Android Market catching up to Apple App Store in app numbers

18 March, 2011
The number of apps is some sort of pride for app stores so here it goes - the Android Market is quickly catching up to the current leader, the Apple App Store. What's more is that the growth the Market seems to be...

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  • m
  • me (the real me)
  • M3s
  • 20 Mar 2011

Kieran, 20 Mar 2011People are still not getting the things that are different.... moreim sorry but i didnt buy my iPhone to say that im rich or that i have a shiny phone, i got it because the iPhone iOS works better than any other that i have usesd (and i have use pretty much all the OS's)

you dont have to be rich to afford an iPhone maybe ur first one you have to make a bit of an investment and pay a little more than most (would you pay £2000 for a packard bell or £2500 for an alienware. if you wanted a more powerful pc) but your following iPhone after your contract ends will most likely cos you nothing as you can trade your old one in

i like to have a product that does lots but is easy to use/manage

i like to have a good quality build phone

i like to just have one appstore (not 4-6)

i like to have apps that are actually high quality (not literal copies of each other)

i like to be able to watch movies in an easy to manage way and high quality (lets not forget if im at home i dont even have to sync to watch them if i use airplay)

i like the fact that i can go into a shop (if i didnt know much about smartphones) and get a product that i can use the latest software. unlike many of the low end android handsets (which prob cant use most of the 250k + android apps)

i like that i get the software as soon as it has been released (htc/samsung update delays?)

i like that apps are designed for my screen aspect ratio (samsung galaxy appollo or mini anyone)

i like that if a have a warranty fault i can go into an apple store and 9 times of of ten they will exchange it

i like the fact that i can walk into a phone shop and get a good quality case that isnt a cheap plastic mould

i like the fact that i can walk into a shop, buy a itunes card (or use my credit card) and start downloading a new album straight away

i like the fact they're are most accessories for the iphone than there are andoid devices

the list is endless

yes the iPhone is expensive but thats because its high quality

    • m
    • me
    • 3dv
    • 20 Mar 2011

    Kieran, 20 Mar 2011People are still not getting the things that are different.... moreYou're missing the point here. Teenagers are not even the target group of these devices. Android/iOS/WP7 are all directed towards adults. From College Students to middle aged professionals who can actually generate some income and in return PAY for those apps.

    Also your notion that great apps and great services are not necessary is quite sad really. Good products make our lives easier and better and that's why they need to be there.

    Have a nice day

      • K
      • Kieran
      • mpH
      • 20 Mar 2011

      People are still not getting the things that are different.

      iPhones are a premium device. They are bought for one of two reasons. They are shiny, or they are expensive. Yeah they have a trillion apps (hyperbole, I know) but how many of those do regular people actually bloody use. not that many.

      Android will always have the advantage in that they come a LOT cheaper than an iPhone. so what they aren't as shiny or well specc'ed. Does this mean that people should never have a smartphone because it happens not to be an iPhone?

      Apple = Elitism. Fine for those who want to wave around their phone and go (look at me, I'm rich!).

      Android = Functional at price. Perfectly usable for an every day person.

        • K
        • Kieran
        • mpH
        • 20 Mar 2011

        Regardless of the number of apps that are good or bad, people will always gravitate to Android because it has the free ness. Doesn't matter bout quality, most normal humans don't give a damn because they see free and think YAY. Add to that the the majority of high grade android phones are STILL cheaper than an iPhone, then it adds up to far better value for money. Even if the iPhone comes in a sort of cheaper version that the rumours suggest, It's going to have to be significantly reduced in specification to get by.

        I tend to look at what the teenagers of today want to see how things go in popularity. It used to be things like blackberries which were the phone to have. then the iPhone became the trophy of phones. Now, anyone who sees me drools because I have a HTC android. it works similarly for top of the line samsungs and motos, at least in the UK.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • v0X
          • 20 Mar 2011

          JunePhilippines, 19 Mar 2011Where's Ovi (Nokia) apps?????I dont know know why they called it a store.. All items is in beta.. And all useless. On the appstore i receive updates everyday, wether its paid or free.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • v0X
            • 20 Mar 2011

            Meh.. Almost all of the apps for android are free! Which means crap!

