Watch the Nokia N8 and iPhone 4 get test tortured to death

18 February, 2011
When we buy a new phone we are always concerned if its body is scratch-resistant or will it get dirty quickly. This is essential information because when the time comes to sell it, the better it looks the higher price...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1987
  • mIf
  • 18 Feb 2011

Completely biased test...
If the people who are testing are biased then the tests are not a indicator of the quality of the device...

    • V
    • Vinie
    • DQn
    • 18 Feb 2011

    AnonD-123, 18 Feb 2011I noticed that in these two videos, only the nicks and scra... moreYeah Stuntman, very well said and very carefully and very well noticed. It seems the people who did these tests have got some nice deal of great money from Apple for their iPhone 4... whereas Nokia couldnt provide as much money as they already exhausted their chunk of money in the Nokia - Microsoft WP7 deal...

      • D
      • AnonD-123
      • NGf
      • 18 Feb 2011

      Here's how you make the iPhone get even higher scores than the N8. Do the immersion test first. The iPhone survives and receives the same score. Meanwhile, the N8 breaks after the immersion. Now the N8 gets 0 for the rest of the tests because it was already broken. Final score iPhone 4 beats N8 by a score of 94 to 0.

        • D
        • AnonD-123
        • NGf
        • 18 Feb 2011

        I noticed that in these two videos, only the nicks and scratches on the N8 was shown after the drum test. The iPhone video shows the phone in the drum, but then does not show any images of the result. I went to their web site which actually show the nicks and scratches on the iPhone after the drum test. I have no idea why the N8 got 0/3 stars while the iPhone 4 go 3/3 stars. I looked on the images of both and both seemed just as scratched. Reading the explanation at their web site, I still do not understand why the iPhone 4 got 15/15 while the N8 got 10/15.

        The final scores also seemed pretty misleading. There were a number of tests where the N8 got a score of 0 because it had already been broken earlier by an earlier test. I find this highly unfair. If they had reversed the order of some of these tests then the N8 would have actually received some score. The N8 received 0 for the high temperature test and the dust test because it had already been broken by the water imersion test. This resulted in biased results. If you are going to do a test on something it has to be independent of something else.

        Gadgetstress should have ensured that all of these tests are independent. If you break the phone half way through, it is unfair to give it zeroes for every test afterwards. Impersion of water does break phones and you should not give a phone 0 for a heat test because it was broken due to the imersion test earlier.

        Based on what I saw from their web site, I am disappointed in Gadgetstress's methodology. I do not think it gives a proper result because they gave 0 to a test because the phone was broken by an earlier test that was not related.

        The iPhone received a much higher score than the N8 only because the iPhone 4 still worked after immersion in a fluid. N8 lost a bunch of points because it could not be tested. I give iPhone 4 full markes for surviving immersion, but the N8 should not have given 0 points for many tests.

        Basically, Gadgetstress just says that a working phone works better than a broken phone.

          • D
          • AnonD-1196
          • sHa
          • 18 Feb 2011

          The iphone4 is just the best :)

            • n
            • nick
            • nxw
            • 18 Feb 2011

            fair play to apple. it's a very well built phone

              • w
              • wither_exile
              • u1w
              • 18 Feb 2011

              I hope they do a stress test on the Motorola Defy!!!!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3J9
                • 18 Feb 2011

                Dan MD, 18 Feb 2011I am an N8 owner. Hands down to the iPhone. Whew!Why have you an N8 if you don't like it. Some people need educating

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • YT5
                  • 18 Feb 2011

                  That's why i bought iPhone..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • nxi
                    • 18 Feb 2011

                    hold on!!is the iphone 4 able to withstand more torture than n8?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • kM0
                      • 18 Feb 2011

                      Torture test and the iPhone makes it out without the infamous shattered front and back. Hard to believe.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • j%j
                        • 18 Feb 2011

                        My B2710 will make both so called smartphones eat dust. I can leave mine in 3 foot deep water and receive calls. Shit happens all the time. I witnessed my friends iPhone accidentally taking a plunge in a pothole.

                          • D
                          • Dan MD
                          • t7T
                          • 18 Feb 2011

                          I am an N8 owner. Hands down to the iPhone. Whew!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • teX
                            • 18 Feb 2011

                            This is a rigging. The whole world knows of Nokia's QC testing methods and we all know of Apple's QC (or lack of).

                            Apple's glass breaks and shatters and are prone to damaged way more than Nokia. All my friends who are avid Apple fanboys even admit to them being on the fragile side of things.

                            Nokias are known for being robust. Its a fact. My aunty accidentally dropped her N95 in the gutter during heavy rain and she found the phone lodged between two stones the next day.

                            Till today it works fine. (She dried it using 2 days of sunlight, before switching it on)

                              • w
                              • weird
                              • kN%
                              • 18 Feb 2011

                              that's really odd.........i've dropped my n8 from about 5 feet and i didnt reboot at all...i guess fin made> china made n8?

                                • S
                                • Samarth N8 owner
                                • YT1
                                • 18 Feb 2011

                                damn. N8 got less points, despite seeming to be better equipped in safety than iphone 4.

                                Its rightly said that looks can deceive... My N8's looks deceived me!

                                Anyways, this comes as a warning. I'll try my best not to drop it..!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-769
                                  • wdM
                                  • 18 Feb 2011

                                  compare my N73 WID IPHONE4.N73 will completely wash iphone even my n70 will do this

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-843
                                    • 2SR
                                    • 18 Feb 2011

                                    its only in apple's dreams

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sX8
                                      • 18 Feb 2011

                                      So this debunks the myth that the iphone 4 was easily breakable then does it?

                                      It's about time other devices had equal treatment. I was very dubious about the first "tests" conducted on the iphone 4 because they were, frankly, quite stupid. Dropping the phone on concrete hard and scarring the glass with sharp implements was hardly a professional way to test it's durability was it?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sX8
                                        • 18 Feb 2011

                                        This just looks like another reason to compare the N8 to the iphone.
