Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • nmL
  • 10 Jan 2007

What do they mean by 2 year contract? With cingular?
If yes, how much it will cost withought it? :S

    • A
    • Alex
    • SkE
    • 10 Jan 2007

    progress at last!

      • M
      • Manuj
      • PSQ
      • 10 Jan 2007

      Its Awesome its one of the best thing which can ever happen to a mobile phone. It has all the features u can dream off in a mobile phone. Great Memory, Great Display, Great Features and MAC OS X . All this makes it a deadly Combination . I am waiting for it to be launched in India.

        • g
        • gsmgirly
        • nbb
        • 10 Jan 2007

        I read that it was to cost $499 for the one with the least memory. That is way less than a 1000! I think that is such an excellent price, and for that reason I will wait and stick with my old worn-down Siemens phone for the rest of this year :D

          • a
          • akasha9
          • RxV
          • 10 Jan 2007

          almost the perfect phone, except that it's not a 3G phone :(

            • R
            • Raj
            • b%L
            • 10 Jan 2007

            Awsome Phone to have!!! but how will people in ASIA can wait to get hand on it till 2008.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Y2F
              • 10 Jan 2007

              2mp camera

                • e
                • el mayimbe
                • jYA
                • 10 Jan 2007

                this phone should have been umts since is gonna be operating on cingulars network. the way to go is 3g umts we need to utilize all of cingulars new networks; as a cingular customer i suggest for this phone to have umts integrated.

                  • M
                  • Mustafa Ahmed
                  • Sd0
                  • 10 Jan 2007

                  One of the best cell phone products I have ever seen. Not all countries offer mobile phone contracts, for example in Saudi Arabia you get your SIM card and then buy a phone. So I wonder if it will be available as an "unlocked" purchase?

                    • P
                    • PDA
                    • nap
                    • 10 Jan 2007

                    OH My God!
                    It looks like at last apple have joined the market. look out Nokia,Sony Etc. I have long had to carry two devices on business trips as most of my music is on Pods. Can't wait to get this phone.

                      • A
                      • Apple User
                      • TC{
                      • 10 Jan 2007

                      Absolutely magnificent, way intelligent than any other phones in the market. This master piece of work is truly the sign of an evolution in the mobile phone industry. The lack of 3G will not really affects its overall performance as there is no 3G in the US yet, who knows another version will be release anytime sooner for other regions as Apple Inc is famous for its updates within a short period of time. Overall rating, 10 over 10.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • MME
                        • 10 Jan 2007

                        was just gonna say, i know there are a lot of techno geeks on who want some phone that doesnt even exist, they want every feature thats known to man even though they only use a fraction of them.... WHY????? at the end of the day, its a nice phone, as long as it does what it says it will, looks good, good features for what most people require, what is wrong with you when you have to slag everything off? the only thing that i would hope for would be increased memory capacity, as i have a video ipod and ive filled its memory, 8gb wouldnt be enough for me... however, for the market who use nanos, this is fine.... that said, i have seen that samsung have developed 32 and 64 gb capacity flash memory, though it is insanely expensive, but obviously in time the price of this will come down, and mobile phone memory will increase, covering this side of the market. but at the end of the day, take the phone for what it it - a well designed piece of kit, its just that there are some nokia and sony snobs who dont like to see a newcomer to the market come in with a really good hanset that will challenge their beloved brands....
                        oh, and about the price, it will obviously come down after a while, as with any handset....

                          • c
                          • cam
                          • mpd
                          • 10 Jan 2007

                          looks rubbish u can get a mobile phone that can do all that for cheapr and ipods are crap

                            • D
                            • DAVE
                            • F9r
                            • 10 Jan 2007

                            I,. think this phone will be absolute rubbish. they will be behind so far in the market by the time they release it. nokia have they're 5mp n95 which supports 4 gig. and they're plans for a 10gb hdd with 4mp cam.
                            oh and the rweliability of the ipods puts me straight off.

                            sony ericsson, nokia, and samsung will destroy them.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 6Cs
                              • 10 Jan 2007

                              no 3g, 2mega camera, and its not even a smart phone, wow what a let down

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 6Cs
                                • 10 Jan 2007

                                im just gonna keep it real, since when did steve think he was doing something exclusive when he introduced itune to a phone. let the record reflect that there have been many phones that have been released since 2004 that have all the same features that the iphone have but have ten time more. wow its touch screen but damn near all the phone ever realease be qtek as well as imate and lastly 02 are too. wow steve is really bring this tecnology thing quite far. now to the 4gs or 8gs is that intergrated in addition ti the phone memory becasue what all us phone gurus do know is that if you fill ur memory to capacity the phone will run extremly slow and also cause problems to the internet experience. well im sorry but the memory is shared so u know what that means. and lastly since when is wifi better than 3g. i believe that nokia has the premier market with video conferencing and the cingular network doesnt support the true technology advancements that the rest of the world knows. Im not a hater so dont look at this comment as such, what i want everyone to realise is that just cause some one makes a mp3 player doesnt mean that they can jump in to the phone market as if they are king. i think steve needs to fall back and create an ipod that wont break...... stay out of the phone market!!!!!!!! leave it to the real genius of such companies like nokia, sony ericsson and and the other companies!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • MFT
                                  • 10 Jan 2007

                                  This phone is not a smartphone. Sorry mate!


                                    • b
                                    • bri
                                    • pLH
                                    • 10 Jan 2007

                                    beautiful phone with fantastic userability(as expected from apple) BUT its hard not to feel let down as this phone is seriously underspeced for the european and especially the asian market. whilst most of the tech spec is pretty up to date for the states, its been around for years in the asian and european markets. A 2 megapixel cam and no 3G seems such a step back

                                      • i
                                      • ipodbreakdown
                                      • MME
                                      • 10 Jan 2007

                                      i hope this thing actually works....... me and about 5 of my friends all got video ipods at the same time, and within a couple of months they were all crashing all the time, i got all my music wiped twice.... this thing better be reliable.......

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • jjW
                                        • 10 Jan 2007

                                        -This is the greatest invention of years. NO other phone out in the market have all these great features. All of these smartphones and palms out there can operate certainly with emails, sms and html's however THIS IS THE ONLY One that DOES work as a REAL smartphone, it operates the best system available today OSX, it works GREAT as a phone and it has a good camera. The great deal, it is not one huge thing to carry around and it syncs with your MAc's and pc's. An iPod together? this is amazing, no other phone in the market with such great technology. Apple is the best!!!(plus, it is a quad band)