              • B
              • Bryan
              • ibH
              • 20 Mar 2011

              JunePhilippines, 19 Mar 2011Where's Ovi (Nokia) apps?????LMAO...forget about it brother

                • A
                • Android/ios
                • uRI
                • 20 Mar 2011

                Why r we arguing abt which os is better while the manufacturers r laughing their way to the bank...while we got nothing but anger n hatred...imho, just use either one or both n be happy with ur choice...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • qJ3
                  • 20 Mar 2011

                  JunePhilippines, 19 Mar 2011Where's Ovi (Nokia) apps?????

                    • c
                    • chupi_24
                    • A5w
                    • 20 Mar 2011

                    apple is goot at marketing... they know thier products and how to support them... they are good at strategy(creating 1 device per year limit thier production/R&D cost thus gainin more profit not to mention their high pricing) they also know thier no matter how good it is wont be able to beat apple because the phone company who created devices for android s*cks big time...they wont be able to succeed over apple until they learn how to properly market the device(support)

                      • T
                      • Tawazz
                      • 2CB
                      • 19 Mar 2011

                      Bunch off lies there are 460000+ iPhone apps. Go to And see for yourselves

                        • m
                        • me (the real one)
                        • M3s
                        • 19 Mar 2011

                        joelpogi, 19 Mar 2011the only thing the iphone beats the galaxy s i900 is the pr... morewow how can you already say that the iPhone 5 is going to be worse than all those other handset?

                        do you know the iPhone 5 specs?

                        please tell

                        if you dont then you obviously are just some noob that cant afford an iPhone therefore have decided that its automatically rubbish

                        and as the ther me has already said its not all about specs. software has a big part to play. that is why the iPhone does so well because its streamlined, works very well with very few crashes unlike other android counterparts.

                        and well lets not compare the iphone to all those low end androids that are coming out with 400mhz and 2.1 i wonder how many apps will work on those lol

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t7G
                          • 19 Mar 2011

                          Ios and winpho 7 will rule the apps in future because of flat hardware, android is just like nokia apps low quality

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2SP
                            • 19 Mar 2011

                            me, 19 Mar 2011Jailbrake is known as ROOT in the Android world. That's wha... moreno

                              • m
                              • me
                              • 3dv
                              • 19 Mar 2011

                              [deleted post]Jailbrake is known as ROOT in the Android world. That's what you need to do if you wanna upgrade your droid from lets say 2.2 to 2.3 when your phone manufacturer can't be bothered to do it for you or if you wanna delete some of the rubbish apps your vendor has installed without your concent.

                              You should have been more informed before writting your junk!!!

                              Have a nice day...

                                • J
                                • JunePhilippines
                                • t7G
                                • 19 Mar 2011

                                Where's Ovi (Nokia) apps?????

                                  • m
                                  • me
                                  • 3dv
                                  • 19 Mar 2011

                                  Also alot of people will try to compare devices strictly on hardware specs. This is WRONG. It doesn't matter if a droid phone has better specs when there is absolutely no software to take advantage of them.

                                  I dare anyone here to name a game or an app with better speed or graphivs or quality overall than it's iOS counterpart.

                                  Personally i have found NONE!

                                    • m
                                    • me
                                    • 3dv
                                    • 19 Mar 2011

                                    App numbers mean nothing. Most Apps are either inferior or blant copies of their iOS counterparts. It's a damn shame really!

                                    Also most good apps and games wont even run on the vast majority of droid phones due to hardware fragmentation.

                                    I know most people will disagree but in a market of iOS and WP7 devices there is no room for Google. They'll always be the underdog. Just check the percentage of paid apps/month on the Android market compared to the competition. It is trully disheartening!

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Y2
                                      • 19 Mar 2011

                                      joelpogi, 19 Mar 2011the only thing the iphone beats the galaxy s i900 is the pr... moreIt may be surprising to you that the rest of the industry are the ones alst out of breath just trying to keep up with Apple's innovation.

                                        • M
                                        • Mostarac
                                        • iD1
                                        • 19 Mar 2011

                                        i tried both, 2g and 3gs iphone and several android devices and the choice is obvious, the android OS rules in every aspect from user friendy interface to professional use