Patent reveals LG is working on a transparent foldable display
- Note7
- KS7
- 06 Oct 2016
Foldable and flexible display concepts are good but not sure how this can fit in the Mobile Phone space or even tablets. Holding them will be difficult, you may easily lose the device if it is too light or too fragile. The next wave of interface will have to be voice driven but that is slightly intruding and not really secure while using in common places. Next wave technologies going to face big challenge in terms of good use cases.
- A
- Anonymous
- 4S2
- 06 Oct 2016
anonymous, 06 Oct 2016now this is innovation > this is what we needNot need but want
- D
- AnonD-551566
- PH0
- 06 Oct 2016
wow that pic of rollable TV seems pretty neat :)
my concern is the adaptation of the foldable display, sure there can be fun games and such but the concept itself it's harder to handle that what we have now and even where it's more practical for some stuffs i'm betting it'll be more expensive that todays flagships (which are quite expensive tbh) all the above is at least for the mobile division, TV-wise it can be really amazing ^_^
- S
- Someone Else
- tZk
- 06 Oct 2016
Samsung had already release a flat transparent OLED display panels. But it is use only for displaying ads billboard and can be put in a fitting room to virtually 'wear' any clothing without even putting them on. But, Samsung had already stop producing these panels as there were not many demands and they were only focusing on the small shopping market. But, if this patent is true, LG will take on transparent and foldable display to another degree and finally made them useful. There is a lot of potential to this and I hope this patent isn't wasted.
- a
- anonymous
- UD{
- 06 Oct 2016
now this is innovation > this is what we need
- S
- Someone Else
- tZk
- 06 Oct 2016
Supreme Fighter, 06 Oct 2016Let there be some innovation on Battery technology. It's sa... moreYou sure have a lot of free time in your life. I miss that.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tyZ
- 06 Oct 2016
leader of innovation
- D
- AnonD-510098
- m5I
- 06 Oct 2016
I want battery advancements
- D
- AnonD-442781
- H5N
- 06 Oct 2016
Anonymous, 06 Oct 2016and sony? i've never heard anything special from them since... moreSony is pretty good, it's just their mobile division that's tanking.
- D
- AnonD-325309
- fp%
- 06 Oct 2016
Yeah that's right we need innovation not a useless expensive devices
- S
- Supreme Fighter
- U{t
- 06 Oct 2016
Let there be some innovation on Battery technology. It's sad I can't play Shadow Fight 2 and other demanding games on my phone continuously for 10-20 hours a day without having to charge the phone 5-6 times a day. I wish I can have a mobile that I can charge one time a year so I can save some electricity bill and also be hopeful that my battery won't die.
- ?
- Anonymous
- thv
- 06 Oct 2016
AnonD-540667, 06 Oct 2016Sammy and lg working hard to innovate Something real revol... moreand sony? i've never heard anything special from them since their separation with ericsson.
- D
- AnonD-540667
- gNV
- 06 Oct 2016
Sammy and lg working hard to innovate
Something real revolutionary
Apple all the while - files for a patent icopy i.e. whatever others do we will just copy it
- ?
- Anonymous
- dPN
- 06 Oct 2016
Patents mean nothing. I work for a company that patents a lot of crazy things that they aren't going to implement.
- H
- Hoho
- n41
- 06 Oct 2016
lg,samsung, and china phones are the real innovators.