Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- m
- multiphoner
- jAp
- 10 Jan 2007
I don't like apple but this phone seems pretty sound. It is their first phone, so i would assume better phones are in the near future. No one gets it right on the first try. But I do like thier inovative multi touch screen feature. I don't beleive any TFT touch screen has the ability to do that now. So cudos to apple. Greatmulitmead and web browsing as well. Also the storage amount is outstanding 8gigs internal wow. On a mobile OS, that's great as well. And camera.. who cares about phone cameras. they are what they are.. to catch unexpected moments. Real quality cameras are always going to come from stand alone units. I have used trillions of phones on all OS's, so I am pretty egar to get my hands on this. I am a phone whore. My friends love it. they get alot of nice hand me downs. My current is the e61.. and man an amazing phone. (longest phone i've kept, almost a year now.)Thats the only thing i worry about on this phone is the touchscreen keyboard. but if it's as sound as the nokia e61 keyboard i'm getting an iphone. but will also have the new e62i as well. =) Since i have two lines the iphone will be great multipurpose phone where as my e61 wills till be my business phone.
- S
- Stryker
- b}2
- 10 Jan 2007
Well actually i like the design (although im not very keen on slim phones), but the thing here is that it will cost a fortune for a 2mpix camera and no 3G... Actually thats not a very good solution for Apple. I seriously think that it will surely get its fans or whatsoever, but since there arent many apps for OSX mobile many others will prefer a Symbian smartphone or windows mobile. Only successful in the US for sure, not outside of them.
- K
- x7R
- 10 Jan 2007
This phone is nice but the cost stateside is 599$ with a 2 yr contract for a 4 GB model. So if this is so much with a contract how much will the rest of the world pay ...i guess about $1300....yea right..i am not gonna pay that much for a phone. Do i want the phone YES i do but not this one maybe i will wait for a couple of new revisions.
1) phone has Wifi...great but where do u find wifi freely and readily accessible?
2) No removeable battery if the battery dies i have to send it back to appl eto replace it.....what do i do till then??
3) the phone has no 3G....cmon 3G...thats all i have to say about this
4) Imagine u driving a car and you have this phone and u want to make a call....since there is no tactile feedback u have to look at the screen constantly and figure out if u dialed the wrong number.....Hello accidents....
5) The OS is mac OS x which in my opinion is one of the best operating systems out there. I am a Mac Fan....but this OS is a stripped down version on Mac OS X and also it will not allow you to install 3rd party softwares....for all u Noobs out there this means that u cannot install s/w like skype or terminal or IRC....cmon ur eyes.
The phone ios good but not worth the price...
- ?
- Anonymous
- xHx
- 10 Jan 2007
the only people who's going to buy this phone are racist people who don't like imported products. it doesn't even have an expandable slot. sony is coming out with an expandable 8gb stick and they have phones with 1gb of memory.
- m
- multiphoner
- jAp
- 10 Jan 2007
I don't like apple but this phone seems pretty sound. It is their first phone, so i would assume better phones are in the near future. No one gets it right on the first try. But I do like thier inovative multi touch screen feature. I don't beleive any TFT touch screen has the ability to do that now. So cudos to apple. Greatmulitmead and web browsing as well. Also the storage amount is outstanding 8gigs internal wow. On a mobile OS, that's great as well. And camera.. who cares about phone cameras. they are what they are.. to catch unexpected moments. Real quality cameras are always going to come from stand alone units. I have used trillions of phones on all OS's, so I am pretty egar to get my hands on this. I am a phone whore. My friends love it. they get alot of nice hand me downs. My current is the e61.. and man an amazing phone. (longest phone i've kept, almost a year now.)Thats the only thing i worry about on this phone is the touchscreen keyboard. but if it's as sound as the nokia e61 keyboard i'm getting an iphone. but will also have the new e62i as well. =) Since i have two lines the iphone will be great multipurpose phone where as my e61 wills till be my business phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xHx
- 10 Jan 2007
what's so good about a company which only makes ipods? since this is the only thing they make, of course it's easy to make something like the iphone. Look at other brands like nokia, motorola, sony, etc. At least they make a lot more products than apple. A brand which makes useless products.
- C
- ChrisV
- I7L
- 10 Jan 2007
Hi to you all, Just wanted to get my thoughts across and if possible clear up a few things. Firstly, I saw many posts stating "it hasn't even got 3G"; Yes as of now the iPhone hasn't got 3G on it but Steve Jobs clearly stated they WILL be releasing other versions including those with 3G on it. There are many other posts that are unnecessarily complaining about various other things. I strongly suggest that you watch and listen carefully to what is said in the Keynote Steve Jobs gave before making some wild predictions about the iPhone. As for the speculation surrounding the iPhone's specification, I will agree on the fact that its not 5 years ahead technologically, like Steve Jobs claims; for the iPhone to be 5 years ahead technologically, they will at least have to undo phones like the Nokia N95. Lets see then. 5megapixel camera? nope, VGA video recording? nope, GPS built in? It has Google Maps on it but not exactly GPS is it. What about the weight, well the Nokia clocks in at a reasonable 120 grams but the iPhone weighs at least 14 grams. Not a lot to carry but kinda confusing why SJ didn't compare its weight with the rest of the competition(or did he?. But where it does beat things like the Symbian and Windows based Smartphones is on ease of use. The stuff SJ was talking about the iPhone made perfect sense, albeit the SMS part of it. Oh BTW memory isn't a big issue cause on things like the SE P990i you can load 8Gb worth of memory using the Memory Stick Pro Duo slot. I honestly do hope that by the time they release this thing they will beef it up.
