MWC 2011 awards: iPhone 4 is best device, HTC - best maker

16 February, 2011
The Global Mobile Awards just announced the winners for 2011. A couple of phone makers and several software developers were honored this year. Some of the winners were expected, while others came...

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  • m
  • me
  • M3s
  • 17 Feb 2011

bananapa, 17 Feb 2011my bad, it should have stated safari, not opera. but you sh... moreahhhh will look into safari thing too ty :)

i guess the flash or html5 dilema will always be something ppl will have to aggree to disaggree to

glad to see some1 on here that is having a good talk about the devices not just talking all other phones done and just being mature about things :) most ppl just call each other brand haters lol

i not keen on apple/nokia/htc/android haters lol as with all things everything comes from experience after trying diff products like me i have had an awesome experience with iPhone but terrible on android

play nice ppl

    • e
    • eXiLeD aSsAsSiN
    • mqM
    • 17 Feb 2011

    ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011Funny you mentioned that, I love the 3GS look and feel too ... morewith the specs for the Galaxy S II having been anounced the iPhone5 would have to do something really special to coax me back into the pen but i have all faith in apple to do someting but we shall have to wait untill the week before the iPhone5's released to find out anything about it lol im hoping they go back to the 3gs style of design as i loved it but hey ho we shall wait and see im still hoping for broken swored to come to android

      • b
      • bananapa
      • Smb
      • 17 Feb 2011

      me, 17 Feb 2011from what i have seen thml5 seems perfectly stable ive had ... moremy bad, it should have stated safari, not opera. but you shouldn't worry, i'm sure they are at it or already have solved it.

      yeah, but the developers of html5 themselves state that it's not ready!?
      what i meant is, html5 can be developed simultaneously with flash. when the time is ready, we can switch to html5. but from what i've heard and read, html5 isn't ready just yet!

        • b
        • bananapa
        • Smb
        • 17 Feb 2011

        ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011Hey pal, its the way your argument came across which came a... morewell, sorry about that, english is not my native language, that's probably why :). What i mean't is like the other side of the coin, that lots of people tend to like everything apple does and says, just because it's apple. :) So my argument was a protest against "the apple hype".

        The iphone is a great phone, but like i said earlier, why can't we chose for ourselves if we want flash or not (just an example)? Saying that browsing with flash is laggy... well, it can be turned off on most phones.

        I just want my phone to be able to do more. That goes for all phones. I want it to be able to do (almost) everything i can do on my computer. Of course there's no existing hardware capable of that yet, but here's to hoping!

        I might even get an iphone myself, but i'll wait until iphone 6 or maybe 7 in that case. Yeah, there's lot of good cellphone manufacturers out there. If they all would make a phone together, with all the pluses and none of the minuses of different phones and os'es, it would be one hell of a phone! but i'd say they all complement each other. iphones usability and easiness forces the other developers to evolve their os'es, and the other manufacturers quicker hardware advancements forces apple to use better hardware in their iphones. So i guess it's all for the better of everyone :)

          • m
          • me
          • M3s
          • 17 Feb 2011

          from what i have seen thml5 seems perfectly stable ive had no issues

          and i appreciate that its nice to have a choice BUT...

          if some1 doesnt make a stand against flash then y would web developers bother to evolve for what they know to be easy. flash is old tech and need to evolve into something better aka html5

          if flash is def a must for you then android is better for you but just think of it this way if tv broadcasts were to be transmitted for ever on analogue would ppl still use it even though there is a better media out there? yes they would and then the tech would be halted in its current state so it couldnt evolve

          tech must evolve to get better for this sacrifices must be made aka flash lol

          what if quad core processors were not going to be produced because the single core did a good enough job


          i will def have to look into the security issue on itunes. i thought the issue regarding opera had been resolved but to resolve that just use safari :) which is what i use anyway ...phew lol

          regarding the pricing yeah it is overpriced in uk and iph4 cost 100 not so great british pounds on a £35 per month tariff, yet a galaxy s is free in a £20 per month. but doesnt that just prove my point that the iphone is that good that it can be sold at such a high price nearly a year after release, unlike any other handset that looses its value (now really think u buy an iphone but when u get new one yours is still worth something 2years on, the second you buy a desire hd it goes from £450 in value to £150 i mean how is that any less overpriced)

            • A
            • ALonZo
            • 9EL
            • 17 Feb 2011

            eXiLeD aSsAsSiN, 17 Feb 2011i agree with you the iPhone4 is a amazing phone my only mai... moreFunny you mentioned that, I love the 3GS look and feel too :) I still have a white 3GS and its served me brilliantly for a long time :)

            I cant argue you with the SuperAMOLED display, its lovely! And yeah Android is exceptionally good at providing an open source competition to Apple. I have a mate who was an Apple technician for years, owned an iPhone but recently bought a HTC Wildfire on my advise (he wanted a cheap but excellent smartphone). And he is loving Android! So I guess Android is the only main rival for the iOS. I was also thinking of going for HTC Desire HD, I used it and love it.

