Motorola with a new mobile FONE
- s
- segul
- 2SM
- 28 Jul 2006
I love this phone and like to have one can anybody pls tell me the "P R I C E" iam desperate to know.
- G
- Gagbag
- 27 Jul 2006
C'mon motorola,Face it!You can't test x280!Why the hell do you people even think moto made this phone!Don't you think they would have made it into a normal sized phone IF THEY INTENDED TO!Making it for the "so-called" low-end region of phones is just a lame excuse.
- C
- CM
- jk1
- 27 Jul 2006
This phone is really nice. I find it awesome that it's aimed for developing countries.
Oh and do you people not read?!? Wow. It has a mono screen. Read the damn article
- K
- Kuntalo
- S7y
- 27 Jul 2006
I find it absolutely fantastic. Beautiful, with a extremely long battery life, great reception, dust resistant (what a +)- all I need from a phone.
It's gonna be mine...
- r
- rahul
- 2SM
- 27 Jul 2006
Can anybody tell me the price? and also whether its an mono or colour display? bye.
- s
- sipoy
- ijB
- 27 Jul 2006
dis s a great phone for those like me who are fed up with ol d garbage of new features that dosnt seem to satisfy us because they are coming up with new and better models...basically this phone is enuf for me...had phones in the past and it just resulted in gadget envy...
- t
- tony stark
- Rxj
- 27 Jul 2006
this phone is hot!!! i can't wait for it to be out. i just hope we get it before christmas time.
- s
- sakthi
- 2SM
- 27 Jul 2006
Hi every body this is a great phone for the middle class people hats of to u motorola for giving this slim beauty at a slim price.
- k
- kiddi
- 27 Jul 2006
worth to try!!
- p
- p.sathyaprakash
- 2SM
- 27 Jul 2006
Its a great phone for the growing market like india and China who have low per capita income thank u Motorola we expect it very soon in India.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P%F
- 27 Jul 2006
wt's scpl?
- D
- ijC
- 27 Jul 2006
roflcopter at this phone, only nubs would go for this one, gg motorola
- T
- Theeb
- FBw
- 27 Jul 2006
I am sorry to say that " motorola phones really Suck " very terrible software and extremely stupid user interface ,, sorry but no thanx moto ,, we do not need any more of your super stupid phones ,, !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pv9
- 27 Jul 2006
*points and laughs at motorla* sorry motorola but i can't defend u from that! come on flamers its urs turn i would support u
- h
- hassan
- PSd
- 27 Jul 2006
this mobile is very good thanks to motorola to release this mobile
- j
- just_shutup
- j@y
- 26 Jul 2006
This phone is great for low-end market.
- G
- Gagbag
- 26 Jul 2006
He He...This phone is a joke.With literally no features at all and a dumb ass screen,they should have just made it into a normal sized low-end phone.Could become a stand up comic.People would just look at it and laugh.
- ?
- Anonymous
- F9q
- 26 Jul 2006
my god, that phone is fugly and fugly in the extreme!!
- P
- Phil
- S35
- 26 Jul 2006
Looks very nice ,
- K
- Rn@
- 26 Jul 2006
For their target market this is a good idea, if the UI is actually improved this set should do well, lets hope the OS is improved also.
Direct rival for the 1110i