Motorola KRZR, RIZR, maxx and V3xx
- J
- Jimbo
- F9q
- 25 Jul 2006
Nice looking handsets, guaranteed to sell well, guaranteed to be returned as faulty within 3 months though. If only motorola could make phones with a shelf life in years not weeks then maybe i'd bother recommending them to customers.
- j
- johny
- T4F
- 25 Jul 2006
one word : b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
- u
- uly
- PwP
- 25 Jul 2006
I find this models with an impacting design, mostly the RIZR (slide-bar). But the still have this error with feautures, no one can reach the feautures of sony walkman or n series. this is not a good thing, but i think thah their desing could create a big marketing 4 people that dont knows much of phones.
on this series defnetly i prefer blue, and black, and thy are ok, but in one month there will be other colors
- K
- Rn@
- 25 Jul 2006
the will continue to turn major sales with these sets because the "v3 look" sells...bottom line
Specs dont matter to their market share and they will continue to fully exploit it until something "new" is released.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mx@
- 25 Jul 2006
Moto yet again look light in the specs especilly in the camera and screen departments. Design hasn't moved on from the RAZR much, just a very poor effort when you compare them to what's coming out of Samsung, Sony E, and Nokia.