Pinch-to-zoom coming soon to the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10

17 November, 2010
Sony Ericsson once said multi-touch isn't ever coming to the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 smartphone but now, under the users and developers community pressure, the company engineers finally found...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • q{6
  • 18 Nov 2010

Name any Android flagship handset from any Major manufacturer that doesn't have multitouch in 2010...

Yeah, it's SONY ERICSON's X10! LMAO Go take your heads out of your asses you SE fanboys. It's 2010 and 2011 is almost here and SE is lagging so far behind. SE X10 got nothing on my Galaxy S.

Galaxy S > SE X10
SE= Laughing Stock among Android flagship handsets.

-No Multi- touch
-No 16M colors
-Slow updates that takes months
-Doesn't run the latest Android
-No timetable on when Froyo will be out
-SE guys don't know what they are doing.

They contradicted themselves several times with regards to Multi touch. First, they said it will be added through a software upgrade, then they retracted their statement and now, multi-touch is back online. LOL

SE fanboys, I suggest you go check out any Samsung Galaxy S and you will know how inferior the X10 is. I'm not saying that the Galaxy S is the best but it's leaps and bounds better than the X10.

    • A
    • Amrit
    • ITj
    • 18 Nov 2010

    How about SE X8? Has SE ever concern about it? Pinch-to-zoom is possible or not?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Er2
      • 18 Nov 2010

      MWC, 17 Nov 2010oh my god.... how much easier life will be now that I dont ... moreIf you deem multi-touch not being necessary, especially for a handset costing over US$500 as of Nov 2011, shouldn't you protest AGAINST SE to put such feature into X10?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Er2
        • 18 Nov 2010

        funny apple, 17 Nov 2010 mt was a deal breaker for many people for not getting thi... moreactually how many "high end" Android phones (in the price range of over US$400) which don't support multi-touch as of Nov 2010? Why need to wait for Q1 in 2011?

          • 5
          • 5ushi
          • uBM
          • 17 Nov 2010

          I was expecting them to announce this after multi-touch was uncovered by that group a few weeks back.

          My next hunch, is what about a colour screen with more colours; I'm sure that's possible? The new firmware should have a flag in the registry somewhere that turns the colours being displayed from 65k to something higher (16M...?). And to boot SE has said that's a hardware limit too? And I'm pretty sure no manufacturer makes their 4' screen with just 65k.

          And too people bashing SE. You're welcome to do so, but don't blame SONY. Ericsson is in charge of SE's Western division devices sector (and Sony is in charge of that in Japan only). Which is why the design of SE's mobiles in Western countries are very 'unlike' Sony.

            • f
            • funny apple
            • n4C
            • 17 Nov 2010

            mt was a deal breaker for many people for not getting this device, but guess what? Not any more ;)

            Love you Sony! You rule.

              • R
              • Rashypoo
              • xKX
              • 17 Nov 2010

              too late sony...

                • J
                • Jteve Sobs
                • 2@U
                • 17 Nov 2010

                [deleted post]Acknowledging it is a hardware issue is dumber than secretly lying to your customers and giving them lesser than what they deserve? It is obvious which one is more insulting here. You've just been taken for granted and you didn't even know it!

                If you're cool being lied to and deceived then hey, whatever rocks your boat man. I'm happy for you and your X10 with many future updates! Just hope there's nothing else which you've been lied to.


                  • S
                  • Sony and Nokia!
                  • qLC
                  • 17 Nov 2010

                  Sony is pissing me off, when the PS3 first came out they said force feedback cannot be in the controller because of the Sixaxis and now they have Dualshock 3 with Sixaxis. If they keep doing crap like this they will lose all their Fans.

                    • J
                    • Jteve Sobs
                    • 2@U
                    • 17 Nov 2010

                    namez bond, 17 Nov 2010go read on the SE website if you're so curious to know why ... moreAs I've said before, please learn to read and write before running your mouth all over the place. I DO NOT own an iPhone or an X10 for that matter but I work around mobile phones everyday and have held and tested numerous handsets. (Both the iPhone and X10 too)

                    If you prefer to flame and go about dissing people then this is not the place. Stay in school.

                      • J
                      • Jteve Sobs
                      • 2@U
                      • 17 Nov 2010

                      funny apple, 17 Nov 2010 come on dude let's be real for a moment ok? Are you telli... moreThe antenna problem was a GENUINE physical hardware issue which Apple acknowledged unlike what SE is doing (and trying to cover up now). It did not call back or replace any parts in the X10 with regard to its "hardware limitation" claim.