            You thinking of how the iPhone 5 may be and whether you'd switch to Apple again?

              • A
              • ALonZo
              • 9EL
              • 17 Feb 2011

              bananapa, 17 Feb 2011grow up dude. i have used iphone's, a lot even. i don't hat... moreHey pal, its the way your argument came across which came across as a cliche iPhone haters argument, where they have no idea how the phone works but slate it because its "Apple".

              Fair enough if you say you dont hate Apple, its just your points were so inaccurate that you can easily come across as a hater.

              I agree competition is great. I respect other brands (Samsung and HTC are brilliant and provide perfect competition to the mobile user). Nokia do need to up their game before they really start lagging behind!!!

                • e
                • eXiLeD aSsAsSiN
                • mqM
                • 17 Feb 2011

                ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011I dont like those self absorbed people either, those who sa... morei agree with you the iPhone4 is a amazing phone my only main problem is the shape as someone who owned a 3gs and got used its shape and how it sits nicley in your hand it took me a while to get used to the iPhone4's shape but it is still in everyway a beautiful phone (btw i own a galaxy s not an iphone4) my only reason for leaving the iPhone is I fell in love with the quality of the galaxy s i love the super amoled and the UI above all else the android market due to its open source only downside of which is it leaves your phone open to attack from viruses but then again there are not many viruses for phones out there.
                I still kinda miss the iPhone as the music player was amazing and a lot better and a lot of the apps avalible on the app store were amazing aka BROKEN SWORD !!!!

                  • A
                  • ALonZo
                  • 9EL
                  • 17 Feb 2011

                  eXiLeD aSsAsSiN, 17 Feb 2011well for a start i owned an iPhone and have since moved to ... moreFair points pal, at least your raising discussion based on experience rather than made up rubbish (bananapa springs to mind straight away...)

                  I like the Galaxy S, as well as the brilliant HTC Desire HD. What I find is Samsungs tend to have a few annoying bugs which may possibly have influenced their decision. I had an AMOLED screen Samsung just before my iPhone which bugged the hell outta me! Thats not to say the Galaxy is not good, its a tremendous phone and a certain worthy contender to be phone of the year.

                    • b
                    • bananapa
                    • Smb
                    • 17 Feb 2011

                    ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011Errrr..... bananapa, your a prized example of an iPhone hat... moregrow up dude. i have used iphone's, a lot even. i don't hate ihpones, i don't hate apple. i don't have a nokia, and the manufacturer of the device doesn't matter. besides, apples cpu is manufactured by samsung, it's a slightly slower version of the hummingbird chip.

                    but seriously, what you think of me or saying that i hate iphone doesn't make iphone the best phone ever. and yeah, nokia totally sucks, for the moment. they were good a few years back, let's hope they can get back in the game, competition is good for everyone, even iphone-users :)

                      • M
                      • Mj
                      • iyB
                      • 17 Feb 2011

                      I've used Android and I don't like the feeling of the OS.
                      It's not as fluent to use as an iPhone and HTC service good??? I got my HERO repaired twice by HTC themselves and I got it back with test software, couldn't even make a phone call lol....

                      I've been using an iPhone for a while now and it has NEVER ever let me down and even without jailbreak it's 100% ideal for my usage. I'm not someone who is so littleminded that I have to have EVERYTHING for free...

                      Most apps are about 80 cent, drink 1 less beer every week and you can buy 2-3 apps. Simple math!
                      If people buy apps the companies who make those terrific apps get money so they can make more good apps! Simple as that. Instead of jailbreaking an iPhone (which doesn't work as well in the end as without a jailbreak) just spend a few pennies on some apps and enjoy the phone! It's the best phone out there atm and about multicore cpu's...there aren't ANY programs atm which actually uses the second core lol so why get it??

