Galaxy Note7's death may mean $17 billion in lost sales for Samsung

11 October 2016
That amount would be bankruptcy-inducing for most companies, but not this one.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7K
  • 12 Oct 2016

At this point Samsung should sell their Mobile Division and focus more on TVs, Monitors, Fridges, ETC.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • P%u
    • 12 Oct 2016

    AnonD-385420, 12 Oct 2016Will someone now produce batteries that do not become explo... moreIt is not the battery that is defective!!! It's the NOTE 7 Circuit Design itself!!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • P%u
      • 12 Oct 2016

      AnonD-507364, 12 Oct 2016I think this is the start of downfall of Samsung. You se... moreSony and HTC make Quality phones

      Samsung makes burning or exploding mass produce phones with circuit flaws that endangers human life.

        • D
        • AnonD-507364
        • yA8
        • 12 Oct 2016

        I think this is the start of downfall of Samsung.

        You see Nokia only takes 2 years to slump. At that time there are just less than 5 phones manufacturers and even Apple is not strong enough and yet Nokia can almost go bankrupt.

        Today, there are more than 20 manufacturers alone. Many people will never go back to Samsung brand except for some diehard Samsung fans and fanboys.
        You can even see for yourself that the media hated Samsung so much and wanted Samsung to go bankrupt as soon as tomorrow.

        I dont think Samsung can survive this round. Even their customer service turns good to bad. It's like a 360 degree change!

        Yes, there might still be around with profits coming from washing machines or airconds but certainly not smartphones.

        HTC and Sony is still around because they never makes mistakes. So, at least people still trust them.

        In smartphone business, once you made a mistake, you are gone.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • wYG
          • 12 Oct 2016

          any new relating to Note 7 should halt immediately.. as of this moment that sorry excuse for a phone is already irrelevant... sux to be samsung haha

            • M
            • Max
            • HjB
            • 12 Oct 2016

            AnonD-385420, 12 Oct 2016Will someone now produce batteries that do not become explo... moreLet push them to produce a better battery tech lol

              • S
              • Savor
              • PSw
              • 12 Oct 2016

              This was supposed to be the Galaxy Note6. By skipping the devil number, this "Note7" became cursed from the fires of hell and by an Apple-biased media firestorm.

              With Samsung and LG making too many badly timed mistakes, I know am forced to get an iPhone specifically the SE which ironically offers the best value at half the cost. Surprising coming from Apple. I got to live with the 1.2MP front camera but the space gray does look better than the matte black 7 which still smudges. Doesn't have a camera hump and looks to be the final iPhone with headphone jack. Also considering a Xiaomi Redmi 3 Prime for $160.

              What a sham from Shamesung. But anyhoo, $17B in losses in something they can handle. If this was HTC, they would be completely wiped out and probably wouldn't announce anything and sweep it under the rug. People should check out that ColdFusion video on YouTube about Samsung. They are much bigger than you assume. They don't just make phones, TVs, and appliances. Samsung just needs to learn from their mistakes. Maybe layoff the 4K displays, metal frames with generate heat, fast SoC, and bring back removable battery.

              If you think about, it isn't that sad of a story. We learn more from failures than successes. I was actually more sad when the Sega Dreamcast and webOS died. This is actually a blessing in disguise for Samsung and for all consumers for the future. Instead of rushing phones, packing so much heat with QHD displays, hot SoC, metal frames, VR, and super fast charging, maybe we need to reevaluate what we want from phones and what devices Samsung should make for us.

              Sometimes we all need to be careful what we wish for. A 1-2 second difference opening apps is no big deal to most people. Patience is probably more needed in tech for all of us.

                • D
                • AnonD-385420
                • mHw
                • 12 Oct 2016

                Will someone now produce batteries that do not become explosive and can be more durable,we keep getting promised these type of batteries but never seem to see them,there must have been something else that cause the Note 7 to catch fire,was it the usb-c connector?,Samsung must now improve there check up of everything they produce or use,as they can not have check out the batteries before they release of the Note 7 as they were so eager to get the phone before Apple announced there new phones

                  Everybody is talking about battery.

