Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • k
  • ken19
  • whB
  • 27 Jan 2007

now N95 has got some big competition, this is how apple show how nokia is BAD in producing that N95, features like GPS, Wifi, and 5mp camera are useless unless touchscreen is there with multitap, this iphone could be a wide-sized phone, but it is slim at once. also not the OS and the processing power of that device, i bet N95 won't do good with it's GPS, Camera(compared to the upcoming SE/SAMSUNG 5MPs mass market phones), and it's OS. nokia should now learn from the new born competitors, ASUS and Apple. SE has stll a chance to do better than what they did last year in P990.

    • N
    • NikD
    • jLB
    • 27 Jan 2007

    ...well,lets hope that Apple will include its famous quality,in this product,and the 2 mp camera s futures will be equal,or,better than the top SE ones!?

      • D
      • Damon @ Carphone war
      • M3s
      • 26 Jan 2007

      This handset is really impressive, i can't wait to get my hands on one. With a retail value of $600 i cant see it being a free handset with any uk networks. I dont think its something that i could sell alot of but none the less its fantastic. I would love the opportunity to review one properly.

        • J
        • Jennifer
        • YcK
        • 24 Jan 2007

        well im not a big person for using the phone for work, im one of the people apple are trying to target who like to use their phones for just making calls, texting , watching movies but mainly as a really good cell phone with good music capabilities. im not a fan of the price and will wait till it hopefully goes down to a semi reasonable price which in apples case is usually never , but i wonder if they give student discounts like they do with their Ipods for the phone..?

          • a
          • albkik
          • j5}
          • 24 Jan 2007

          This phone looks beautiful, looks like it will make you spend most of your day sending messages, listening to mp3s and check your email and stocks. how many will use all of these features all together??? , since none has not even used the phone is meaningless to judge the phone, however i got some comments:

          In U.S there is no 3G service yet, thats why iphone doesnt have it as a feature. i guess their market it mostly U.S and only Cingular customers at first. so its going to be limited for the rest of you outside U.S and the others who are stuck in contracts with other providers.
          most of us who like mp3 players have already bought one so the problems i see with this phone is why would someone with an ipod spend $500 to buy an ipod phone? moreover, i hope the screen is tought enough to handle scratches. will the touch screen work flowless with scratches on it.
          i also drop my cellphone at least once a week. i hope the 3.5 inch screen of iphone is trong enough and no break. think about it if it does. you can't even make an emergency call.
          i have also concearns about the battery. how long will the battery last using the mp3 and video and whatever else?

          i believe apple will sell a lot of this. here in U.S apple is a big fashion. it will be cool to own an iphone. most of us bought ipods without even knowing how to use it so a lot will buy the iphone just because it has an "i" in front. however, time will tell. cellphone market changes every week.

          currently own a samsung d900 and i'm not even thinking to upgrade untill this one breaks. spending $500 and more on cellphones i think is a waste of money.

          i have access to a computer in less the 10 minutes if i really need the internet. the cameras on this phones are useful only under certain conditions. ex. forget about taking pictures in dark with any phone. if i'm on a trip, i bring my laptop, which can never be substituded by any cell phone.

          i thought i would use all my d900 features but 99% of the time i use it make and receive calls. i let my laptop to the other works. good luck to the rest of you who depend so much on cellphones.

            • k
            • khakee
            • PSw
            • 24 Jan 2007

            iPhone is elegant but there are pros and cons about this phone, the pros are all the iPhone features are its pros, they are cool you can agree with me that there are some features in iPhone that any other phone out there have like their sensors, but there are a lot of cons in this phone no 3G yet, no HSCSD, no MMS i thinks, camera has no autofocus, no video recording, no FM radio, what else did i miss??? and the ultimate con is the PRICE nearly $500 well i can buy 2 phones with that with all the features i mentioned included in the phone, i think that would be SMARTER.... i think that if iPhone include all the features that many people want then it would be the ULTIMATE CELLPHONE in the market...

              • C
              • Cain
              • m4e
              • 23 Jan 2007

              So we came down to its user interface being the only strong point of the iPhone, with some basic functions that it can deliver pretty well. I can agree with that. Still that is very much different from the majority of comments from the iPhone fans here touting it as a miracle gadget. Now only question that remains is - is the new interface worth that much money ? You think it is, I think it isn`t. So we can agree to disagree. No harm in that. Also I might add that our discussion was the only useful one here, and people can see things clearly now. No one is going to kill anyone with a ueber-gadget, and as always, choosing a phone will have to be a matter of compromise. Curious people, Apple fans and those desperatly trying to be different will find iPhone interesting and worth buying, hard core users will stick to the power of their smartphones, and regular users to their well known candybars, clamshells and sliders, because they just don`t care. Don`t think either one of these are wrong. We should all make our own choices, as long as they are cleary laid before us. That`s it. No more best phones in the world please.