- S
- Shane Aviaria
- RsU
- 10 Jan 2007
Is it just me, or does it look like anything would scratch the living hell out of this thing?
Anyone ever owned and Ipod knows what i mean, they are pretty and scratch fast.
- N
- Neil
- pwf
- 10 Jan 2007
Most of you seem to be missing the biggest innovation here..the lack of buttons and the introduction of what appears to be the first phone with a usable touch screen (and "soft" buttons). It is the way forward.
- E
- Erick
- 4TU
- 10 Jan 2007
I have to admit these guys didi great job, but i dont really agree is the ultimate machine or something like that you know i seen phones a year old with same thing even my W850 can do the same as that phone and a lil more how come they didnt come up with the video call feature that most of the new sony ericsson phone have ??? Good question dont you think the phone looks really sexy but they dont impress me nothing new and a lot of money for these PDA
- H
- HTC Pwnz Apple
- RtR
- 10 Jan 2007
what makes people think that this phone is actaully worth looking at?
no support for additional 3rd party software
apple will only let you put on what THEY think is appropriate
EX: Pay for rings tones (that are all crap anyways), Pay for themes or backgrounds, Pay for just about everything they can nickle and dime you
no 3G, 3G was out last year, half of HTC phones already have this
touch screen phone? WOW, mines touch screen and it was out TWO years ago, i have an HTC Prophet BTW.
no support for FLAC or OGG, or any format that isnt DRM'd to total crap.
no support for videos, Xvid, Divx, Mpg, etc unless its DRM'd to crap and you have to pay out your ass to see it twice
apples rip off pricing for a half assed product (ipods are only 30% functional and 70% looks/propaganda)
is the wifi as locked down as the zune? most likely because apple thinks that FAIR PLAY. to apple you dont own the product really, you own the right to use it OCCASIONALLY and not make it your own.
bluetooth? let me guess, ONLY apples approved bluetooth headset or stereo headset works. what a joke. they advertise its small? its bigger than half the moto headsets. you want small and quality? look at the jabra JX10.
no wifi sync (from engaget) thats friggin lame
no BT sync, lol useless
BT PAN? doubt it
BT Anything useful other than apples propriatary headset? (like obex )
let me guess, all propriatary connectors up the ying yang forcing you to buy ridiculously priced BS to just get the thing to charge in your car. on my prophet i have a standard mini USB connector, when i plug it into my computer i can sync or i have the option of turning the phone into an SD card reader. in my card (i got a JVC USB deck) i can plug my phone in and have the deck play music off my SD card and charge the phone at the same time. guess you cant do that on apples BS product.
GPS? maybe, if apple isnt totally retarded
- w
- willyboy666
- Mr{
- 10 Jan 2007
hehe seem to be good as a phone.
but i dont think it can go for pdas market yet.
from size and form its like my old xda 2 mini.
i will never give my asus p525 for this iphone.
i realy expected better then this from mac,the phone will be released at the end of 2007 with 2 mpx camera and no gps are they kidding.
the phone will be outdated b4 it will comes out(even now its outdated).
next asus,eten,htc, nokia releases will kill this outdated phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kxN
- 10 Jan 2007
apple does have patents on this phone. its said in their introduction video they have over 200 patents.
- T
- The Jugular
- wwN
- 10 Jan 2007
It's the BEST thing that happened to mobile communication. Need I say more?
- j
- jp
- 4It
- 10 Jan 2007
I have to say, it seems funny all the comments about a lack of quality that are permeating these forums. These guys (Apple) have spent the better part of 3 years working on this project, don't you think that their first foray into the mobile market would have to be something that is concrete (gsm/EDGE instead of the feeble 3G coverage available in the states) and pretty darn flawless? Also, in case some of you missed the keynote presentation, there will definitely be updates to the supported frequencies, who knows, perhaps the debut of the iPhone in europe will actually include 3G. (Don't put it past Apple to pull a few more suprises before the actual debut) Also, coming from an i320N user, I can't wait for the iPhone to come out... Adios windows mobile (pretty lame in my opinion) and hello OS X! I will concede that I'm a little wary of the touchsreen keyboard, but I'll hold my comments until I actually get a chance to try it out.
- i
- iman
- nsC
- 10 Jan 2007
Be sure.Apple will lose the game.The competition is cell phone is industry is dominated by Nokia ,samsung and somehow sonyericsson.
Event Simence has accpeted losing the competition in cell market.
Iphone can not keep up with rush advances and speeding technology of cell phone.In the 3Q of 2007 having a Iphone with nokia 2005 features is a failure for Apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mm{
- 10 Jan 2007
Ridiculous as its not in the UK until Q4 intrest and ype the only thing that apple is good at will have worn of it costs a bundle and europe technology with se etc is far ahead of america, this phone doesnt even hve 3G.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ygr
- 10 Jan 2007
Apple will not make any money on this phone because they do not have any patents designing mobile phones. They will have to pay big $$ to the companies that own the patents. This phone will probably have the worst performance as a phone. Apple does not have experience designing phones, they're in for a big surprise. It will drop calls and have poor audio reception like no tomorrow. It is one thing to design a music player but totally different to design a phone.
- S
- Sno
- ib9
- 10 Jan 2007
wooowww one sick gadget dude
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jan 2007
Sonny boy you talking rubbish apple are better sticking to ipods not phones