Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • k
  • kaiser
  • iC8
  • 12 Jan 2007

Just for the record: Apples revenue is 20 Bill USD, profit 2 Bill USD, 10 Bill USD cash in the bank. Who said bankrupt? Stock rose from 7 USD in 1997 to 95 USD in 2007, thats over 1200%!

    • r
    • rinky
    • jSe
    • 12 Jan 2007

    "No stylus - it won't work" (you haven't seen multi-touch in action)

    "No speakerphone - that sucks" (said who? it does have speakerphone)

    "Apple is bankrupt" (Huh? Since when? How can that be when they've sold 2 million songs, 50 million television episodes, and 1.3 million movies thru itunes? - and that's only one part of their product line. I suppose that's why their stock rose 8% while Palm, RIM (maker of Blackberry), and Motorola all fell 5.7%, 7.9%, and 1.8% respectively.)

    "It's too expensive - I'm not buying" (yet how many of you buy $250+ phones AND $250 ipods for a total cost of $500+? - hmmm... same price as iphone plus benefit of only having one device as opposed to two. besides - as an example, Nokia N93 retails for $700 and doesn't do HALF of what iPhone does)

    Yes - there are lots of things it doesn't have - like 3G, GPS, HSDPA, etc. But the beauty of this phone is that its design allows for these things in the future with a simple software upgrade - as opposed to having to release a new model each and every time. It's initial US release with quadband is much more suited to North America - where sadly we are behind the cellular times. Apple has a history of releasing upgraded versions rather quickly - I don't see why there can't be a 3G version for Europe and Asia by the time the iPhone is released in those areas. I've also noticed that iTunes store recently added iPod games - which could propel Apple into the gaming industry in the future, as well.

    There is a lot of misinformation in the comments I've read and I strongly urge you all to watch the presentation by Steve Jobs before making these comments: (click "watch iphone introduction" link)
    It's a little long but COMPLETELY worth it - it shows you exactly what the phone can do. I was sold 10 minutes into it.

    I have a friend who works for Cingular - she said 20 people walked through the door asking for it on the day it was announced. My opinion - iPhone is going to be the electronic Swiss Army knife of our time. I also think that even the critics and skeptics are going to be impressed once it hits the streets. Not only am I buying the phone the day it's released, but I'm investing in Apple, Inc. as well.

    Bottom line - Apple's FIRST phone packs more innovation than the hundreds of products that Nokia, Samsung, or Motorola EVER put out. What comes out in June is only the tip of the iceberg. And the Me-too variants are going to have a very hard time catching up. The technology on this phone is five years ahead of its time.

      • J
      • Jason
      • Tg$
      • 12 Jan 2007

      This DOES sound like a great phone; especially with the WIFI and Bluetooth features. For sure it is going to sell like the IPODs. But honestly.. I HATE the fact that everyone will be carrying one of those .. i want something that is unique.. thus i don't carry an ipod nor a Razr. U know it is NOT fashionable when your uncles and aunts are using them and think they are trendy.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • pq4
        • 12 Jan 2007

        Another overhyped Appleturd for brainwashed Maczealots and fashion lemmings.

          • r
          • reality
          • PjR
          • 12 Jan 2007

          What can you expect from a huge LCD screen like this one?
          Lots of energy consumption!
          What´s the biggest problem from Apple and Ipod?
          Energy life.

          Hey, what a deal!

            • Y
            • Yuksel
            • nxN
            • 12 Jan 2007

            No 3G, no GPS, No office applications, No Stylus, No Exchangeble battery, Limited applications, No Speakerphone. It's good phone but not perfect.

              • s
              • scatterbrain
              • iIR
              • 12 Jan 2007

              Its not 3G, and the specs are not work in progress. camera WILL be 2mp, the specs now are as they will be come production.

              Will be great thats for sure.

                • P
                • Payam
                • nqp
                • 12 Jan 2007

                It can be eleventh gadget which change everything

                  • a
                  • ameet
                  • iIR
                  • 12 Jan 2007

                  The launch date being what it is has just ensured that apple is going to get nudged out from this space even before they have begun creating it rather than after as used to be the case in the past. Expect the Me too variants to flood the markets the way they did with the iPod. All my best to steve however for creating things before their time.

                    • k
                    • kaiser
                    • iC8
                    • 12 Jan 2007

                    To everyone complaining: this is a work-in-progress, US-launch is 5 months away! Who knows the release-specs? Who said there wont be more models by years end? Who said iPhones for Europe and Asia wont have 3G? Who said the camera wont be 3-5 MP in
                    a few months? No support for 3rd party software? Do you know for sure? Dont forget Apple is about userinterface and design, not about specs. The iPod lacked FM and support for WMA - but they sold 70 Mill!

                      • n
                      • n
                      • 2@u
                      • 12 Jan 2007

                      can anyone tell me wether it is compatible to edit/delete
                      microsft excel/word files on this phone otherwise its a big waste
                      to spend money on it

                        • j
                        • jacques
                        • jI9
                        • 12 Jan 2007

                        I dont understand how Steve Jobs of all people would release a phone in mid-2007 and not make it 3G. this is truly dissappointing

                          • M
                          • MR
                          • Rxc
                          • 12 Jan 2007

                          I've been eagerly anticipating this model for the longest time. But now that it's out... I'm sorely disappointed. This thing is hopelessly obsolete even before it's out! I'm from Asia and I think this: 2MP, no 3G, no HSDPA, no gps, and I have to wait to buy it in 2008??? What crap!!!

                          The only thing it's good at, as the article notes, are widgets. This is one big WIDGET!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • QuD
                            • 12 Jan 2007

                            This phone is ahead of its time...Its really awsome...I gonna get one for sure wen its available unlocked

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Yc2
                              • 12 Jan 2007

                              I am not using my 3rd touchscreen device. Touchscreen without stylus does NOT work.

                                • A
                                • Alexis Kelly
                                • Qxa
                                • 12 Jan 2007

                                This phone is great

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • R0K
                                  • 12 Jan 2007

                                  I think the iphone is a great phone,I had a P910i and was going to get a P990i,but I will wait and
                                  see whether some of the iphones will be sold unlocked,then then I'll be sold.

                                    • o
                                    • omg
                                    • PPe
                                    • 12 Jan 2007

                                    and again, the proposed GPS is not a gps tracker, its a bloody map system that doesnt know where u are, u have to know urself!! whats the use of that! it can navigate, but what if u enter a wrong street? it wont be able to re-think its way around, so ur screwed on ur camping trip or holiday or whatever, the "GPS" is a total waste by apple. i love the ipod, hate this. all it is is a pda, i wanted a phone with GPS, not a map system that cant track ur location.

                                      • o
                                      • omg
                                      • PPe
                                      • 12 Jan 2007

                                      this phone is just like the lg ke850 prada phone.
                                      -- everyone said it looks the same so i came for a look... and
                                      all i can say is... design.... its the same........

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • pXx
                                        • 12 Jan 2007

                                        Without keypad & stylus doesn't seem user friendly