                • J
                • JLobos
                • P0H
                • 23 Jan 2007

                That´s perfect for my country, because here in Brazil, we don´t have 3G huahuaha, just EDGE, ohh yeah!!!

                  • M
                  • Matt
                  • mjs
                  • 23 Jan 2007

                  I agree its not a mobile office, but i don't believe its intended for that market.
                  Yes i hate those stylus, they always go missing and require your full attention to use. they are just very cumbersome.
                  I think you would have to be a strange type of user to want to do office work and paint pictures. Apple are targeting the masses who are mainly interested in photos, music and multimedia, as proven by their ipod.
                  I believe the keynote speech shows the qwerty keyboard using a touch method, in the past i agree this has also been cumbersome as you end up pushing keys you didnt mean to press but the iPhone has had some intelligence put behind it to stop that and it is shown in the demo it works extremely well.
                  I do not have time to list the phones in question, but I wanted wi-fi functionality with a decent user interface, and nearly all phones fail in the user interface category.
                  I think saying that user interface isnt worth the money is wrong, i believe its the key to success for a mobile device. This is why I would buy one of these phones and i am confident many people will.

                    • C
                    • Cain
                    • m4e
                    • 23 Jan 2007

                    OK, suppose it is user friendly. It is fast and easy to use. For what ? You keep missing my point. To pay that much for a fast, sleek, user friendly device that can`t do anything ? Believe me, if it could provide only those basic smartphone functions that I`ve mentioned, with the new improved interface I would be in the line to buy it. Some technology in the iPhone might be good, but it still does NOTHING in a shiny sleek new way. It is in a best case, a promising device brought down with its lack of freedom. You think stylus is useless ? Try drawing lines in a paint progrm or typing the QWERTY virtual keyboard with your fingers... Then again, you don`t need to do a lot of drawing and typing do you, when this phone DOES NOT support document editing. It is only a regular phone. An ordinary phone which costs 400-500 EUR ! Again you failed to respond to my challenge. WHAT (not how !!! ) can you do with this phone that is worth 400 EUR ? You mention that it covers some features that are only available in brick phones. What are those features ? I have found that there are only things you can not do. Prove me wrong, opet my eyes and I will admit it. So... why should I pay that much for this phone ?

                      • G
                      • GULAM
                      • iiV
                      • 23 Jan 2007

                      about iphone i cant say anything 'cause i never used it ' but i sure apple is great reason 1. i have mac mini from last one year its never creshed ! and i have ipod mini 2004 its also working fine without replacing battries . one thing is great about apple is they make hardware and software under one roof !!!and its phone its not god 100% ok!!!! and about price whats cost of nokia n70 when its in market first time !!!!??? 500 $ i payed its ok its there product let them sell any cost user will pay if they can !!!

                        • M
                        • Matt
                        • mjs
                        • 23 Jan 2007

                        It's all about being user friendly. yes you can cobble those things together in existing phones but they are not user friendly.
                        For example you mention a stylus, those things are useless, hence why the iphone doesnt have one. Your touchscreen wont be calibrated as well as the iphone, did you not see how quickly the touchscreen was used on the keynote speech, that wasnt practice that was patented well thought out UI. There are plenty of users who will pay this sort of price for this sort of ease-of-use. I think they have priced it very accurately for the market they are aiming for. It covers all the base areas i wanted from a phone, which was unable to find elsewhere, unless i wanted to carry around a brick.

                          • C
                          • Cain
                          • m4e
                          • 23 Jan 2007

                          It has nothing to do with me being a PC or a Mac user. I might as well be an Amiga user. Yes that`s right, I know my platforms and OS`. Here are the cold brutal calculations : For a 150 EUR I can buy a Moto A1000. It has 3G and Symbian UIQ. I can make video calls, install Office Premier and use it to edit Office documents. I would also have a touch screen, with stylus. Please explain why should I give 400 EUR (at least), mind you, that`s 250 EUR more !!! Which is also 250 EUR MORE, for two things LESS that I need. Of course for more money I could buy even more powerfull smartphones from various makers, but this is the most drastic example of real value vs empty marketing. I am not an Apple hater, I am actually somewhat fond of them, back from the good old days of 68K CPUs. Still I see no reason to pay so much money for this. Most people`s arguments are much like yours "it is leaps and bounds ahead of all other phones at the moment in the way it operates and what it can do." Well... what can it do ? It can not edit Office documents, it can not use 3G speeds, it can not install 3rd party software, it will not allow me to create my own software for it, it can not download and share music freely. And this is not something that is hardware related (few years older, and tech-wise poorer phones can do it), that is just something Apple decided not to allow. They want to have an absolute control of what you can and can not do with your phone. Your only argument is that if I were a Mac user I would get one. Why ? Why should I (even with a Mac) pay 400 EUR for a phone that can not do anything I need it to ? And you are wrong about the demand. There is no demand for THIS phone, there is a demand for A phone that will make someone different and cool and important in other people`s eyes (oh I`ve got me the sooper kewl eyePhoan, and yous got dee plain old Nokia, SE, Moto...) Sorry man, it just doesn`t cut it...
                          As I said before, there are people who will buy it, but only for being an expensive toy. However pretty and interesting it might be, it still useless to any serious user, and in that matter, way overpriced.