                        • T
                        • Tuxman
                        • 9x1
                        • 17 Feb 2011

                        ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011How can people moan the iPhone 4 being the best phone? The ... moreSorry, but I do not think you're rigth. Iphone has it qualities, but HTC Desire, particullary HTC Desire HD, is, at least, as good as Iphone and has the same kind of Hi-Tech. And a bigger screen! :)

                          • A
                          • ALonZo
                          • 9EL
                          • 17 Feb 2011

                          iPhone, 17 Feb 2011iPhone is a good phone, but too many "look at me, I ha... moreI dont like those self absorbed people either, those who say "look I have an iPhone, I am special". They need a slap :) The iPhone is brilliant because of the phone and shouldnt have anything related to the person owning it. I love the iPhone because its a tremendous phone in my opinion.

                            • b
                            • bananapa
                            • Smb
                            • 17 Feb 2011

                            me, 17 Feb 2011@bananapa 1. cost more than ithe worth? hmmmm dont all g... morethank you, finally someone with concrete arguments :). the security thing is some bug in opera, which makes it possible to hack the iphone in ten seconds and get all your text messages and stuff. don't ask me how it's done, because i don't know. just google it if you are interested :). And lots of hacked itunes accounts is being sold in east asia. itunes have low security which makes it possible for people to (more easily) hack your account and by doing so, get your credit card information. anyhow, let's hope apple takes it seriously (which i'm sure they will) and fixes this problems. that is, if they haven't already by now.

                            and yeah, sure, you can use other things. you can mail instead of sending via bluetooth (although some files are to large for mail, and not everyone has got a phone that supports mail). And there is possibilities besides flash. what i don't get is why you don't get the oppurtunity to chose for yourself. ost other phones can use both options. I mean, is it really that hard to have flash-support which you can chose to switch on or off? if you don't like it, turn it off. But if you do want it (and yeah, a LOT of sites still uses flash, i can't get by my daily use without flash), turn it on. Or make flash as an app, download it if you want, don't if you don't want it. I want to decide for myself what i should or shouldn't use, i dont want someone else to decide it for me.

                            And of course, many phones (and things in general) are overpriced, but that doesn't make the iphone less overpriced. html5 sucks because it's not stable, it's in an early stadium and will be so for at least 10 more years, just google it :).

                            And well, with quad-core processors coming for phones next year, and with better 3g networks (like, 100 mbits), i'm sure internet usability will be extremely good, don't you think?

                            And well, this goes for all cell phones (at least that i know of). they should be more like computers. imagine to be able to use every single app and game and such that exists to computers... wouldn't that make the app store look like a piss in the ocean? wouldn't the ipad be a lot better with macos instead of ios?

                              • A
                              • ALonZo
                              • 9EL
                              • 17 Feb 2011

                              Android, 17 Feb 2011Not for too long mate... gotta say 10/10 for the looks and ... moreYeah its good to get steady competition out there, there are some incredible phones already out there and have more features than the iPhone. Cant wait to see what the iPhone 5 brings on :)

                                • A
                                • ALonZo
                                • 9EL
                                • 17 Feb 2011

                                bananapa, 17 Feb 2011well, lets se some negatives with iphone then... 1. it cos... moreErrrr..... bananapa, your a prized example of an iPhone hater who has never used an iPhone so therefore has no clue what your talking about, you just hate as its "Apple" and you hate "Apple" because you want to be part of that "Apple Hate" crowd. Lets guide you..

                                well, lets se some negatives with iphone then...
                                1. it costs a lot more than it's worth. - Actually its about the same price range as its main competitors: HTC Desire HD, Samsung Galaxy S, Soon the LG Optimus x2, even the dreadful Nokia N8.
                                2. its got bad hardware, underclocked cpu - If you research properly, iPhone's have one of the best hardware about. Thats why its a solid phone to use.
                                3. no flash support (how can anyone possibly live without flash?, even though many iphone-users want it. apple just doesn't give a damn about the users! - Flash is far from important when so much Video content is available through Safari from YouTube, DailyMotion, Veetle, etc... But we have an App called Skyfire (because your information is backdated, Skyfire converts a lot of Flash Videos to HTML5 and works great). This has opened the world to a million more flash videos should we need them.
                                4. html5 sucks and will suck for at least another 10 years - That sounds like a little kid sulking ha ha HTML5 sucks? Are you kidding me? Try viewing something in HTML5, which many iphone customers will vouch for looks incredible quality at most times.
                                5. UI is too limited, needs jailbreak to be able do something useful - What do you mean limited? Im puzzled ha ha ha
                                6. its got a bad movie player - Oh yes, Quicktime is so bad that it looks about as good as your Nokia!! ha ha ha Quicktime supports HTML5 and MP4, the VLC app supports other formats. You really have never seen a video on an iPhone before have you?
                                7. you have to pay to get ringtones that doesn't sound like crap - What planet you been living in? iPhone owners can convert their own songs into ringtones if we wanted to! FREE!
                                8. inadequate security measures with itunes, lots of hacked accounts - Your making me laugh now ha ha Apple security is the best but you say..... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
                                9. the iphone is also very easy to hack in to - All smartphones can be hacked into. And? The iPhone has excellent security in place that you dont even need an anti-virus! Remember the Apple iOS is not an open source so chances of security flaws are less than you think!
                                10. multitasking solution really sucks - LOL ha ha Try using the phone
                                11. the UI is messy, no order, and you can't customize it for own purposes - LOL Try using the phone
                                12. no file transfer via bluetooth - LOL try using the phone.......

