Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nxs
- 11 Jan 2007
Pity no fm radio!!!!!!
- S
- Si
- wgp
- 11 Jan 2007
Great phone, cept it doesn't have 3G support neither HSDPA support. Even though more and more cell phone carriers are beginning to introduce HSDPA, which i reckon Apple could use to their advantage by letting iPhone users d/l songs on the go. Yet i want it to come with a front camera for video calls, expandable memory would make this phone outstanding and maybe a removable battery would make this phone close to perfect, also the camera lens on the back is a BIT MINUSCULE.
But thats just my 2 cents ^_^
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0ai
- 11 Jan 2007
it just not worth to use those "phone"
- Q
- iba
- 11 Jan 2007
I hardly cant wait for the releases of this Apple iPhone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ydn
- 11 Jan 2007
Jobs stated in the keynote address that 3g was coming in the future.
- P
- Phone Master
- 4}F
- 11 Jan 2007
the N95 isnt going to have any benefits over this puppy. the only one better thing might be the 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zessis Optics and autofoucus.
- D
- 0ae
- 11 Jan 2007
Great phone it has everything, except 3g, wow apple how u miss that, 3g could make it the ultimate phone, apple still got time to add the feature, and for all those who don't like cingular is exclusive for.....
- S
- Skye
- i2p
- 11 Jan 2007
Jonathan - Speak for yourself. 3G is VERY important to me and alot of other people. Using my phone to browse the internet everyday anything but 3G is so slow it makes me want to tear my eyes out.
found this site says Cisco are taking Apple to court over the name iPhone.
- m
- mudder funker
- PSv
- 11 Jan 2007
i think its prettier than nokia!!!!
- i
- i just hate u
- PPe
- 11 Jan 2007
'I hate all of you '
if u cant understand so much of the english thats being posted here, i would think that you were the one without the "brains" u talk about. i am an australian citizen, but english is still not my first language, however, i can still understand their point of views.
- J
- Jonathan
- 11 Jan 2007
Some of u guys just make me believe that psychiatrists are right when they say that 4 out of 5 ppl have some sort of mental disorder. U c, let us breath deeply n think logically... D LARGEST EXTERNAL CARDS DONT EXCEED 4GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N this device offers up 2 8GB. So b quiet! 2) Not everyone cares bout 3g, videocalls n all taht stuff. I personally care much more about wifi. 3) Yes, d screen might present some problems, but once u take good care of a phone it will not get damaged (Most ppl DAMAGE their iPods, the iPods USUALLY dont get damaged just so). 4) There is no perfect phone, there is simply an ideal phone 4 ones needs and exectations. So what if u prefer N95??? I prefer this one, so? BIG DEAL! i mean, come on ppl! Can u give more constructive comments?? This fone has a superb OS! Nokia is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR behind! Plz ppl, not everyone cares bout wat u care n want!
- s
- sif
- PSc
- 11 Jan 2007
This "phone" just rocks!!! but the only thing that might stop me from buying this phone is if it becomes too common, like an iPod,
As this phone uses MAC OS X, i hope and beleive it doesn't "hang" like the N series NOKIAs,
- A
- Ashwin
- w49
- 11 Jan 2007
I must admit, an interesting device! If I have to wait till 2008(!!!!!) for the device to be launched in Asia...I'm sorry to say this: I'd be bored of it even without getting my hands on it!
- j
- jadall
- 5%r
- 11 Jan 2007
also mobile industry took a major hit yesterday when this was announced rim's stock went down over $11 a share.. it's shaking up the market at the very least. :)
- j
- jadall
- 5%r
- 11 Jan 2007
I just read an article on that stated weather or not the phone could run external programs if it cannot it would be a major downfall of this phone. you know run like skype on the wifi they gave as an example.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PuH
- 11 Jan 2007
well, do you have ever seen a Damaged ipod???? well i'm am shure that we will see many damaged " iphones"
- J
- Jack_Hole
- 4iC
- 11 Jan 2007
With all the hype thats going into this thing, Job's really gambled with putting it out so much in advance of when it is actually going to be on shelves. I'm sure they anticipated the reaction of the people once they heard about this, which means that they are really confident with the iPhone, cause if there are any glitches in the phone, its going to get a really bad rep and their whole deals going go down the tubes kinda. So, boys and girls, i conclude, from the process of logical deduction, that this Phone is gonna kick buttocks...
and *cough.. Nokia sucks!!!
- m
- mike
- Y9n
- 11 Jan 2007
Wait until Nokia releases their N95
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Wf
- 11 Jan 2007
in june
- m
- micky mouse
- 4Lc
- 11 Jan 2007
sucks thing about it is only for Cingular..for now? any of you think it will be for t-mobile also?