                            • P
                            • Panda
                            • imk
                            • 23 Jan 2007

                            Im not a mac user and I hate ipods quite a bit, but this phone seems to be changing my views. It seems like a fantastic little device and I'm almost possitive I'll be getting one when they show up in Aussie. Touch screen is the way of the future (Nintendo ds) and I can see it only gettin better. Well done Mac, you've really done a good job, but does this men we'll see a Microsoft phone appearing sometime soon?

                              • f
                              • fads
                              • Px3
                              • 23 Jan 2007

                              wicked phone!, would love to have it. Every feature is cool, but without 3G? gotta think over again

                                • e
                                • ebaez12
                                • YgS
                                • 23 Jan 2007

                                Well well well. This little iphone here is not much hype. If u think about it wi-fi will run your battery just like using the 3G network feature. Also they say it will be running Mac OS X? it will be running a "watered down version of Mac OS X" itunes wont be useful unless you could download music str8 from the phone instead of having to sync it with ur pc. The only good features about this phone will be, MAYBE, the visual voicemail feature, the little feature bout switching the phone from portrait to panoramic view when you move the phone and the 4 or 8 gb hard drive. I hear it has 2 batteries, one for the ipod mode and the other for the phone mode which is a pretty cool feature but I'll stick with my blackjack with 3G video and Windows mobile 5.0. Also it sucks that you cant run 3rd party software. Check this out and say no more:


                                  • v
                                  • v
                                  • ULQ
                                  • 23 Jan 2007

                                  it seems to be NOKIA killer. Moto and Samsung so happy for this...

                                    • R
                                    • RS
                                    • 4vE
                                    • 23 Jan 2007

                                    m4eQ...I disagree, and you are likely not an Apple/Mac user. If you were, you would get it. You have several points that lead most Mac users to know you probably don't get that Widgets are an Open system with designers around the world...thousands of applications. Its a phone that runs OSX!! Be real, it is leaps and bounds ahead of all other phones at the moment in the way it operates and what it can do. Granted, its not a Blackberry on a BES Exchange Server and its not going to draw in that crowd. I agree with you about not looking at the models to come down the line, but there is no question that all the excitement that has ensued is a result of the demand for this phone.

                                      • C
                                      • Cain
                                      • m4e
                                      • 22 Jan 2007

                                      Well, let`s look at it this way. It is either a solid phone which is way overpriced, or you may think it has a reasonable price, in which case it falls short feature-wise. Also I don`t understand people who defend it with arguments like "this is only the first one, next one will be better..." and stuff like that. If I make some crap stuff and promise that the next one will be better, would you still buy the first one ? If so, just let me know, I`ll start massproducing :) We are talking about THIS model, not the 2010 one, not the 10th evolution of it. And THIS is not a smartphone. It does NOT allow 3rd party software. It is a CLOSED platform. I will not allow Apple (or any phone maker) to decide for me what I should do with my phone. It will have Apple only accesories and software. I`m not talking about 3G, camera, FM and other tech stuff (even if I do acknowledge that they will not be up to date), I`m talking about creativity, which is the main reason why one should buy an expensive smartphone. Apple locks down or charges for everything. I am sure it will be popular in US but it still doesn`t mean it is worth even half the hype. The botom line is, when it comes to value (price/usefullness) this phone just does not deliver. It may be: an expensive music player, or an expensive touchscreen toy. People who want something actually done, who value their money, and keep an eye on what the other models can provide, will not be impressed. Anyone is free to buy it if it pleases/interests him, just don`t proclaim it the technological marvel number one, because it isn`t.

                                        • e
                                        • eL
                                        • 4Uk
                                        • 22 Jan 2007

                                        If you guys saw the video response with the Nokia reps, it was absolutely hilarious; all they could do was deride the parts and the lack of 3G... I believe the wireless-G is more than enough to make up for no 3G. IMO, as far as user-friendliness and functionality this looks to blow the (far more expensive) N93 out of the water.