Nokia N8 Producers winners announced, win zero-gravity ride

05 March, 2011
December last year, Nokia started the Nokia N8 Producers contest - where up-and-coming filmmakers can take a crack at shooting a short with the N8 and win a zero-gravity trip on a specially modified plane...

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  • t
  • tanu
  • vw6
  • 08 Mar 2011

AnonD-3197, 07 Mar 2011i'm using n8 for 2 months. phone is best ever i seen among ... moren8 has its reputation and now its made N8 this is a complete phone believes in nokia .....

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TqC
    • 07 Mar 2011

    Anonymous, 07 Mar 2011N8 have image stabilization just like all S^3 devics. (:i mean a mechnical stabiliser not digital one lol!!

      • s
      • simple user
      • Sve
      • 07 Mar 2011

      AnonD-171, 07 Mar 2011i'm just awaiting the new symbian 14 - ? mp camera from nok... morewow, (wo)man, i am about to believe that nokia you describe will have a mechanical arm to hold itself in the air and helping self-pictures.

        • D
        • AnonD-3201
        • Mfx
        • 07 Mar 2011

        congratulations to all winners

          • D
          • AnonD-3197
          • uty
          • 07 Mar 2011

          i'm using n8 for 2 months. phone is best ever i seen among all nokia mobiles. some persons post any thing about mobile. Don't read that the phone is more stable in os and hardware. sorry for bad english

            • D
            • AnonD-171
            • TiA
            • 07 Mar 2011

            i'm just awaiting the new symbian 14 - ? mp camera from nokia with 1080p ZENON flash for photo and LED for night recording at 25fps - 30fps options

            and the new UI and hardware :D

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LpI
              • 07 Mar 2011

              AnonD-1809, 06 Mar 2011Yeah thats right n im sorry, its the best camera on a mobil... moreYep, it doesn't have auto-focus while recording, but it can focus perfectly from 50cm to infinite, and also it record the audio in stereo and the quality is simple incredible.
              However, if you really need auto-focus while filming, there is a mod that enable it. (:

                • p
                • playboy
                • vw6
                • 07 Mar 2011

                AnonD-1809, 06 Mar 2011Yeah thats right n im sorry, its the best camera on a mobil... moren8 is awesome rlly

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • LpI
                  • 07 Mar 2011

                  Anonymous, 07 Mar 2011I know what iph 5 will introduce; it is sensor based or len... moreN8 have image stabilization just like all S^3 devics. (:

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • TqC
                    • 07 Mar 2011

                    I know what iph 5 will introduce; it is sensor based or lens based image stabiliser!! putting 1080p or 12mp sensor are useless but image stabilisation helps recording movie or still. Apple follows nothing instead it innovates from old tech used in other product categgory.

                      • U
                      • Umaga
                      • ijs
                      • 07 Mar 2011

                      Every N8 user almost got different experience with probs, mine was unable to update important update, my friend was laggy... yeap... he got crappy N8.

                        • Y
                        • Yet Another Android
                        • qBx
                        • 07 Mar 2011

                        [deleted post]Hey Zac, Something similar happened to me but with the HD2:

                        1st HD2 had signal problems, traded it in for another HD2

                        2nd HD2 worked for 2 weeks then the Hardware Speaker went out and the only way I could hear Anything (Even my own Ringtone) was through Headphones, Got that HD2 replaced

                        3rd HD2 the GPS didn't Work, got that one replaced

                        4th HD2 kept randomly deleting All my contacts (Luckily I had them synced to multiple locations)

                        now I'm on my 5th HD2 waiting for Tmobile to get something worth upgrading to. Not going to get a Samsung, not going Tmo Motorola route, G2 is nice but I want a 4.3 - 4.5 inch screen, HD7 is just a HD2 with less buttons, 8mp camera and WP7 (which I'm not too fond of), I would get a Nexus but the screen is too small.

                        I'm waiting on that HTC Pyramid or the Optimus 3D (If Tmobile gets it - I know, Wishful thinking), When either of those comes out, I'll get one of them to hold me until a Meego device from either Nokia or Intel (Preferably Intel due to the fact that as of now, they are supporting it more) hits the shelves.

                          • T
                          • TSH
                          • PFe
                          • 06 Mar 2011

                          Congratulations, all winners!

                          N8's camera is (obviously) the big plus for me, which has more or less single-handedly kept me interested in Nokia for my next upgrade. So long as Nokia actually delivers on its promises as far as Sym^3 updates go, it will remain on the shortlist.

                          The only way Apple can even get on the list is if iTunes is not a requirement (without jailbreaking).

                            • D
                            • AnonD-2186
                            • KgZ
                            • 06 Mar 2011

                            [deleted post]yeah that's true that some N8's were faulty. Their motherboard was, and these phones were taken away by Nokia. Sad that you were unlucky. That is why it was out of stock in our place for a while. Thanks for the action Nokia. Not like the "just don't hold it that way" response.

                              They say that Altek Leo has the best camera on a phone but why does it hasnt come on a bigger market? If it has good specs, the market will sure love it. I saw pictures taken by Altek but the quality of N8's photos are far more great. Nokia N8 is just simply great.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • FqT
                                • 06 Mar 2011

                                [deleted post]if you were the only one that have used this phone i would believe you. but i've had mine for three months now. i dont experience shit. is very good phone....

                                  • B
                                  • Bricked
                                  • sX8
                                  • 06 Mar 2011

                                  [deleted post]Not one single problem with mine.

                                  Are you sure it wasn't a chinese knockoff?

                                    • f
                                    • feen1cks
                                    • nEh
                                    • 06 Mar 2011

                                    I can't believe everyone is fighting over which is best, when the post is about a competition. *facepalm*
                                    Anyway, those who are saying that the Altek is the best camera-phone in the world, i suggest you do some searching. There's been a huge amount of complaints about it, the optical lens keeps getting stuck, due to dust & grit getting inside of it. That sounds like a massive fail to me.

                                      • N
                                      • N8 USER
                                      • FqT
                                      • 06 Mar 2011

                                      I step above all what is said in this website. good or bad.
                                      My personal view after 3 months of use and still counting.
                                      Of all the nokia phones i've ever used. this is the best experience i've had.
                                      The phone is strong. portable. sleek.
                                      As a phone it delivers and also responsive.
                                      The camera is good.
                                      If you would take a moment, glance through your life-style what suits you most. in terms of finance, need, class e.t.c. get what is best for you. at the end of the day you are the one spending the money.

                                      I would recomend it to my best friend.

                                      auto-focus, fixed-focus, ui e.t.c. i still take great shots for people, print them and am paid.

                                        • B
                                        • Bricked
                                        • sX8
                                        • 06 Mar 2011

                                        The Altek Leo is more like a camera than a phone. It's also laggy and can't power it's Android OS properly. They can't even get any network to sell it in the UK.

                                        The N8 is a full feature smartphone.