Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • m
  • milcho
  • nUx
  • 20 Jan 2007

big screen... good, enrmous screen - very good colossal screen - awesome!! i love it, and when it comes to bulgaria, i`m taking it!!! so cool...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • I6}
    • 20 Jan 2007

    to mRvT and others:

    Apple claims that one of the reason that this phone is "revolutionary" is that it's all touch screen and that there WON'T BE ANY STYLUS.

    My question is: does no on realize that by having a full touch screen the screen will get dirty sooooo often? Just try it with your mobile right now- touch the screen with your fingers and you'll see how it gets all smodgy and greasy at times.

    If you're willing to clean the screen every hour OK but otherwise I still prefer old fashioned buttons.

      • T
      • TM
      • ijs
      • 20 Jan 2007

      All I can say is that, I'll stop buying Nokia products once this phone is in my possession...

        • .
        • .....
        • Nxs
        • 20 Jan 2007

        This is so awsome !!!!!!!!! ~ 8 GB in such a small and compact thing !!!.......~ GPS navigation im taking it

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • xAG
          • 20 Jan 2007

          $499 for 4GB version
          $599 for 8GB version

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • xAG
            • 20 Jan 2007

            here is the good news........ as the experts suggest that the manufacturing cost of the phone is around $249 and it is expecting 50% margin of profit from the phone which is too high ; there is a forecast that the price of the iphone would be brought down to $350 after couple of months of launch i.e. june.... I think this should work for some apple folks like me......... correct me if I'm wrong. well the other reason for lowering the price would be the competetion from LG, samsung and sony tooo. they are comming up with some similiar phones......... so did apple make a mistake by bragging about their phone 5 months before actual launch ....... because 5 months is more than enough to produce a phone of similiar capacity .......

              • s
              • skilled
              • m{n
              • 19 Jan 2007

              its the best stuff in the talking industry ever

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • iLN
                • 19 Jan 2007

                I saw this phone a few days ago on the apple store i think its the best device ive ever seen. its amazing.

                  • J
                  • Justas
                  • pdt
                  • 19 Jan 2007

                  Very nice! how much?

                    • L
                    • LEO
                    • mAR
                    • 19 Jan 2007

                    nice if u can call it that way...ugly?!no way...the best?!no...but one of them though

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ijw
                      • 19 Jan 2007

                      Really, It is the best phone ready if add more 3G and 16M colors display. But apple never come out any cell phone before. So what the problem will happen with this one.

                        • t
                        • topzzpot
                        • 2At
                        • 19 Jan 2007


                          • b
                          • brata
                          • nUW
                          • 19 Jan 2007

                          This is verry nice telephone

                            • v
                            • vaibhav
                            • RK6
                            • 19 Jan 2007


                            i wanna know weather appel mobile phones would support the black berry where we have your compititor microsoft exchange server. so i would like to have used black berry service on the mobile phone of appel. So is appel supporting or not please advise.


                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2A4
                              • 19 Jan 2007

                              nice gadget

                                • k
                                • kEiThZ
                                • xVD
                                • 18 Jan 2007

                                The iPhone costs Apple only $250 for the 4GB phone and $280 for the 8GB version to manufacture according to some reports.

                                And though Apple has to spend on R&D and marketing and other business costs but for the most part, those costs would have been incurred anyway. I'll bet that Apple spent relatively little to put the iPhone together since it really didnt develop any new technology here.


                                Lastly, now that we know how much the phone costs, it raises new questions...why didnt Apple create just one version of the phone (ie 8 Gigs) and why didnt it improve some of the specs that people are complaining about, like the camera or lack of 3G or lack of GPS (these chipsets cost $5).

                                Seems to me like Apple chose profit over their supposed desire and ability to serve the customer.

                                  • a
                                  • ahmed
                                  • PTp
                                  • 18 Jan 2007

                                  LG and Apple go head to head with the iPhone and the KE850 Prada in the fashion phone category. Let's see if other manufacturers copy this (basically cool phone + cool ui) or just push for more complex features and integration.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mtn
                                    • 18 Jan 2007

                                    First of all Aplle... NO... And why the h..ll they allways put the friking "i" on theyr ewery product. What next "i" game pod? This is beeing said as a rumour... I´ll Pray not!
                                    One thing i liked on the i phone. No buttons...COOL! so sci fi.
                                    i this i that look wer so selfish

                                      • J
                                      • Jase-Man
                                      • wvP
                                      • 18 Jan 2007

                                      Wow, people are just forgetting that you can't have your cake and eat it to. There is no phone ever made on the market today that dose EVERYTHING so people are just always comparing a phone to something else. With the wifi ability the internet will be awesome and remember the phone is the offspring of the ipod in a way and is designed for great multimedia like most apple products so just wait till what the next phone they launch has to offer and people need to stop being so negative.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mRv
                                        • 18 Jan 2007

                                        as for the ouh screen prob they give you a touch pen to solve that and the nokia lover get a life
                                        the n70 or any other nokia for that matter cant even touch the tech thats going to be avabile in this