Apple iPhone announced at Macworld
- A
- Allan Lynn Lee
- mCi
- 09 Jan 2007
Its greatest Cell phone ever... Appe really reinvented the phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- k6C
- 09 Jan 2007
Cingular, a unit of AT&T (up $0.17 to $33.98, Charts), will be Apple's sole U.S. partner. It's an exclusive multiyear agreement, which means no other carrier will be able to sell the iPhone through 2009
- d
- dj
- 09 Jan 2007
finally! just when i'm planning to buy a new phone. i'm gonna start saving up for this one. it's beautiful!
- s
- sour
- phX
- 09 Jan 2007
will hit the market because of the not big qnt of luxury phones.Apple will hit a bit this 2007 year especcially Microsoft in all cases.It's good phone, iPhone.
- S
- ScottY
- mH2
- 09 Jan 2007
Dont give a crap what ANYONE says, Apple make the best PC's the best Mp3 Players, Some of the Bets Mucic and Video Software. Hell why would this be behing. This thing OWNS.
- B
- ny2
- 09 Jan 2007
It has a zirconium screen, another Apple pantent-special for it. If you looked in the demonstration-photos, even after he played with it pretty much it was very clean.
Yes. Definetly, we can't compare N95 with iPhone, for the moment. Hardware talking, the N95 beats the iPhone, let's say. But software talking... (rolling on the floor laughing)
But let's not forget. We're 6 months ahead from the moment that iPhone will start shipping. I really think that Apple will come with a better camera and who knows 3G.
- N
- N.P
- RnB
- 09 Jan 2007
I work in the consumer sales and marketing side of the t-com industry and must say that this is a device that makes my heart pound with excitement! Sleek and fuctional. Most apple users are used to and expect an apple product to be a little errr delicate so although it may not perform as well or as smoothly as the Nokia it will out sell it based on the strength of the Apple brand right now. This along with LNP launching in Canada will send the numbers spinning in 2007!
- g
- gurululu
- p6G
- 09 Jan 2007
No HSDPA/UMTS - im not bying.
sorry ):
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Ba
- 09 Jan 2007
Also what would be nice.
A VGA cam in the front for video conferencing when iChat comes out on iPhone.
Also an active GPS would be nice also, when using Google Maps, but that is just me.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Ba
- 09 Jan 2007
I'll wait for Rev.B to come out.
Hopefully it will have iChat, and Quicktime.
More NAND flash space over 10 Gb would be nice.
Better built-in camera say 5+ megapixels (auto-focus).
Also I want UMTS or HSDPA (?sp)
Also unlocked.
Probably wont happen, until sometime in 2008 (Rev.B)
- ?
- Anonymous
- PhV
- 09 Jan 2007
Very good but... I prefer the N95!!!
- B
- Bazza
- 09 Jan 2007
I have been waiting for this phone to come out now for a while! and i must say it is more that i expected it to be, even thow it has 8gb im stil dissapointed with its camera. i have a w800i and i think its one of the best phones on the market but i dont think i will bother updating to this.
- F
- Frazer
- m23
- 09 Jan 2007
Actually it DOES have WiFi. So there you go. ;)
Will GSMArena be creating a section for Apple phones now too? ;)
- B
- Benny
- Bqt
- 09 Jan 2007
how can you compare to N95? This iphone lacks:
HSDPA, 5mpix camera, GPS onboard, WiFi and finally (despite being quite thin) is very big in comparison.
- b
- bardia
- St}
- 09 Jan 2007
the best of 2007 so cool
- F
- FJ
- mRS
- 09 Jan 2007
- T
- Tony
- kMg
- 09 Jan 2007
8gb for $600 with 2 years contract... i wonder how much is for the service. i dont know whether to wait for this or get the n95
- k
- kenny
- nE2
- 09 Jan 2007
not before time,,we need a new injection of life into the mobile phone market,,i hope it runs without bugs & is super user friendly like all apple products.Its running a mobile version of its ilk so will it beat mobile windows & symbian operating systems,,only time will tell
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4XW
- 09 Jan 2007
It won't be available in US (where it will launch first) until June, and quoted around 2008 in Asia unfortunately. I've seen the notes from the presentation and it is to be honest one amazing little machine. Comes in 4GB / 8GB capacity. To put it simply this is what you would have if you merge an iPod with a smart phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Jan 2007
sweet, dude.