                  It is not the real problem.

                  Battery is fine.

                  It is confirmed by the second batch of
                  phones with replaced batteries witch caught fire.

                  The problem is a design flaw of the case.

                  In some circumstances at a mechanical stress (bend/pressure)it shorten the battery and/or motherboard.

                  When Samsung acknowledge that is beyond any fix (only by completely redesigning
                  the case/motherboard)they stop production.

                  All I can say is "you're the best" to head managers from the departments:Design/Test/QC.

                  Which manage to f**k-up in such a way
                  that is beyond repair.

                  I-fixit will be acquired by Samsung soon
                  because they notice the screw witch goes thru battery into the motherboard.

                  Shamesung short story...
                  I-fixit...oh no...still fire....stop production....stop....stop

                    • C
                    • Correction
                    • uFj
                    • 11 Oct 2016

                    Anonymous, 11 Oct 2016I remember when the Galaxy S4 first came out with exploding... moreThey never blew up. They where just swollen. Very different

                      • S
                      • SDKforLumia
                      • KIp
                      • 11 Oct 2016

                      It's the perfect time for Samsung, I repeat, PERFECT TIME for Samsung to collaborate with Microsoft and finally make that Surface Phone a reality. With both Samsung's and Microsoft thick pockets and their deep market penetration, this phone can well be the next bug thing. Truly.

                        Jeez, 17billion flop, was it any bigger failure than this in modern smartphone business????

                          • R
                          • Ren
                          • t7X
                          • 11 Oct 2016

                          Leo, 11 Oct 2016No this is gods way of punishing Samsung for rushing the no... moreAnd changing the name from note6 to note7 adds up.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3I{
                            • 11 Oct 2016

                            Raphi7, 11 Oct 2016I also think it is basically a media fiasco. Note 7 phone... moreSamsung is probably afraid of being sued by people injured by their phones in particular in the US where awards tend to be sky high. Remember the case of the McDonald spilled burning hot coffee?

                              Anonymous, 11 Oct 2016nobody cared back then. in fact, its probably very few not... moreI also think it is basically a media fiasco.
                              Note 7 phones can explode, but before the second recall Samsung have showed that 25 out of 36 phones that exploded were cases where they couldn't take actions,probably because many were fake...

                                • D
                                • AnonD-362903
                                • AIA
                                • 11 Oct 2016

                                no problem to samsung. still perfect in my eyes. never liked notes anyway. lookin forward to s8 too! gna have ti make it up;)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3I{
                                  • 11 Oct 2016

                                  Some heads will surely roll at Samsung HQ but whose?

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-182106
                                    • 0v$
                                    • 11 Oct 2016

                                    This means only one thing. Samsung is going to release s8, s8 edge and s8 note on march, or maybe even earlier. RIP galaxy note :'(

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • tNw
                                      • 11 Oct 2016

                                      Anonymous, 11 Oct 2016nobody cared back then. in fact, its probably very few not... moreNope. It was a mistake from the higher ups. Try reading more stuff so as not to stay locked to your bubble.

                                      "...So the top brass at Samsung Electronics Co., including phone chief D.J. Koh, decided to accelerate the launch of a new phone they were confident would dazzle consumers and capitalize on the opportunity, according to people familiar with the matter. They pushed suppliers to meet tighter deadlines, despite loads of new features, another person with direct knowledge said..."

                                      "...As the launch date approached, employees at Samsung and suppliers stretched their work hours and made do with less sleep. Though it’s not unusual to have a scramble, suppliers were under more pressure than usual this time around and were pushed harder than by other customers, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. One supplier said it was particularly challenging to work with Samsung employees this time, as they repeatedly changed their minds about specs and work flow..."

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • fjU
                                        • 11 Oct 2016

                                        Tann Hauser, 11 Oct 2016What last non exploding flagship?!? S7s exploding also: h... moreAh shame man look, Sony fb just had to post something here, shame, just watch the pills, not so many at once ok.