and android plus im buying new pixel xl and products which companies will care about and provide consumer quality experience. You fanboys are the worst of any kind!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • m%c
              • 01 Oct 2016

              Anonymous, 01 Oct 2016One should remember that mishandling of products in general... moreU dont make any sense what so ever. Trying to explain fine print for gsmarena members so u could sound like a person with insights.
              Newsflash, nobody is causing their own devices to fail if they work just fine, plus even if u read or DONT read fine print there is something called consumer right association which in reality is more powerful then any fine print when it comes to consumer rights and products or what ever is ment with consumer in same sentence. They have their own fine print which standard is set by that country which error or flaws may or may not occur. That phone cost over 800$ and nobody is that stupid. Now i realize that u must be a Samsung employee or what i like to call them, company bot.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • thi
                • 01 Oct 2016

                One should remember that mishandling of products in general is never ground for a hardware defectiveness case and has never been synonymous with it. The laziness and failure of consumers to read and thereby adhere to product or general safety manuals, user's guidelines, or terms & conditions a product comes with ensues. They try to intentionally misuse products in an attempt to work around their existing insurances or to stain the products' company's reputation which commonly happens across the world. Those consumers migt occasionally think, "My insurance company or the product's company is wealthy, they could well cover for any accident or incident I may chance upon," but do not necessarily realize that proper usage of products are already in place in the form of safety manuals, quick or fully detailed guidelines, T&C's, or ANOTHER

                  • D
                  • AnonD-488454
                  • u}v
                  • 01 Oct 2016

                  Anonymous, 01 Oct 2016NO wonder why there has lots of cases with Note 7 in china,... moreNope most cases have purchasing record from big authorized dealers like JD.com and imei/SN all checked out. Not even Samsung attempted to use the excuse that those were fakes or grey market imports, because the proofs were obvious.

                  Interesting to see people exhausting all possibilities to try and find excuses for Samsung.

                    • D
                    • Dan
                    • Lt1
                    • 01 Oct 2016

                    Aj, 30 Sep 2016@Dan: 1. It's a completely new phone. 2. Yes, you can cha... moreThanks for your answer. Yeah for the few weeks I had it, it was incredible. I'm looking forward to my replacement.

                      • D
                      • Dan
                      • Lt1
                      • 01 Oct 2016

                      Anonymous, 30 Sep 20161. you will get a new one. 2. that would depend on dealer.Thanks!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • UD{
                        • 01 Oct 2016

                        AnonD-488454, 30 Sep 2016Nope I'm talking about the Chinese cases that has been repo... moreNO wonder why there has lots of cases with Note 7 in china, because it might be a clone one.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-529674
                          • Mf5
                          • 30 Sep 2016

                          getting my replacement on Monday

                            • D
                            • AnonD-488454
                            • u}v
                            • 30 Sep 2016

                            kirara, 30 Sep 2016there was 26 cases of note 7, but seven owner who complaint... moreNope I'm talking about the Chinese cases that has been reported on the Internet with plenty of photo evidence (even a video) and traceable owners. Samsung got the phone from the first case and examined it, and then suggested the user heated it up (implying it is a fraud). In some subsequent cases the user refused to give their burned phone to Samsung because they fear that Samsung will destroy evidence and treat them just like the first case. In one of the most recent cases the owner is contacting the media and looking for a 3rd party lab to send in his phone for examination.

                            Here is a collection of reports detailing each case (in Chinese):

                              • P
                              • Punisher
                              • m%c
                              • 30 Sep 2016

                              Anonymous, 30 Sep 2016and you are a defending hater.What does that even mean?? lol

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • UD{
                                • 30 Sep 2016

                                Punisher, 30 Sep 2016Haha i see u are a defending fanand you are a defending hater.

                                  • P
                                  • Punisher
                                  • m%c
                                  • 30 Sep 2016

                                  kirara, 30 Sep 2016share it with CNNHaha i see u are a defending fan

                                    • k
                                    • kirara
                                    • UD{
                                    • 30 Sep 2016

                                    Punisher, 30 Sep 2016no we are not but the news was hilarious i needed to shareshare it with CNN

                                      • P
                                      • Punisher
                                      • m%c
                                      • 30 Sep 2016

                                      kirara, 30 Sep 2016like seriously? were not talking about washing machines here LOLno we are not but the news was hilarious i needed to share

                                        • k
                                        • kirara
                                        • UD{
                                        • 30 Sep 2016

                                        Punisher, 30 Sep 2016http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/28/news/samsung-cpsc-washing-m... morelike seriously? were not talking about washing machines here LOL