MWC 2011 awards: iPhone 4 is best device, HTC - best maker

16 February, 2011
The Global Mobile Awards just announced the winners for 2011. A couple of phone makers and several software developers were honored this year. Some of the winners were expected, while others came...

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  • F
  • Flame
  • tA$
  • 16 Feb 2011

May the best device win !!! Take a lesson from Apple, please.. They understand what "most people" wanted from a phone, not only a bunch of gadget-freak :P

    • T
    • Tui ad
    • TSD
    • 16 Feb 2011

    Iphone 4 still hasnt got a FM radio built in to it!! hahaha

    Best phone of the year?? Yeah right!!

      • D
      • AnonD-37
      • q{6
      • 16 Feb 2011

      SS, 16 Feb 2011If we take these awards for 2010, then I can understand. H... moreI hope LG can market the O3D the same way as Samsung does on their Galaxy line. I was going to go for the SGS II but the LG O3D changed my mind. It's just that damn good.

      The Quadrant score and the benchmark of the O3D is better than the SGS II.

        • c
        • chip
        • gDk
        • 16 Feb 2011

        last year for HTC
        nothing new from them this year

          • r
          • rubish
          • mAQ
          • 16 Feb 2011

          How can the iPhone 4 win u ask? Well I'll tell u why: one day a friend of mine came to class and showed us his new SGS. Then another colegue of mine that thinks he knows stuff about the mobile industry(doesn't even know english) says that the Galaxy S is a super phone but if he should buy a phone he would buy iPhone 3gs or iPhone 4 because they are made by Apple o_O So the iPhone buyers buy these phones mostly because of the brand,not knowing about their ridiculous limitations and they will argue to the death that the iPhone is nr1 worldwide,also saying that iPhone hardware are the best. But when I tried to explain to him(and others) that Apple components are supplyed by Samsung and LG they say ''Nah,that's not true...''

            • S
            • Someone
            • Mx@
            • 16 Feb 2011

            iPhone 4 Best Device???


            The iPhone 4 is a thing of beauty. Stunning phone with a display that still hasn't been beaten nearly 9 months later!!

            And the App Store?? Games by Konami, Capcom, Sega, EA, Cave Company, SNK, Namco, Square Enix and 1000's more.

            Even has applications on there by Sony and Microsoft.

            iPhone 4, without a doubt the greatest mobile phone yet created - and don't even get me started on the unit sales for such a high end device. June 2010 this baby came out and still selling like HOT CAKES!!!

              • D
              • AnonD-1196
              • sHa
              • 16 Feb 2011

              Haters on GSM Arena will be happy today.

                • D
                • AnonD-1196
                • sHa
                • 16 Feb 2011

                Yet Another Android, 16 Feb 2011Agreed. And the iPhone 4 is a 3G phone. Most people don't... moreReally? Is that why 30% of Verizon iphone4 sales is from android users who switched to the iphone4?

                  • s
                  • shahid
                  • uWB
                  • 16 Feb 2011

                  as the award ceremony was arrange by americans thats y iphone 4 got the credit other wise galaxy s2 is best than all.

                    • B
                    • Boo-urns
                    • THT
                    • 16 Feb 2011

                    "Best Device"? Hardly. It has by far the worst notifications system I've ever seen. Its "multitasking" is a joke. My girl got one not too long ago and hates it. While the screen may have more detail than the SGS, the colours look washed out and dull. Oh well, Apple rules the world I guess.

                      • A
                      • Android
                      • mSs
                      • 16 Feb 2011

                      Best Phone???? cant believe the hype

                        • A
                        • Arab man
                        • gIC
                        • 16 Feb 2011

                        nooooooo i phone 4
                        i think that the Galaxy S is the best phone of the year..

                          • N
                          • Neutral dude
                          • Ygy
                          • 16 Feb 2011

                          hahahahaha, flame on! fanboys of all kind!

                            • c
                            • cofused
                            • 3Rj
                            • 16 Feb 2011

                            It seems tahat apple has bribed the judges :D

                              • Y
                              • Yet Another Android
                              • qBx
                              • 16 Feb 2011

                              mariyus, 16 Feb 2011we are in hell.a phone wich lacks the most basic feature li... moreAgreed. And the iPhone 4 is a 3G phone. Most people don't even know that. The logic or MWC fails. Of course we all know the iPhone 4 won simply due to fanservice and not functionality. Android clearly dominates iOS in functionality and customization. Nexus S is a much better phone, G2 and MT4G are much better phones.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1199
                                • pT$
                                • 16 Feb 2011

                                SS, 16 Feb 2011If we take these awards for 2010, then I can understand. H... moreThose phones have not been released. You don't know what faults they might have. Also, LG and Samsung certainly don't use quality materials. Going by your sense, iPhone 5 should also be nominated.....

                                  • S
                                  • SS
                                  • S1H
                                  • 16 Feb 2011

                                  If we take these awards for 2010, then I can understand.
                                  However, you can't expect these nominations to hold for 2011!

                                  The best phone award could easily go to LG Optimus 3D or to Samsung Galaxy S2 for 2011.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-37
                                    • q{6
                                    • 16 Feb 2011

                                    mariyus, 16 Feb 2011we are in hell.a phone wich lacks the most basic feature li... moreThe antenna problem on the iPhone 4 is greatly exaggerated on the net. My wife's iPhone 4 never had issues on it and it just drops a single bar when held on the antenna joint. It has never been an issue for us. I own a SGS and it got as much signal coverage as my wife's iPhone 4.

                                      • z
                                      • z
                                      • YbM
                                      • 16 Feb 2011

                                      im an android user and i got to hand it to apple for their 720p camcorder. its really nice.

                                        • m
                                        • mariyus
                                        • 0Cd
                                        • 16 Feb 2011

                                        we are in hell.a phone wich lacks the most basic feature like signal is chosen as the phone of the year.omg