Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- w
- w a l t e r
- 4vw
- 12 Jan 2007
most people are all up on apple ipods nuts...i just think that since apple is almost bankrupt its just trying to push nicely packaged things out so it could stay in business. people who are considering buying the phone should probably wait for the nokia would kill the iPhone.
- w
- whitelighter
- PZt
- 12 Jan 2007
WOW !... a new phone .... thats all .... but then not a 3G one :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- UYp
- 11 Jan 2007
Gemyr: you sould cheack the keynote out on this page.
It shows you a working model. All software and hardware have not been installed so i a sure there will be 3g and gps. And i am sure that when the phone comes out Apple will make sure that the phone will still be ahead of its time. It will sync with any OS. I not a huge fan of apple but i think its This is a go thing for the phone industriie.
I have seen a lot of phone that a are all the same. Iphone is revolutionary!
- m
- mike
- 4XS
- 11 Jan 2007
other than the form factor this phone has nothing new. tons of handsets already have all the features of the iPhone (nokia e-series for example). Apple is just good at packaging and marketing it so it sounds revolutionary and unique. Apple iPhone, so what... it's pretty.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MIa
- 11 Jan 2007
hope it would contain an in built gps- which would makes it perfect.
- g
- gemyr
- RKp
- 11 Jan 2007
Can it send/receive SMS messages and where is the keypad? Or is this just for straight-up calls only? I think this should be lumped with the iPOD and all gadgets that is primarily for enhanced media listening and viewing pleasure. Can it synchronize with any operating system or do we need a Mac? I did not see the launch on TV but I think this phone with multi-touching capabilities will not click. People still prefer using their thumbs stylus to compose text messages
- C
- Sqh
- 11 Jan 2007
They must release it sooner or they'r gonna lose it.
- S
- Silverchet
- myZ
- 11 Jan 2007
"By the time this phone reaches europe/asia some compsny will certainly have outdone this phone in every way imaginable."
And in What way would that be then cause this is the best phone ive EVER seen only thing i think can contest it is the Nokia N95 with a 5MP Camera but no where near the amount of memory
- J
- J
- M3s
- 11 Jan 2007
This is probably the worst thing to have ever hit the phone market. Not satisfied to poison the world of mp3 players with substandard, overpriced garbage, Apple are now going to have everyone clamouring for phones that don't work.
Fantastic. Cheers, mr jobs.
- a
- av
- DxC
- 11 Jan 2007
touchscreen with no stylus, then what, after a few months of use screen would be full of scratches, fingerprints,dirt,etc. would make it hard to see what's on screen you have to buy screen protector n it would be full of holes from constant pressing...
- H
- HTC PWNZ Apple
- RtR
- 11 Jan 2007
what makes people think that this phone is actaully worth looking at?
no support for additional 3rd party software
apple will only let you put on what THEY think is appropriate
EX: Pay for rings tones (that are all crap anyways), Pay for themes or backgrounds, Pay for just about everything they can nickle and dime you
no 3G, 3G was out last year, half of HTC phones already have this
touch screen phone? WOW, mines touch screen and it was out TWO years ago, i have an HTC Prophet BTW.
no support for FLAC or OGG, or any format that isnt DRM'd to total crap.
no support for videos, Xvid, Divx, Mpg, etc unless its DRM'd to crap and you have to pay out your ass to see it twice
apples rip off pricing for a half assed product (ipods are only 30% functional and 70% looks/propaganda)
is the wifi as locked down as the zune? most likely because apple thinks that FAIR PLAY. to apple you dont own the product really, you own the right to use it OCCASIONALLY and not make it your own.
bluetooth? let me guess, ONLY apples approved bluetooth headset or stereo headset works. what a joke. they advertise its small? its bigger than half the moto headsets. you want small and quality? look at the jabra JX10.
no wifi sync (from engaget) thats friggin lame
no BT sync, lol useless
BT PAN? doubt it
BT Anything useful other than apples propriatary headset? (like obex )
let me guess, all propriatary connectors up the ying yang forcing you to buy ridiculously priced BS to just get the thing to charge in your car. on my prophet i have a standard mini USB connector, when i plug it into my computer i can sync or i have the option of turning the phone into an SD card reader. in my card (i got a JVC USB deck) i can plug my phone in and have the deck play music off my SD card and charge the phone at the same time. guess you cant do that on apples BS product.
GPS? maybe, if apple isnt totally retarded
my phone is currently $350 CDN new + shipping, carrier unlocked GSM
the Tytn is $600 shipped has everything mine does including a qwerty slide out KB 3G.
a couple more things ive noticed is this phone has no IR, cannot act as a remote control for TV's where as mine can control any IR TV from 10ft away.
no expandable memory, mine has FULL SIZED SD and i currently have a 150x 4GB, i can hotswap SD cards and my SD slot is SDIO further expanding the capability of my phone.
the iphone has nothing.
what good is a screen if all you can do is played DRM'd propriatary formats?
all you n00bs comparing the phone to the nokia should open your eyes, nokia is not the only phone manufacture out there, check out HTC/Qtek/Imate/O2, Asus, Gigabyte, Eten, etc
- v
- vinod
- 2SN
- 11 Jan 2007
What we see is not a technical marvel but a MARKEING MARVEL!!!
of the 21st century
- V
- Vinod
- 2SN
- 11 Jan 2007
The only thing i wish to highlight here is The most important aspect of this phone. Many of you are aware that this phone does not have 3G and other things etc. But it all sums to what steve jobs said that we do not need any buttons and this is an interplay of software and hardware. therfore.even if apple wants to bring out or add extra features all they have to do is bring out a better software and that will be prices. We will be buying software and not phones from apple. I am not that technically sound so i am not sure if 3g can be added through software alone.
- d
- derestaud
- GDq
- 11 Jan 2007
This phone is looking extremely good!
I will definitely buy one.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SQ
- 11 Jan 2007
By the time this phone reaches europe/asia some compsny will certainly have outdone this phone in every way imaginable.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGx
- 11 Jan 2007
Apple did it once again...WOAH....VERY SEXY...they should release it sooner.
getting that soon as it comes out
(ipod battery life = crap .... so it be wise to chek out the battery for this thing before making any decisions...espically since its soo skinny )
plus....2mp camera .... just doesnt do it for a phone this hot
- b
- balti
- 11 Jan 2007
This is a revolutionary product.I have always wanted an Ipod but never bought one because I thought it would be cumbersome to walk around with a P990 and an Ipod.Apple has bridged this gap with the Iphone,I would be getting one for sure.
- b
- bado
- PZu
- 11 Jan 2007
it is amazing how APPLE came up with this kind of is truly a WONDER, a work of ART, a MASTERPIECE. How i wish it is available now in the Philippines. Am sure it will be a blockbuster!
- m
- me
- mr%
- 11 Jan 2007
2 mpx camera ??????
hmmmmm NOPE not my phone sorry .....
- k
- kEiThZ
- xVD
- 11 Jan 2007
Stop speculating on the price...some of you have not done your research. Apple is selling the iPhone at full price without subsidy to the consumer. Thats the reason Cingular is not allowed to discount the phone even for its premiere or business clients. In return for selling the phone at full cost, Cingular gets to lock clients into a two year contract and Apple likely agreed not to sell the phone unlocked in the US. Therefore, the price you are seeing is the full price of the phone. It will not cost double as some people here are speculating. Apple might sell it for a higher cost unlocked (if Cingular allows that) just to encourage customers to go the Cingular route.