Motorola won't be launching new smartwatches in near future

02 December 2016
At-least not for the launch of Android Wear 2.0, which is coming sometime early next year.

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AnonD-368020, 02 Dec 2016Television sets have not been innovated like other gadgets.... moreYou can always stick a smart component (tv box e.g. Apple TV or Mi Box) to your dumb TV and make it smart. So need to put embed the same functionality into the TV itself (read: poor updates, not future proof etc. etc.)

A TV can not replace a PC, ever! Period.

    • D
    • AnonD-368020
    • Kxx
    • 02 Dec 2016

    Television sets have not been innovated like other gadgets. There is huge market for smart TVs in sub 500$ television market at least in india. Whatever smart TVs are available not have poor software interface and a lot can be done in this regard.i would like a TV remote which has small touchpad at bottom for proper nevigation on TV screen. Its time TV and PC should be made into one.
    Smartwatch is like another cellphone which you wear on your wrist, it really doesn't have any significant value for many consumers also good smartwatches are very costly whereas Fitness bands are better options at cheaper prices.