Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- S
- Suresh Kumar
- R56
- 22 Jan 2007
Thinking of a MAC product is really an exciting thing that has many features that unavoidably attractive in all aspects provided which if it could add features like Radio, more storage space, and and a short range transmitter to transmit music (Audio) to any CAR Audio players instead of using a cassett adapter that cannot be used in DVD Car Audio players and video to its respective receivers.
- M
- Md. Ashraful Khandak
- 22 Jan 2007
I think, if iPhone add "FM Radio" with it's feature then it would create more attraction to it's user because "FM Radio" is very importent element in many countries of the world... I believe that Apple authority would consider it in a positive way...Thank You.
- M
- Matt
- mjs
- 22 Jan 2007
regarding the comment "so did apple make a mistake by bragging about their phone 5 months before actual launch ....... because 5 months is more than enough to produce a phone of similiar capacity"
I don't think its a mistake not when they have taken out 200+ patents on the device.
- M
- Matt
- mjs
- 22 Jan 2007
i'm pretty sure some people here arent even watching the keynote speech and seeing this in action.
It much more advanced than any other phone i've seen on the market, don't even bothering comparing it to any Nokia.
- L
- Lx
- M3s
- 22 Jan 2007
Once again!
Mac's rule PC's drool!
- L
- Lx
- M3s
- 22 Jan 2007
meowmeow it sounds like you are a closed minded PC man/boy. expand your mind and join the MAC revo. Mac way better that PC!
- k
- kEiThZ
- xVD
- 22 Jan 2007
The unknown user with the long post a bit below...
Stop ripping off articles and posing it as your own opinion...I read that article off another website...unless you are the reporter for the NY Times who wrote that piece...please dont plaigiarize....
- k
- ken19
- whB
- 22 Jan 2007
very good phone, mac OS is a proven reliable and speedy OS. and this has the biggest display ever seen in a mobile phone. only needs more applications to be as flexible as the OS-king windows mobile. but will not be budget friendly.
- r
- ramaslamma
- kCu
- 22 Jan 2007
Did not think I would be saying this but APPLE has done it. Against all odds and criticism they have gone way ahead then the competition. I guess its a wake pill for the rest. Maybe now we will see some innovative phones. No thanks to the shady designs that have been out since the last year. Can't wait to get this when it comes to Canada
- J
- John
- Ui9
- 22 Jan 2007
Sadly, it has only 2mp camera... hopefully it will be motified to above 3mp camera at least. Also, 3G video call is kind of a big deal too...
- m
- meowmeow
- EYb
- 22 Jan 2007
extremely overated, just like most apple products... don't know why so many people are overawed by this product..
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7U
- 22 Jan 2007
. The touch-interface works flawlessly, in terms of both technical function and user interface design. Whatever you want to do -- select an album to play, make or take a call, compose and send an e-mail -- your first impulse is almost always the correct one.
This is the simplest phone ever.
And there are no lags, no pauses, no waiting for the slickly animated UI to catch up with you, even when you're scrolling through a stack of album art that's flopping past your finger in 3D: It's liquid.
The bad news: It works only with direct, skin contact. You can't wear gloves, and I don't know if you can even put a screen protector on it. On the plus side, the screen is supposed to be more scratch-resistant than an iPod.
"So long as you don't have a pocket full of broken glass, it'll be OK in there," I was told.
2. I think the iPhone's virtual keyboard is a huge improvement over the mechanical thumbpads found on the Treo and any other smart phones of its size.
The buttons are significantly larger, you don't have to hit them dead-center, you lightly tap them instead of punching them down, and the software is smart enough to know that you meant to type "Tuesday" instead of "Tudsday."
After 30 seconds, I was already typing faster with the iPhone than I ever have with any other phone. I suspect that true e-mail demons will need to adapt to the lack of tactile feedback, though.
3. It's the most beautiful freakin' display I've ever seen on a phone or PDA, both in range of color and level of detail. Even microscopic browser text is credibly readable.
4. The apps that were functional at the time of the demo give the satisfying, protein-rich experience of "real" software. The mail client and browser make you feel like you're using a powerful desktop app, not a cell phone that can kind of send e-mail and browse the Web (depending on how you define "e-mail" and "the Web").
