New Vertu Constellation series

24 Aug, 2006
Vertu, the high-priced exclusive range of Nokia, will offer soon a new line of mobiles under the name Constellation. Up until now Vertu has prided themselves with the Diamond series which is the...

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  • F
  • F430
  • ix5
  • 27 Aug 2006

NutCracker! I don't recall discussing how much money I made and as for my girlfriend she is a professional model! she makes as much as I do annually if not more. She doesn't need me for money! You have obviously missed the point concerning my statement. The first Vertu phones hardly look like an antique typewriter! As for the economy, yes I do contribute to it as I am sure you do also. All Vertu phones are upgraded with firmware to bring the technology up to date minus the obvious cameras and video capability.

    • T
    • Tarantula
    • P9p
    • 27 Aug 2006

    Taking into account that these vertu phones have S40, yes, the same user interface of nokias 6233 and 6131!... Where is the luxury phone?... only in ceramic keypad?? What a joke!

    At least in a phone of this price tag a SGS display and special UI or open OS

      • N
      • NutCracker
      • 4TI
      • 27 Aug 2006

      First I want to answer to F430: Nobody here cares about how much money you make, people are just giving their honest opinions. Good for you (and your bloodsucking girlfriend). It is all about priorities when it comes to spending that much on a device which usually costs 10-40 times less. Vertu is about craftsmanship, choosing the best (sometimes extravagant) materials to make a cell phone of superior quality. However in tech business of devices (such as GSMs) the generations last no longer that 18 months and such investments are in my opinion unreasonable, since your $K phone looks like an antique typewriter next you a 12 months younger $200 phone. So if your willing to spend your money on ceramic buttons (make from the same material used in the shuttle (another unreasonably expensive device)) I congratulate you! And to F430 I say “People like you keep the economy (the Finish one) growing, keep it up!”

        • F
        • F430
        • ix5
        • 26 Aug 2006

        It is surprising how everyone that bad mouths this phone are the one's who cannot afford it. It is not about the options but about having a finely crafted device which is not plastic. It's about obtaining something rare and unique. This phone is worth every penny as I have one already of
        which I will give to my model girlfriend. I assure you, if you were in a financial position you would
        purchase one in a second. I have ordered mine already and should get it in a few weeks.

          • T
          • Tarantula
          • P9p
          • 26 Aug 2006

          I think that nokias 8000 series and moto RAZR looks a lot better and more classy than vertus line, for me is really ugly. Combination of materials isnt all in a luxury phone, the design is the most important part and vertu design sucks a lot, and the price is too high for the feature-wise.
          And black diamond concept looks A LOT BETTER than all vertus, is a pity that it isnt sony ericsson, but the price is a real madness... US$ 300,000 for a device!!

            • A
            • Adnaan
            • nHA
            • 26 Aug 2006

            Be keen to know the price. My guess is inbetween the Ascent and Signature range. Dont think its as good looking as the Ascent. I think it will sell though.

              • m
              • makas
              • Sa%
              • 26 Aug 2006

              it is a very nice fone .
              i'll buy a dozen .
              several colors to chamge from day to day

                • J
                • Jules
                • wgG
                • 26 Aug 2006

                What is so good about this phone? Im interested in what it does that other phones dont...?

                  • A
                  • ALBERT KING
                  • PFH
                  • 25 Aug 2006

                  i think its a good phone to buy only if u are out of mind !!!
                  i vud rather preffer buying a golden brick of same size vch dont required charging n vthin yr or 2 m sure it vl gv some profit also :-)
                  nyways good for those who can afford it

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • NG{
                    • 25 Aug 2006

                    You never knew someone could have such bad taste? Your name is cool aloe...

                      • C
                      • Cool Aloe
                      • NaD
                      • 25 Aug 2006

                      Wow these phones are amazing!!!!! I never knew someone could have such bad taste. And at such a sky-rocketing price, no one is going to buy this.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • b26
                        • 25 Aug 2006

                        If you never had a chance to hold it in you hands I would't recome talking crap about something you don't know anything about. It's not just the phone, it's expensive and very stylish accessory you can also use to make phonecalls with. You also need to have some class, taste and some sereouse cash to appreciate it.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Gh6
                          • 25 Aug 2006

                          To Dreadnought
                          U right. Instead they should buy this ugly peice of crap..that looks like the tyre threads on my Beemer.
                          I dnt think any fashion concious person will be seen using this ugly Siemens look-alike, over priced crap. Urgh.. it really is awful..and a tad lack lustre.

                            • j
                            • jordey
                            • iEP
                            • 25 Aug 2006

                            how to attracted a gold digger lesson 1 buy this phone

                              • D
                              • Dreadnought
                              • niA
                              • 25 Aug 2006

                              Wow, they really look classy. I especially like the materials. The hillbilly who thinks that a wealthy person should by something plastic and orange from SE clearly doesn´t know anything...

                                • T
                                • TaReGt
                                • S7x
                                • 25 Aug 2006

                                Yes,but there will be only 5 Black diamonds :(

                                  • J
                                  • Jay
                                  • IeT
                                  • 25 Aug 2006

                                  ok firstly i cant afford one plain and simple BUT i do want one. Why well why not probably the same reason i want a buggatti veyron or Oprah Winfreys house. All of you who are player hating these phones stop playing the lottery right NOW. these are the most beautiful phones i have ever seen they are sleek functional and come with a one touch 24hr service speed dial, you want something its there simple. Dont knock it cause you cant afford it, love it instead.

                                    • d
                                    • domacy
                                    • kEv
                                    • 25 Aug 2006

                                    I don't understand why this phone is affordable. Seems very expensive. Another thing, is this a new brand of phone that is being launched, or an OEM thing?

                                      • a
                                      • ahhahah
                                      • C5j
                                      • 25 Aug 2006

                                      i don't think a vertu phone is worth it.. if you do have the money .. go buy the black diamond from sony ericsson that is coming out soon!...the black diamond combines the luxurious materials and functionality into one

                                        • H
                                        • HAPPY USER
                                        • NG{
                                        • 25 Aug 2006

                                        I'm very sorry to all of you who do not, and seemingly can not understand Vertu Phones. I would venture to say any one of you who speaks ill of the Vertu line has never owned one, or possibly never even held one. Likewise, none of you have ever owned the cars you speak of either. As a Vertu owner, I know EXACTLY why these are so expensive, and exactly why it does not matter one bit that they do not have 3.2 mpx cameras with autofocus, stereo bluetooth, 3G video call cameras, or anything else you all seem to wish for. I have 2 phones, the Vertu Ascent, and the SE w900, for obviously different reasons. The w900 is wonderful, so fun to use, and does EVERYTHING! But the w900 is still...just a phone. The ascent, as with every Vertu, is a mastery of hand crafted materials, a piece of handheld art really, celebrating the finest materials currently at our disposal. Simply holding these phones is breath taking. If you can appreciate all the wonderful cars you all speak of, and/or appreciate fine art of any kind, then you can appreciate these phones. No reason to continue insulting what you do not have.