                                Actually to all the other rubbish you have written, try using the phone first before shooting off absolute rubbish!!!! Save money, buy an iPhone, then you will not live in iPhone Hating Fantasy Land....

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mcT
                                  • 17 Feb 2011

                                  lol htc best maker ? they use the worst displays and batteries. iphone 4 best phone ? haha yeah right antenna design flaw. where's the motorolla and samsung ?

                                    • e
                                    • eXiLeD aSsAsSiN
                                    • mqM
                                    • 17 Feb 2011

                                    ALonZo, 17 Feb 2011How can people moan the iPhone 4 being the best phone? The ... morewell for a start i owned an iPhone and have since moved to android i have no problem with the iPhone 4 but i agree with a lot of the comments here stating it did not deserve that award for a start there are phones out there with higher quality of screen, more features and a better UI the app market on the iphone is brilliant and the android market is just as good due to it being more open but the range of apps on iphone is astonishing even if about 75% are pointless junk but then again about 60% of android market is pointless there are a few thousand apps on both platforms that stand out. I would have liked to see the galaxy s win this due to the super amoled screen, the quality of the software and the quality of the prosessor but oh well theres always next year with the galaxy s II or evern the desire 2.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1319
                                      • wHr
                                      • 17 Feb 2011

                                      [deleted post]microsoft does not kick other manufacturer please make your FAQS right

                                        • m
                                        • me
                                        • M3s
                                        • 17 Feb 2011


                                        1. cost more than ithe worth? hmmmm dont all good products. dont be cheap
                                        2. hardware is second to none i have had zero faults which is better than my desire i had. 1ghz processor i would say is more than powerfull for the time it came out :) specially with the iOS that isnt so powerhungry as android
                                        3.sorry but flash is worthless, makes web browsers run slow. and lets face it most websites are going mobile flashless compatible
                                        4. can you please explain y html5 sucks?
                                        5. hmmm limited UI i dont believe so, i can set background to make it look personalised, create folders, rearrange apps. hell i would call it minimilistic and very user friendly
                                        6. now the movie player you cannot say anything about as its fantastic, good organised files, easy to fast forward (in big or small amounts) fantastic quality
                                        7. i have had free ringtones since the iphone 2g
                                        8. security i cant comment on as dont know of topic
                                        9. how can you hack iphone? wait all phones can be hacked hell even the cellular network can be hacked
                                        10. hmmm a multitalking that doesnt ruin the battery wow what a terrible concept
                                        11. as above lol
                                        12. you got me on the bluetooth file transfer but what the hell i'll send via email (small sacrifice)
                                        13. itunes is awesome way to easily organise my 240 movies, 10 gigs of music and 333 hours of tv shows. man i'm glad to have itunes to easily add things to my iPhone 4
                                        14. yeah bad camera compared to n8 (its only good feature btw) but still hi quality, bad camera is say blackberry curve. 5mp with decent lense and HDR seems good to me if not just get a digital camera and lets face it a phone is not a camera
                                        15. like i said ive had no issues but if it was that bad how come it sold so we with hardly any returns
                                        16. wow some1 that doesnt want the sim to get smaller. the first sims where the size of a credit card. sims need to evolve
                                        17.apps are much better thasn web based products, i wouldnt want a slow clunky game than i would have to re download everytime i wanted to play (i only have 500mb) and there would go any sort of multitaking out of the window
                                        18. well looks wise its just a matter of opinion i cant help you if you have bad taste :P and isnt the galaxy S (i9000) just a copy of the 3gs?)

                                        sorry took so long i'm a busy guy :)


                                        in the end of the day every phone has its merits but the iphone also has its awesome sales worldwide and now it award :) thats gotta mean something good :)