                      And nobody is making any reference to Apple or any other manufacturer here. The fact is SE released fraudulent information and caused its customers to be at a disadvantage (although I'm sure a fanboy, like yourself, won't agree that MT is important)

                        • M
                        • MWC
                        • Fvk
                        • 17 Nov 2010

                        oh my god.... how much easier life will be now that I dont have to touch the zoom in or zoom out buttons on the screen of the x10!! What a bunch of BS!!! If pinch and zoom is your major GRIPE about a handset... you need to find something else to play with!! get over it.

                          • n
                          • namez bond
                          • q{K
                          • 17 Nov 2010

                          Jteve Sobs, 17 Nov 2010SE claimed there is a hardware limitation on the X10 from t... morego read on the SE website if you're so curious to know why they said they won't be able to release it & how are they releasing it now...
                          first you come on a SE forum ranting a SE phone & then you talk about something that you only know partially...
                          don't go blah blah blah without knowing what you're talking about...we know what SE did & what it's doing right you don't have to point that're crying over here saying they lied & deceived US but YOU don't even own the damn phone...yet you're whining here like as if you got betrayed & now it's the end of your life...
                          your iphone is the BEST phone ever created in this era, hands down! happy now? is that all you want to hear? now, go on other forums like Nokia, Samsung, LG, HTC & start talking about how cool your phone is & how it's better than theirs...go on...i know you have all day to do that...have fun!

                            • f
                            • funny apple
                            • n4C
                            • 17 Nov 2010

                            Jteve Sobs, 17 Nov 2010SE claimed there is a hardware limitation on the X10 from t... more
                            come on dude let's be real for a moment ok? Are you telling me that apple never lies??! Are you telling me that apple never screws their customers, and don't let me start with the antenna problem.

                            Yes se didn't plan to put mt all along, and yes it's wrong that they lied. But since they added it, I think it's a big plus on their half.

                            And the X10 is indeed a very good device, so getting mt with 2.1 android made it much better now, and it seems that there is a high chance that it will also get froyo next year.

                              • J
                              • Jteve Sobs
                              • 2@U
                              • 17 Nov 2010

                              funny apple, 17 Nov 2010 Yes it is, maybe I need to download an app to fix it looo... moreSE claimed there is a hardware limitation on the X10 from the beginning and MT is impossible to implement. Now, out of nowhere, that "hardware limitation" has been solved and MT is possible.

                              Now which part of this is "moving forward"? Appreciate what? Being lied to and deceived?

                              This is a joke right here for you.

                                • f
                                • funny apple
                                • n4C
                                • 17 Nov 2010

                                Jteve Sobs, 17 Nov 2010My comment was with regard to SE adding something which sho... more
                                Yes it is, maybe I need to download an app to fix it looool.

                                Look dude the funny thing is that your complaining that the x10 should have mt from the beginning and yet apple has tons of things that they still don't even have.

                                The thing is that later is better than never, so instead of bashing we should appreciate that se is moving foward which is a good thing for their users.

                                  • J
                                  • Jteve Sobs
                                  • 2@U
                                  • 17 Nov 2010

                                  funny apple, 17 Nov 2010 You know I'm right but you just don't want to admit it :)... moreMy comment was with regard to SE adding something which should have been there from the start given the X10's hardware capabilities. I've never said the X10 is an incapable phone and neither am I saying the iPhone is the perfect phone.

                                  Please think before you speak. Or is that one of your "hardware limitation"?

                                    • f
                                    • funny apple
                                    • n4C
                                    • 17 Nov 2010

                                    namez bond, 17 Nov 2010funny how apple people are more worried & impatient wit... more
                                    dude don't blame them the only thing they had over sony is mt and now they have nothing loool. So it's hard for them to accept that the 100 feature that we had ages ago are still missing in their forum :P

                                    they just had a 5mp camera? boring when did we have such thing with xenon flash. By the way don't we already have a 12 mp camera as well.

                                    they just got video calling? when did we get it before 7 years maybe, still boring apple.

                                    ericsson had bluetooth since early 90's so when will apple have it ? hmmmm no one knows :P

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Tv
                                      • 17 Nov 2010

                                      funny apple, 17 Nov 2010 I was speaking too itoy users not you galaxy user, it see... moreOK then.