Nokia's MeeGo device will be called N950, will be out this year

28 February, 2011
Despite the shift towards Windows Phone 7, Nokia will still ship a MeeGo device this year. It's going to be the successor to the Nokia N900 and will be called the N950. We don't have a photo of the device yet, but...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1227
  • 7tC
  • 28 Feb 2011

I have been impressed with Maemo. So i'm looking forward to getting Meego. I'm more interested in Meego than WP7-nokia.

    • j
    • jtincubus
    • kiB
    • 28 Feb 2011

    Please nokia, answer all my problems with this phone. I just want something unique and innovative. My N85 can't handle anymore drops. Its falling apart.

      • n
      • nokia bangladesh
      • uNV
      • 28 Feb 2011

      nokia pls bring some more meeGo device. . .

        • Y
        • Yet Another Android
        • RbX
        • 28 Feb 2011

        [deleted post]I'm sorry but Android is not Garbage by a long shot. It is a very nice OS with lots to offer. As far as fragmentation goes, I'm a Major Meego fan but you may need to realize one thing, Meego is Open source. You know what that means? Once it becomes popular enough and lots of people start using it, the other manufacturers of Meego phones will start using their customized skins on Meego too. Android is fragmented because its open source and popular, Meego will be too. Any denial of that is just being blind to reality.

        I know Meego is waaay more Powerful than Android but it will be a more powerful fragmented OS as well. There's no way around it unless they go full closed source which would suck for the users. It may as well be iOS or WP7 then because they're both run by the big boss and not the consumer.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t75
          • 28 Feb 2011

          What the heck are Android fans doing in this topic? Go back to your HTC / Samsung / LG / Sony / Motorola /Chinese Droid / etc... topic please!


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • kPd
            • 28 Feb 2011

            wp7 is more efficient than android, regardless what version. nokia did a wise decision and really did their homework before choosing wp7.

              • Y
              • Yet Another Android
              • RbX
              • 28 Feb 2011

              Whats this? An actual unbiased article from GsmArena? Wow, maybe there's hope for this site yet. I really like this site but sometimes I think of leaving it due to the bias every now and then. A phone site should be just that, a phone site. Very impressed at this gsmarena. Kudos.

              Now, I'll be picking up this device depending on a few factors:

              1. The screen has to be at least 4.3 inches
              2. All the specs from the rumored spec sheet must be at least close to accurate.
              3. It better be affordable, not above $600 off contract/unlocked and not above $300 on contract (and thats Seriously pushing it, honestly it should be $200 on contract and about $500 off contract)
              4. It better make it to US retail stores, not just buying it from Nokia websites because that is fail.

              If it fails in either of those, besides #4, then I'll be going Intel until the Nokia Morph becomes a reality. Nokia, you better deliver on this one or else alot more of your fans will leave you. You've been slacking for a loooong time and now its your time to step up and try to redeem yourself. If you fail to do so this time then you're done. That is real feedback, not just some fanboy feedback.

                • C
                • ChopsueyRice
                • K7g
                • 28 Feb 2011

                Have you seen the Nokia N8's commercial during the Oscars? You can watch it here

                Nice song and lyrics! I also included my thoughts on getting out of Symbian's "fence".

                  • A
                  • AbU-serrieh
                  • 3i1
                  • 28 Feb 2011

                  to HELL with Android !! ,, isn't it enough already that it's on like (( every Other GOD dam* brand )),, Nokia is better of with it's GOOD old < Symbian > ,, and this is Exactly the step they've should done from the first place ( meaning the development of MEEGO and symbian ) rather than Selling out to Windows phone 7
                  Scre* Android ,, Scre* IOS ......... Symbian Rules !

                    • B
                    • BinKo
                    • Mfx
                    • 28 Feb 2011

                    "we'll see how that goes" typical from Nokia, no stategy, no plan, only looking back to their former glory. Nokia is part of the past, RIP

                      • v
                      • vinodh
                      • ut1
                      • 28 Feb 2011

                      Nokia seriously in trouble... 3 years back symbian is the number one smartphone mobile. Android os they come up with several upgrade versions since last two years they have been proven the best in mobile market. All major mobile companies now producing android mobiles. still nokia couldn't survive and they didn't innovate new things. symbian^3 also not great. Compared with android application and games still symbian^3 lacks. However n900 is good still configuration lacks compared to android smartphones. will hope they come up with good configuration in n950. I'm a symbian freak. now i am shame of holding a nokia mobile. going for android in few days. NOKIA!!! YOU FAILED TO HOLD THE TRUE NOKIA FAN. BYE.

                        • C
                        • Canadian MD
                        • Y1%
                        • 28 Feb 2011

                        Best. News. Ever.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Sar
                          • 28 Feb 2011

                          Honestly, they need to add Android to their arsenal. Samsung & SE do all the mobile OS's (though the both recently dropped symbian). Nokia should do the same!!!!!!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-843
                            • 2SR
                            • 28 Feb 2011

                            [deleted post]yeah :P Just lol at them.. Poor people

                              • D
                              • AnonD-1188
                              • S9J
                              • 28 Feb 2011

                              Thats my game. who says n900 have no support.
                              N900 will get meego if you dont know.

                                • W
                                • WEKS
                                • pWq
                                • 28 Feb 2011

                                I love my N900, I would not have been as pleased with any iOS or Android or for that matter any other Nokia device as I am with it. Hope MeeGo and the N950 will be better and I will surely ans gladly buy it.

                                Posted from my N900 using FireFox4.

                                  • A
                                  • AT33
                                  • MRd
                                  • 28 Feb 2011

                                  This guy looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about. Nokia epic fail.

                                    • B
                                    • Bricked
                                    • IaH
                                    • 28 Feb 2011

                                    The successor to the Uber Geek Phone. This is Nokia's own Niché device.

                                    I liked the N900. Less Bulk and a capacitive screen should be used on it's successor.

                                      • t
                                      • toymachine
                                      • K7g
                                      • 28 Feb 2011

                                      I used to love Nokia. I'm now considering HTC, Samsung or any other Android devices. Any ex Nokian going for Android because of the W7 issue, type "Goodbye Nokia".

                                        • L
                                        • Ludwik
                                        • Tr8
                                        • 28 Feb 2011

                                        AnonD-252, 28 Feb 2011"Good" phones do not need users that have a PhD i... moreI agree with you.
                                        A good phone should be usable by anyone.
                                        But, you probably need a phd in computer engineering to be able to design and build a good phone.