5. Apple will keep a very tight rein on software development.
I asked point-blank if third parties would be able to write and distribute iPhone apps and was told, point-blank, no.
However, it appears that there'll be some third-party opportunities. I'm going to take a guess that iPhone software will be distributed the same way as iPod games: no "unsigned" apps will install, but apps will start appearing on the iTunes Store after successfully passing through a mysterious process of Apple certification -- one that ensures that they meet a certain standard of quality and won't, you know, secretly send your credit-card info to Nigeria.
The lockdown on software is an area of ongoing suspicious interest. I noticed that the iPhone's pre-release browser was missing some plug-ins. I asked if Real and Macromedia et al. would be writing media plug-ins for the iPhone's Web browser, and was told that no, the browser would ship with plug-ins, but Apple would be writing them all in-house. Odd, that.
6. The iPhone runs the same OS as the Macintosh. And not in the way that Windows Mobile is, I suppose, technically, if you want to split hairs about it, classified somewhere in the Microsoft Windows phylum.
Nope, everything I've learned (both in official briefings and "you and I never spoke, all right?" sort of discussions) says that it truly does run Leopard, the upcoming 10.5 OS that will be released for the Macintosh late in the spring.
Those spiffy UI animations, for instance, come courtesy of Leopard's Core Animation suite.
So will it run Mac software? Nope. The iPhone runs OS X, but it's an iPhone, not a Macintosh. And it stands to reason that the OS on the iPhone doesn't include any bits that it doesn't need.
And no, the iPhone's Widgets aren't the same as the Mac's Dashboard widgets. But they do use DashCode and other desktop widget tech, so who knows? I'm really hoping that widgets will be more open to third-party developers than apps.
7. The iPhone is still under development and isn't feature-complete. I opened the "Notes" application and found myself tapping impotently at a JPEG of what the app is supposed to look like. And the camera app only had one button.
Any complaints about what the iPhone can't do are premature. Remember, it won't ship for six months.
I really, really like what I've seen so far. But true judgment won't come until June.
- M
- Mihai Chezan
- p3x
- 21 Jan 2007
IPhone is a invonatoion in portable phone tehnology. All other phone companyes have to make intensive development to reach this great competitor. I am not a mac fan (i have not ever even use a mac computer) but seems like IPhone is at least 1 year above all mobile phone manufacturies. I apreciate the grat effort made by Mac to achieve this result. I am realy awayting answers from Nokia, Motorola & Samsung to see if they can manage this unexpected competition.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kat
- 21 Jan 2007
i love this phone although i think in the pictures is lokks kinda big but it's still really cool. i like how some new phones have touch screens i think that that would make it allot easier to use!!
- E
- Ehsan
- pTe
- 21 Jan 2007
I think Mac os has not expanded in the world yet ,i know it has nice graphic but you know softwares for example in my country (Iran) are not known as well as Win Or Symbian and also u cant find them as easy as you cant find Win And symbians softwares.
Apple should use both symbian & mac os or may be linux !
Like using Win (after new cooperation with intel) in macintosh pcs.
- O
- Oldmate
- Aeh
- 21 Jan 2007
I personally think this phone is to network dependant. IT is a nice piece of work but it should be released now, not in 6 months time. By the time it gets to australia it will be superseaded by something else. Lacking 3g i believe will be its biggest killer. Its all good and well to have all these nifty things but speed will be its killer. In the launch it was running over a wireless network, in real life i would love to see google earth running over a telco provider. Holding this phone ransome to one network provider will be the other major killing point.
- M
- Mr Goss
- nEj
- 21 Jan 2007
I know for a fact that they designed and manufactured the iphone & the Prada in the same factory
- M
- Martin Tibbitts
- 49G
- 20 Jan 2007
I am saddened to see that this device has no tactile keyboard. I don't know who they used to test this, but I--like most guys--have large thumbs. I can sense the frustration of trying to use this device as a blackberry replacement from here.
Martin Tibbitts
- m
- mikk
- 2xy
- 20 Jan 2007
not so interesting when released, i think..
bcz something like o2 atom will catch up too
the most important is now,
future is too uncertain to guarantee the success of iPhone, man!
- D
- 20 Jan 2007
Copy LG KE850 Prada?