Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • N
  • Nox
  • ixm
  • 10 Jan 2007

Interestingly enough, Apple has had problems with call it's new baby 'Iphone' as it has already been registered as a trademark by another company. I wonder if they will try to cheeky and just drop the 'I' all together or think of something equally flowery to call it.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nye
    • 10 Jan 2007

    It's a cool phone but i thing that N93i N76 N800 N95 from nokia are much performance

      • N
      • Nirodha
      • i2G
      • 10 Jan 2007

      Ok, design-wise this iPhone is very cool - the touch screen is just killer. However, I don't like being limited to a set amount of storage - even if it is a very generous 8GB - so I would have preferred it have a card slot. The battery life is not bad, but nothing to write home about. A 2MP camera is fine on a phone, but a xenon flash and auto-focus are most-haves these days.

      In terms of the iTunes music player, there's some nice eye candle there, but, really, SE Walkman 2.0 player is just as functional.

      In terms of it running OSX - which is a Unix variant - that's not as big of a deal is it sounds. There are already Linux - another Unix variant - based smart phones on the market.

      In terms of Apple going on about their marvelous new synch capabilities - uhuh, yeah, that's nice. Again, I'm sure it's not as revolutionary is it sounds.

      All and all though I'm sure it will be nice. I might even buy one on the Hong Kong gray market to play with. ;)

        • b
        • brook lyall
        • PTd
        • 10 Jan 2007

        wont the scren get dameged

          • 3
          • 3Zs
          • PGh
          • 10 Jan 2007

          I live in Asia & i'll be getting a 2mp camera phone in 2008 for US$600. Why dont i just burn my money. all other function r not special 8gb memory so what, u'll probably have that in '08, with a card slot plus this isn't even a 3g phone, piece of trash, it has good support functions though but the basics are horrible.

          The only thing good about this is its 'Apple'

            • S
            • Steitiyeh
            • MGp
            • 10 Jan 2007

            the sonyericsson w950i is 4GB & the Nokia N91 Music Edition is 8GB, therefore talkin about 4/8GB is so normal... i personally expect much more from apple regarding storage size.

              • o
              • owais
              • 2Ad
              • 10 Jan 2007

              i would like to have ur prize for apple i phone as soon it is possible. thanx and regards

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • RKp
                • 10 Jan 2007

                hohohoh!! with this big screen?? how can u calibrate its screen? hehehe.. I think this is very hard to use

                  • s
                  • scixxors
                  • kee
                  • 10 Jan 2007

                  its sick !! so wickeeeeeeeeed !! saving money to get it. werd.

                    • A
                    • Andrew
                    • 4ws
                    • 10 Jan 2007

                    I've also been waiting for n95 A LONG time. Apple iPhone looks really sexy, but a worthless 2MP cam, no GPS and no expandable memory? WTF?! Has a lot of nice features which makes settling for one hand set really really difficult.

                    *sigh* why can't nokia and apple merge.

                      • T
                      • Tblu
                      • jSe
                      • 10 Jan 2007

                      critics should watch Steve Jobs iPhone's introduction at SFMW. Apple's interface and features will blow you away.

                        • s
                        • stevenryan
                        • inG
                        • 10 Jan 2007

                        I'm not a big Apple fan but the iphone made me drool. Up until yesterday, I was looking forward for the N95 to be released. The iphone seems to be something to be considered. 320x480 vs 240x320 pixels. 3.5" vs 2.6" screen. 8GB vs 2GB+160MB. OS X vs Symbian 9.2. 11.6mm vs 21mm thickness. 2megapixel vs 5megapixel. Internal battery @ 5hours talktime vs removable batt @ 6hours 30mins. $700 (unconfirmed) vs $599. I hope these two will be released at around the same time so reviews, bugs and complains would also be considered. I wonder what's the GPRS specs on the iphone. Wow, with the way Apple handles the marketing with their ipod, the iphone is definitely gonna push the company's stock figures again when this hits the public shelves.

                          • w
                          • what's all the hype
                          • iFq
                          • 10 Jan 2007

                          What's the big deal here???

                          As a phone, the standard mobiles now have better functions
                          As an ipod, What the hell can I do with only 8 GB??

                          And by the time they enhance the phone functions and expand the harddisk space they'll mess it up (just like they messed up the ipod by bringing the buttons inside the wheel)

                          Apple starts with good ideas but as they attempt to fix the initial problems they wind up messing the whole thing up.

                          I'd take any pocket pc mobile over this one.

                            • P
                            • Phone-Doctor
                            • UDM
                            • 10 Jan 2007

                            i think nothink special about this phone... so many better phones out there.
                            don't be so permissive about apple, yeah ofcourse you are apple-lover :D
                            what about keypad or qwerty keypad?
                            SE and Nokia have better phone than this one...
                            wake up!!

                              • D
                              • David Schiavone
                              • MJN
                              • 10 Jan 2007

                              This Phone appears to be really promising! Lately Apple have been creating some very good devices and i must applaud them for doing that. Lets see and wait..Maybe who knows it might be my next mobile phone! Provided that my Nokia 6230 is going bonkers.

                                • G
                                • Grover
                                • PTT
                                • 10 Jan 2007

                                If there are no worms in this apple, it will shake the other mobile phone companies to the core.

                                  • n
                                  • nicky
                                  • EqW
                                  • 10 Jan 2007

                                  man this is so cool waited so long for this.. beat SE walkman's and nokia's ME phones down flat.. can't wait for it to reach asia!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PxB
                                    • 10 Jan 2007

                                    an Ipod and a mobile phone? Great! Wow! a must-have gadget!!

                                      • a
                                      • ash
                                      • iwr
                                      • 10 Jan 2007

                                      This better not be as scratch prone as the ipods.

                                        • a
                                        • ash
                                        • iwr
                                        • 10 Jan 2007

                                        Will we be able to view edit microsoft word, excel, ppt and adoble acrobat files on this device. Jobs conveniently missed these from his presentation, but they are a necessary evil with e-mail, and are why part of every smartphone's capabilities.