Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • R
  • Ravichandran
  • w4X
  • 11 Jan 2007

Definitely it is going to create a big revolution in the mobile industry.

    • t
    • the guru
    • mGY
    • 11 Jan 2007

    I think it will be a killer. Steve Jobs' selfconvidence may be a bit on the high side calling it a revolution before it has even been produced, but rightly so considering Apple's history in products.
    The features it has and espacially those it doesn't have are strategicly chosen or left out. I think they chose well. 2MP camera is enough for a phone. Higher MP camera's do not deliver better quality, just bigger files.
    All the criticism for missing stuff like UMTS, video-calling ability, 5MP camera and what not are very well thought through. Remember: Apple doesn't follow some standard. It sets it! At least that's what they'll intend to.
    Anyway, what impresses me is not the missing stuff. It's the stuff that is there and it's a lot. The way this device manages power and takes the user by the hand and guides it through a mac-like easy to use interface with touch-controll is unpresedented and will definately change the industry.

      • M
      • MIke
      • mnX
      • 11 Jan 2007

      any one know where you can get one of these from ??

        • B
        • Barry Steaksandwich
        • AeJ
        • 11 Jan 2007

        There have been mobile phones and PDA's around that can do all the things that this "iphone" can, they just havent had the hype of this phone.

          • D
          • David
          • Srv
          • 11 Jan 2007

          I don't see why people are so hot for this thing it may be thin but it's still huge. Also there is nothing new in it the only thing it really has is the mac os x operating system. I would personally wait to see what SonyEricsson, Nokia or Samsung are doing this year because the specs for this thing are all 2005-2006.

            • R
            • Rajiv
            • P$t
            • 11 Jan 2007

            Beware other Smartphones !! iphone is here !! The smartphone industry is getting better by the day. and with its enormous succes through Ipods, Apple will start as a winner in this segment.

              • s
              • shuppy
              • mtv
              • 11 Jan 2007

              shamaz, dats d word; "wait for N93i". i biliv N93i 'll capture minds wt its exellnt features.

                • W
                • Wait & See
                • MYk
                • 11 Jan 2007

                exchange market is confiant with iphone me too !!!

                  • v
                  • vijay
                  • PyV
                  • 11 Jan 2007

                  This phone is going to sweep the Mobile Era for sure....Waiting to hit the stores

                  ..Truly amazing..Hats Off to APPLE - THE Innovation company

                    • w
                    • wait & see
                    • MYk
                    • 11 Jan 2007

                    ... Waiting the Nano IPhone !!!

                      • A
                      • Ali R
                      • Tx8
                      • 11 Jan 2007

                      Currently the owner of E6, motorola , this phone does look good and I sure am well aware that apple always gives the best to the market , but the thing is my phone is much advanced by its age , while iphone will come in 2007 somewhere in july and even later to the rest of the world , so its not up to its mark by the laucnh date. Won't survive longer in market , plus its too expensive , personally I have used more than 45 phones of all genres and interfaces , the phone is excellant but not quite up to the mark.

                        • P
                        • PsyBio
                        • Sdk
                        • 11 Jan 2007

                        to Phaeton:

                        First of all this is not exactly a phone - it is a PDA, which means that it's more like your iPod with a gsm module. Thats why it comes with 4 or 8 gb memory. iPhone is not ergonomic enough to use it like digital camera so why it should have 5mpix? "no MMS", "no word, spreadsheet, pdf" - what the hell, man - IT HAS MOBILE MAC OS X!!! You can have everything you want on it! I think it is very nice and smart move from Apple's side to announce it so early, it will happen the same as with the iPod - everybody will imitate it, but none could beat it :)

                        Cheers to all who tremble until it's out.

                          • s
                          • shamaz
                          • SkE
                          • 11 Jan 2007

                          wait until nokia releases n93i

                            • j
                            • jimjones
                            • pY5
                            • 11 Jan 2007

                            The problem with this phone is that it will be released fully in 2008, meanwhile the nokia N95 will already be on the market for 9 months plus. People will be used to dealing with a 5 mp phone and having 3g, while the iphone will be lacking in this dept. I believe that this will storm in the US market, but in europe and asia I am not so sure. But this is sure no give Nokia, SE, Samsung and Moto a firm kick in the back side

                              • P
                              • Phaeton
                              • TIE
                              • 11 Jan 2007

                              In this game of mobile competition, its no longer going to be just about features but the Cool & Hip factor. Look at Apple's Shuffle, when it was first announced critics decried its lack of display screen and basic features, some even saying that the Shuffle would be the worst flash mp3 player ever. But look at what happened? It went from nothing to best-selling, shutting these critics up. Now here people and industry players are making the same type of comments about the iPhone and its feature-set. In time, the iPhone's launch is going to be so successful that your judgements about it will prove so wrong.

                                • n
                                • nhissing
                                • 2A3
                                • 11 Jan 2007

                                APPLE'S iPhone

                                PROS: ALL THE FEATURE ON THE PHONE

                                CONS: no 3G
                                no HSDPA
                                no FM Radio
                                no AUTOFOCUS
                                no MMS
                                no VIDEO CAPTURE
                                5megapixel camera would be better
                                no word,worksheet,pdf reader

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 2A3
                                  • 11 Jan 2007

                                  maybe apple should include 3G and HSDPA into this gadget and can save a word files, pdf files, worksheet files, and as ive read in this article they did not mention about MMS sending and receiving??? But truly this Phone is amazing i think sony ericsson, nokia, samsung etc. should make a phone in this kind of level...

                                    • V
                                    • Varun
                                    • 2SN
                                    • 11 Jan 2007

                                    i really cant wait to use this beauty .. its an amazing phone .. apple does it again :)

                                      • J
                                      • Jonathan
                                      • PMT
                                      • 11 Jan 2007

                                      How dare you even comment saying that the N 95 will be better. I worked strenuous hours slaving my metacarpals and putting my heart and soul into this phone. It has the equivalent of my brain inside it. And that my minions is a hard thing to accomplish. Now lets talk about Star Trek. Blah. How dare he use Kryptonite against him. He shall never beat me.

                                        • s
                                        • slappymchappy
                                        • 41E
                                        • 11 Jan 2007

                                        I can wholeheartly agree that this is a very ambitious project for apple. For months/years rumors have been brewing about this secret "iphone" and now its finally revealed. While its specs are extremely impressive I dont know if Im gonna jump to get one. In many ways it kinda mirrors Sony's PSP if you think about it. Just because you can cram a bunch of impressive specs into a small package doesnt mean its going to be the ultimate thing. Cellphones have graduated beyond being a portable means to talk. Companies are constantly competing to make the digital swiss army knife(figuratively speaking) of our dreams. However there are some things that I think shouldnt be compromised in order to achieve this. Lets look at what a cell phone is. Its a PORTABLE device. Things that are portable should be built to deal with being carried arround in and out. Does the iPhone look sturdy? Not really. I would be afraid to carry it outside my house. Its got a gorgeous touch screen but that thing is just begging to be scratched, not counting the magnet for fingerprints and smudges. Small does not equal portable. In order to be portable for a cell phone you have to consider the human factor and build arround this. It doesnt look like Apple considered that. It seems like they were in a race to put as many things into one package and the idea of a person actually USING it like a phone was a distant second thought. And lets consider the price for an item that is supposed to reach "non cellphone people" 500 or 600 bucks WITH a 2 year contract with Cingular. Ouch. I wish Apple the best of luck. Theyve got their work cut out for them. Btw sorry for this being so long winded and chocked full of spelling errors and gramatical blunders. The combination of typing this way past my bedtime and being a "stupid American" resulted in a less than stellar post.